
春の名残りと夏の始まりの一汁一菜 "ichiju-ichisai (one soup, one dish)" to mark the end of spring and the beginning of summer

A minimalist's seasonal calendar

Recipe trivia


The summer vegetables in the planters have all started to bear fruit at once. Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, etc. In contrast, the spring vegetables have started to bolt and their leaves have withered, and the harvest is nearing the end. It's the season of change. It's just an excuse for being lazy, but recently I've been planting vegetables that grow from winter to spring and vegetables that grow from spring to autumn together in the same planter. For example, tomatoes next to Brussels sprouts, bitter melon next to peas. Sometimes they don't grow well because of problems with successive crops or because of the compatibility of companion plants, but if they are successfully rotated at the change of seasons, I don't have to replace the soil every time, so even with this lazy, neglected cultivation, I've managed to harvest enough for us to eat (it doesn't always work out that well. Sometimes they all wither. You can use the recipes as a reference, but I'm a complete novice when it comes to gardening, so don't try to imitate me). One day, I made a Zen-style "one soup, one dish" using only the produce from the planters.


Some people say that "ichiju-ichisai" (one soup and one dish) was the basis of the common people's meals in Japan, but that is not true at all, and the common people's meals were not so fixed. The common people only cooked rice once a day, and when they said rice, it was almost always "katemeshi" (see the previous article on katemeshi), so it was not white rice with no nutrition, but "katemeshi" (a highly nutritious rice and side dish with plenty of vegetables, potatoes, and grains) that was their staple food (of course, this was not a principle but an economic consequence). At lunch, they ate rice balls with grains, steamed potatoes, boiled snails from the rice fields, and in the evening, they made porridge using the leftover rice from the morning. In short, it is reasonable to think that after paying the tax, everything that could not be sold at the market was served on the table.
Originally, "ichiju-ichisai" was a meal format prescribed in the training of Zen temples, and referred to rice (not necessarily white rice), soup, pickles, and one side dish. Rather than poor people's food, it refers to simple food that does not evoke the desire for fine cuisine. It means the minimum composition of a meal that is the minimum required for training and has been stripped of luxuries. When guests come or on special occasions, the number of dishes increases, and the phrase changes to "one soup, two dishes" or "one soup, three dishes." This "one soup, N dishes" format was inherited by honzen cuisine and kaiseki cuisine, and became the standard of Kamigata Kappo cuisine in the Edo period. After the Genroku period, even merchants and wealthy farmers began to eat "one soup, three dishes" or "one soup, five dishes," so the shogunate and poor feudal domains, which had to push through austerity policies, made "one soup, one dish" the goal of their frugality edicts.
With rapid economic growth, Japan joined the ranks of so-called developed countries, white rice became the staple food, and people began to eat high-calorie Western-style meals, and adult diseases began to become a problem in Japan as well. At that time, a report was issued from a government office in the United States, a country that is advanced in adult diseases, stating that the prewar diet of Japan and Okinawa was effective against adult diseases. In response, Japanese government officials and researchers all began to sing the praises of a return to the Japanese diet's roots. The propaganda they used at the time was, of course, this "ichiju-ichisai" (one soup, one dish) idea.
So it's not accurate to say that "Japanese common people are healthy because they've been eating a healthy "ichiju-ichisai" (one soup, one dish) diet since ancient times." As long as white rice is the staple food, there are times when "ichiju-nisai " (one soup, two dishes) or "ichiju-Sansai" (three dishes) are necessary. What's important is the content, and there's no need to stick to the "ichiju-ichisai" (one soup, one dish) format.  For busy businessmen, a meal that can be completed in one bowl is also attractive. So, if it is packed with "one soup and one dish" elements, such as tanmen or gomoku soba, which are topped with a huge variety of ingredients, it is perfectly acceptable. As proof, Japanese ramen with lots of ingredients is very popular overseas. The phrase "ichijuu ichisai" (one soup and one dish) is easy to understand. However, I think it is important to be aware that if you get too hung up on the formality, you may end up missing something.


Here, I used the last of the spring vegetables, leaf lettuce, rape blossoms, celery leaves, and peas. And the summer vegetables that have begun to ripen, cherry tomatoes, eggplant, and cucumbers. I used these to make breakfast. The main dish was pea rice, and I also made miso soup with lots of ingredients, so in the end it was "one soup and one side dish." However, if this had been a job request and the condition was that the main dish had to be polished rice, I'm sure I would have balanced it out by having "one soup and two side dishes" or "one soup and three side dishes."



White rice
Harvested peas (store-bought, of course)
Harvested rape blossoms (greens, any will do)
Harvested celery leaves (optional)
Harvested lettuce (lettuce, any will do)
Harvested cherry tomatoes (store-bought will do)
Harvested eggplant (store-bought will do)
Homemade cucumber pickles (see previous article. Any suitable pickle will do)
Homemade stock (see previous article)
Dried sardines
Sesame (store-bought grated sesame seeds are fine)
Light type soy sauce



This recipe is based on one burner. If you have multiple burners, you can do the steps at the same time.
(Preparing for pea rice)
Prepare a thick-bottomed pot, rinse the rice, and add a piece of kelp to soak up the water. The weight ratio of rice to water is 15:18.
Remove the peas from their pods.
(Preparing for miso soup)
Cut the eggplant into bite-sized pieces.
Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
Tear the leaf lettuce into bite-sized pieces.
(Preparing for the simmered dish)
Wash the rape blossoms and celery leaves and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Put the dried sardines in a soup pot and pour in water. It is even better if you prepare it the day before and keep it in the refrigerator.
Mash the sesame seeds.
(Cooking rice)
Put the kelp and peas removed from their pods in the rice pot, and season with salt and light soy sauce.
Cover and cook over high heat.
Once boiling, reduce heat to low and cook for 15 minutes, then turn off heat and let steam for about 10 minutes.
(Making the dish)
In a pot, bring water to a boil and boil the rape blossoms and celery leaves.
Cool the boiled rape blossoms and celery leaves under running water or ice water and squeeze out the water.
Put the boiled rape blossoms and celery leaves in a bowl, pour in the ground sesame and stock you have prepared, and mix well. Taste and add light soy sauce to adjust the flavor.
(Preparing the pickles)
Cut the cucumber pickles into pieces and arrange on a plate.
(Making miso soup)
Put eggplant in a soup pot and heat it. Once it boils, reduce heat and simmer until the eggplant is soft.
Add the tomatoes and leaf lettuce, bring it to a boil again, dissolve the miso, and immediately turn off the heat.
(Serve at the table)
Serve each dish in a serving dish.

Tips and tricks:    


"Ichijyu , ichisai(one soup, one dish)" refers to soup (clear soup, miso soup, or something like kenchin-jiru, any soup will do) and side dish (boiled, grilled and simmered dish, anything will do). Staple food (cooked rice, kate-meshi, potatoes, somen noodles, bread, any carbohydrate that will be the main source of energy will do) and pickles are always provided. So, in terms of content, "ichijyu, ichisai" is "staple food + side dish + soup + pickles". If you want to make "ichijyu, ichisai" a habit from a nutritional standpoint, if the main dish is white rice or white bread and the soup is lacking in ingredients, it is preferable to have the flexibility to make it "one soup, 2-side dish" or "one soup, 3-side dish" to balance it out.
Here, I deliberately use white rice to enjoy the aroma of seasonal peas. In my case, I usually have "kate-meshi" or rye bread. Soba, udon, or other pasta is also fine. People in the Edo period walked a lot and did farm work, so they normally consumed the equivalent of two cups of rice per meal, but modern people don't need that much energy, so there's no need to imitate them. However, modern Japanese dishes are too strong-flavored due to the overuse of synthetic seasonings and sweet and spicy soy sauce (this is a style of seasoning that began mainly after the war, when polished rice became the staple food, and is different from the seasoning before the war.), so people tend to overeat white rice and white bread. If you get into the habit of eating lightly seasoned dishes and savoring the flavor of the ingredients themselves, you will naturally consume less white rice. I think it's important to keep this in mind if you're practicing the "ichiju-ichisai" diet for health reasons.


The soup is full of ingredients. If you don't have enough protein, you can add fried tofu, mashed or roasted beans. You can use any stock you have on hand, but here I used the water from soaking shiitake mushrooms and some leftover shiitake mushroom stems. Since it's early summer and I want to serve something refreshing, I used barley miso with a floral scent. Shinshu miso is also fine. It's up to your preference. If root vegetables are the main ingredient, you can use Sendai miso, which is richer, or add white miso or Hatcho miso from the beginning and simmer for a while. White miso and Hatcho miso are more flavorful if simmered rather than boiled quickly. Of course, clear soup, Western or Chinese soup, or dal soup are also fine.
It's good to think about the balance of the side dishes with the ingredients in the soup. If the soup is mainly tofu or other protein, use plenty of vegetables, and if it is mainly vegetables, use deep-fried tofu, grilled fish, natto, etc. to balance it out.
Pickles can be salted, pickled in rice bran, or something like pickles or achar. I had some pickled winter greens and pickles left over, so I used the pickles.
If you keep some stock and some pickles on hand, the process becomes much easier. For miso soup, if you mix miso, kelp, dried sardine powder, etc. in advance, you can use it just by dissolving it, which saves time.


Overall, it is good to use the idea of ​​the "five tastes and five colors" that is also used in medicinal cuisine. The molecules that make up food each have their own color and taste, so if you incorporate them evenly, your food will be pleasing to the eye and nutritionally balanced. The "five tastes" are a balance of salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami (or spicy). The "five colors" are a balance of blue (green), red (purple), orange (yellow), white, and brown (black).
Another medicinal cuisine idea is to "use ingredients that cool the body and ingredients that warm the body separately." For example, "use ingredients that warm the body for people who are prone to cold." If you are interested in this, there are many medicinal cuisine and Ayurvedic experts on Note, so it would be a good idea to search for them.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
