
甘辛い漬け物「ゴーヤぬジージキ(地漬け)」 Sweet pickles: "Goya nu jijiki(Bitter melon pickled in brown sugar)"

Lesson in chemistry

Recipe trivia


Okinawa has a pickling technique called "jijiki" (pickled locally) in the Ryukyuan language that is not found in mainland Japan. The kanji compound "(地漬け)jizuke" is also used in Japanese, and it refers to pickled vegetables from the region. In that sense, it is the same in Okinawa, but in addition to salt, a large amount of brown sugar is also used in the pickling bed. Okinawa is surrounded by the sea, and preserved foods that use "maas" (salt) include "shima rakkyo" (lightly pickled rakkyo) and "suchika" (salted pork). Okinawa is in the subtropics, so in the days before refrigerators, if pickles were made using only salt as a base, the salt concentration had to be quite high, otherwise they would ferment. If the purpose is to store at room temperature, pickles in mainland Japan have a salt concentration of about 10%, while at the average temperature in Okinawa, more than 15% salt is required even in winter. It's fine if you eat it immediately as a lightly pickled shima rakkyo, or use a small amount in cooking like suchika, but it's too salty to store it for a long time and eat it little by little. So they came up with the idea of ​​jijiki made with brown sugar. They use salt (maas) but also plenty of brown sugar (kurujata) to pickle the ingredients. This way they can be kept at room temperature for years and eaten little by little. In Okinawa, they are enjoyed as a snack with tea, rather than as a side dish. Unfortunately, however, not everyone in Okinawa makes them these days, and they are now a pickle that is taught to you by elders born before the war. Like the pickled plums of the past in Japan, they were a home-style taste that boasted of their age, from five to ten years old. A long time ago, I worked part-time at an inn on a remote island in Okinawa, where an older woman born in the Meiji era taught me all the Okinawan dishes. Come to think of it, she also boasted about her jijiki made with 12-year-old bitter melon and papaya (immature papaya).


The history of sugarcane in the Ryukyus dates back to the 17th century. The unified dynasty of the Ryukyu Kingdom was established in the 15th century, largely due to the "tributary system (a kind of diplomatic treaty)" based on a tributary relationship with China (Ming). At that time, all Asian countries, except for the Mughal Empire and Japan, were under the influence of the Ming tributary system and established their national politics and economies. The tributary system was equivalent to a loose relationship of lord and vassal based on feudalism, rather than a direct relationship of ruler and vassal. They maintained the relationship of lord and vassal by using the same era names and calendar as China, and paying tribute (subordinates paid tribute to the emperor and received gifts in return from the emperor. Essentially a form of trade) at regular intervals. China supported the creation of political and administrative systems for these countries, and also contributed to the transfer of technology and culture. This not only broadly demonstrated China's prestige, but also had the practical significance of creating security and a stable trade zone. Countries with similar systems and cultures would avoid unnecessary friction and wear and tear. In this relatively stable East Asian situation, the Ryukyu Kingdom developed a neutral diplomatic policy, actively engaged in transit trade, and strengthened its national power. It also began trading with Japan around this time. At its peak, it had advanced as far as Malacca. As the Ryukyu Kingdom became economically stable, it introduced advanced technology and established an administrative system, giving birth to a unified dynasty.
However, this prosperity did not last long. European powers such as Portugal began to advance into Southeast Asia and East Asia in search of interests, occupying Malacca and even forcing free trade on the Ming Dynasty. As a result, Ryukyu trading ships could no longer operate as freely as before. Furthermore, the "Late Wako" (a multinational group of pirates, mainly Chinese. Armed, they freely operated maneuverable junks and engaged in private trade and plundering) rampaged in these waters, making safe navigation impossible. As a result, the Ryukyu Kingdom fell into financial difficulties. In search of a source of income other than transit trade, the Ryukyu King sent an envoy to China, and sugar cane cultivation and sugar processing began. This is where the long history of sugar cane in the Ryukyu Kingdom began. However, in order to resolve the financial difficulties at this time, the Ryukyu Kingdom broke its neutral diplomatic policy and asked Japan for financial assistance through the Shimazu Domain. This decision gave the Shimazu clan, who had always been interested in ruling the Ryukyu Islands, an opportunity to take advantage of the situation, which ultimately led to their continued rule. As you may know, the Shimazu clan amassed wealth through their sugar cane and trade interests, and went on to play a key role in the Meiji Restoration.


Sugar is a kind of drug. Do you know how much sugar is produced? Surprisingly, the world produces more than twice as much sugar every year as wheat, the leading grain producer. Humans have a sweet tooth. That's only natural, because humans need glucose as energy. Even carbohydrates that don't look sweet at first glance are eventually broken down into glucose, which becomes the energy that powers the brain and body. That's why the taste organs on the human tongue that detect the sweetness of sugar are the most developed. Ants aren't the only ones that flock to honey. There are probably people who say, "I don't eat sweets, and I don't really like sweet dishes," but in fact, in many cases, we consume a lot of sugar without realizing it. Most popular Japanese foods that Japanese people brag about as gourmet foods contain a considerable amount of added sugar. Teriyaki sauce, which originated in Japan, is almost a lump of sugar. Yakitori sauce, sukiyaki sauce, eel sauce, beef bowl sauce, and teriyaki sauce are all seasoned mainly with sugar. The same can be said for popular condiments such as ketchup and tonkatsu sauce. Compared to Japanese sweets, which are eaten in small amounts as a luxury item, "sweet and spicy dishes" that use a lot of sugar are not conscious of it, and are not easy to dispose of. In fact, sushi is one of them. The original Edomae sushi did not add sugar to the sushi rice. It was seasoned only with red vinegar and salt. At that time, sugar was a valuable commodity that was only used for sweets. In the late Meiji period, sugar began to be distributed cheaply, and sugar began to be used in sushi rice. It is a relatively new idea. Sugar was hardly used in traditional Japanese kappo cuisine or prewar home cooking, but after the war, large amounts of sugar began to be used in izakayas and home cooking. Sugar is such a fascinating drug. If you're not quite sure what the flavor of your curry or Chinese food is, try adding a pinch of sugar. It will taste dramatically better. Umami can also be sweet.

ヨーロッパ人も、最初は蜂蜜の甘味しか知らなかった。サトウキビの砂糖はインド北部で早くから作られていたけど、ヨーロッパにはまだ伝わっていなかったからだ。その後、イスラム教徒にとって重要な交易品となりヨーロッパや中国にも伝わっていった。当時は中継貿易を経た高級品だったので、薬として扱われていたほどだ。「Saccharum officinarum」というサトウキビの学名は「薬局の砂糖」を意味する。日本でも、砂糖を扱った狂言「附子(ぶす)」に当時高価だった砂糖の話が取り上げられている。テン菜を使った砂糖造りが発明されるのは19世紀になってからで、当時、砂糖は「サトウキビの砂糖」を意味していた。この砂糖とスパイスへのヨーロッパ人の憧憬が、大航海時代の始まりの原動力の一つになった。奴隷貿易も砂糖プランテーションの働き手確保が一つの動機となっている。

At first, Europeans only knew the sweetness of honey. Sugar from sugarcane had been produced in northern India for a long time, but it had not yet reached Europe. Later, it became an important trade item for Muslims and spread to Europe and China. At the time, it was a luxury item that had been traded via intermediate routes, and was even used as medicine. The scientific name for sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum, means "pharmacy sugar." In Japan, the story of sugar, which was expensive at the time, is featured in the kyogen play "Busu," which deals with sugar. It was not until the 19th century that sugar production using beet was invented, and at the time, sugar meant "sugarcane sugar." This European yearning for sugar and spices was one of the driving forces behind the beginning of the Age of Discovery. The slave trade was also motivated by the desire to secure workers for sugar plantations.
The Ryukyu Kingdom was also at the mercy of this sugar. There is an isolated island in Okinawa called Kumejima. The spring water is extremely delicious, and rice was once cultivated all over the island. That's why it's called "Kumejima". Incidentally, the famous awamori "Kumesen" uses this spring water. After that, all rice farming was replaced with sugarcane fields, and no traces remain. The neighboring Amami Islands, which came under the direct control of the Shimazu clan, were even more devastated. Most of the land was taken over by sugarcane fields, and farmers at the time had trouble even getting food. That shows how much demand there was for sugarcane.
Even so, Okinawan cuisine is not dominated by sweet and spicy flavors like Japanese home cooking. Because they have been using sugar for a long time, they are rather restrained in their use of brown sugar in cooking (although after the war, junk food from the United States flowed in and had a significant impact). It may have been because it was an important trade item. In Okinawa, brown sugar is the main form of sugar, and it is well incorporated into the diet without excessive intake. Traditional Okinawan cuisine using brown sugar has a deep flavor. Jīziki is one such traditional dish.



Bitter melon
Kurjata (brown sugar)
Maas (sea salt)



Prepare a container such as a jar or pot for pickling and sterilize it.
Cut the bitter melon in half, remove the seeds and pulp, and cut it into pieces of the desired size.
Place brown sugar in the bottom of the container.
Arrange the bitter melon, sprinkled with sea salt, on top of that, and cover with brown sugar. Repeat this process, and finally place the brown sugar on top.
After a day or two, the water will be absorbed from the bitter melon and it will be submerged in the brown sugar liquid.
If the water does not rise all the way, turn it over and add more brown sugar.
Store it as is in a cool, dark place.
The flavors will have matured after about six months and it will be delicious.
If it is pickled properly, it can be stored at room temperature for many years.
Remove and eat as is.


Tips  and tricks:    


Prepare a container with a lid to prevent bacteria and dust from getting in.
Disinfect the container by pouring boiling water over it or using alcohol.
Here, the ingredients are pickled in sea salt and brown sugar at the same time, but you can also salt the ingredients first and then pickle them in brown sugar again. If the ingredients are watery, salt them once to prevent the sugar liquid from becoming diluted, discard the water that comes out, and then pickle them in brown sugar again. I used this method with bitter melon because it has little water content.
Some people add awamori or pickled plums to prevent spoilage.
If the ingredients are not sufficiently covered with sea salt or brown sugar, the water may not rise. In that case, stir well up and down to make sure the ingredients are evenly covered with sea salt and brown sugar.
If there is a lot of water or the salt concentration is low, bubbles will appear and fermentation will begin, so it is a good idea to add sea salt to stop the fermentation.
Other than bitter melon, you can also use shibui (winter melon), ui (gourd), papaya (unripe papaya), dikne (daikon radish), kohlrabi, etc. In this case, ingredients with a high water content should be soaked in sea salt.
By the way, if the seeds haven't hardened yet, you can deep fry the whole bitter melon pulp (or the remaining pulp after removing the seeds if they are ripe) in batter.
By the way, I'm pickling the bitter melon that I harvest from the planter little by little, so the jar isn't full yet. I plan to fill the jar with about a month of bitter melon harvesting. It's not necessary to pickle it all at once, you can pickle a little at a time.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be verhy happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
