
スパークリングワインと合わせる桃のスパゲティーニ Peach Spaghettini with Sparkling wine:おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection


A collection of small dishes served on "Midnight Diner" (a story that took place long before the TV drama "Midnight Diner"). We served anything as long as we had the ingredients. Since it was mostly improvisation, we made hundreds of dishes, but we will recreate little by little the ones that remind us of our customers' episodes (we have dramatized some of the more inappropriate stories).

The inspiration for the recipe


I used to work as a bartender in Japan's biggest nightlife district. This happened more than 40 years ago, when I was a student. My parents' business went bankrupt and I had no money, so I managed to get into university, but I had to work at the same time, otherwise I would have trouble making ends meet. Fortunately, I had a talent for writing programs, so I made ends meet by programming games during the day. Even though I was poor, I wanted to go abroad, so I made a big effort and took a job as a bartender late at night. At that time, the exchange rate was 360 yen to the dollar. It was a time when discount tickets and working holidays did not exist, so it was almost impossible for poor people to go abroad. So I came up with the idea of ​​a late-night job, but as a result, I neglected my studies. I also got used to the taste of delicious food and alcohol. The nightlife district was kind to such a loser.
In that town, I met the first person I could call my best friend. He was 30 years old, much older than me, and made his living as a pimp. A pimp is someone who catches customers on the street and introduces them to bars and clubs. For every customer they introduced to a bar, they received a 1,000 yen introduction fee from the bar. They had to pay protection money, and they had connections with the underworld, but they were not yakuza. After work, he would stop by the bar where I worked every day. He was humble and incredibly friendly during work. But that was probably only one side of him. At the bar, he would sit at the very end of the counter and read a book quietly, never talking to anyone. One day, when the other customers had left, he spoke to me, which was unusual. It was the first time he had done so outside of sewabanashi. At the time, he was reading an award-winning work by Murakami Haruki, who had just made his debut in the literary world. I was interested in it, so I picked it up and had just finished reading it. He seemed happy that I knew about the book, and we began to talk frequently after that.
We gradually became closer, and would often go out drinking together after the bars closed. By drinking, I mean at 5am. As expected, it's the number one nightlife district in Japan, so many establishments are open until the early hours. However, we both had very little money, so we went to a soba restaurant and a beef bowl restaurant and drank for breakfast. After that, we waited for the liquor store to open and drank our fill in front of it. We both wanted to save up money and go on a wandering journey, so we talked about that dream haphazardly. After about two years, I left the city, and since it was an era before cell phones, we didn't pry into each other's identities, so our fun early morning drinking sessions naturally died out.


I had completely forgotten about him. Then, I had a chance to come to this town late at night for the first time in 15 years. I was attending to the president of an American client. He was interested in yakitori and karaoke, which was unusual for a white person at that time, so I decided to show him around this downtown area. After eating at a standing skewer restaurant in a side street, I took him to the deepest part of the downtown area. It had been a long time since I last visited, and there was no particular restaurant I was looking for, so as I was walking around looking around, a pimp called out to me. He was still wearing his bow tie and black suit, and it was him, who I had drunk with in my student days. He seemed to recognize me, and we gave each other a long hug. The customer was surprised as if I was a regular in this town, but it was a complete coincidence. I had a cell phone with me at the time, so I gave him my contact information.
Another fifteen years passed, and I ended up working in the food and beverage industry through various coincidences, and ended up working at the counter of a restaurant in Kamakura. At that time, I received a rare phone call from him. We exchanged updates and I told him that I was working as a bartender again, and he was very happy. He continued to work as a pimp in the same town. A few days later, he suddenly visited my restaurant in Kamakura. He was close to turning sixty, and his hair was completely white. I heard that he was quitting his job and returning to his hometown of Aomori. As a parting gift, I bought him a Cava (Spanish sparkling wine). He pointed to the peaches piled up in a basket on the counter and said, "I'll ask you to make me some peach pasta. At one of my regular customers' restaurants, the hostesses often order peach pasta to go with their champagne, and I've always wanted to try it." This is the pasta I made for him. After that, we called each other to exchange updates, but one day he canceled his cell phone contract, and that was the last time I heared him.


The Night City version is often paired with prosciutto and delicate capellini. However, at the time, I was out of both prosciutto and capellini, so I made a vegetarian version by combining spaghettini and walnuts. Every year when peach season comes around, I eat this pasta while remembering the fun drinking parties I had with him.

Today's Ingredients:



Basil (optional)
Natural salt
Extra virgin olive oil



Peel the peaches and scrape off the flesh. It's okay if it crumbles.
Mash the walnuts and half the peaches in a food processor until they become creamy.
Boil the pasta for about 2 minutes less than the recommended cooking time.
Put the olive oil and pasta cooking water in a pot, add the peaches and simmer for a little while.
Add the pasta, peach and walnut paste, salt and pepper, and stir to mix with the cooking water.
Finally, add the chopped basil and season with salt and lime.

Recipe tips and variation


Peaches are expensive, but it's good to make this when you can get some that are a little hard or overripe and cheap.
If the peaches are a little hard, you can simmer them for a longer time. If they are ripe, you can just simmer them briefly.
I use extra virgin olive oil because the flavor of the peaches is lost when they are too oily, but you can use other oils if you like.
You can also use cashew nuts or pine nuts instead of walnuts.
If you're not vegetarian, you can also mix in sour cream or yogurt. If you have room, you can also top it with prosciutto at the end.
You can also use chervil, dill, fennel, or mint instead of basil.
If you want to make a cold version, boil the capellini, rinse them under running water, and mix them with the same ingredients without heating them. In that case, use ripe peaches.
It's easy to imagine the classic Italian cocktail "Bellini," but it goes very well with sparkling wine. You can make a small amount and serve it as an appetizer.


Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
