出不精な春の味噌汁 Spring miso soup for feeling lazy
A minimalist's seasonal calendar
Recipe trivia
Although they are too wild to be called vegetables, it is my daily routine to gather the vegetables for miso soup from the planter in the courtyard of my apartment while weeding. I can harvest within this 3-meter range no matter what season it is. Moreover, spring is the season of budding, so the harvest is bumper.
The Italian parsley in the planter has grown huge and is actively producing flower buds. If all the seeds fly away, it will accelerate the growth of weeds, so I pick off most of the flower buds to thin them out.
僕は園芸は門外漢だ。それでも野菜好きなので、ずっと前からプランター園芸は続けている。技術者の悪い癖で、始めた頃は真面目に園芸書やインターネットにあるプロのアドバイスを見てプランター管理をしていて、疲れてしまった。素人にはやることが多すぎるのだ。一番大仕事が作物の切り替え時期の植替えだ。土を入れ替えて養生して連作障害に気をつけてと、プランターが十個も並ぶと家庭菜園の仕事と変わらない。場所もないのに、土を篩にかけたり、リサイクルしたり、日干ししたり、半日仕事なのだ。僕は車に乗らないので、土の搬出搬入調達にも苦労 する。おまけに長期出張も入る。仕事が本当に忙しくなってほとんど住まいで過ごす時間が無くなって、放置することが多くなった。
I'm not an expert in gardening. Still, I like vegetables, so I've been gardening in planters for a long time. It's a bad habit of engineers, but when I started, I seriously looked at gardening books and professional advice on the Internet to manage the planters, and I got tired. There's too much to do for an amateur. The biggest job is replanting when it's time to switch crops. With ten planters lined up, it's no different from working in a home garden, with replacing the soil, caring for the soil, and being careful about crop failure. Even though there's no space, sifting the soil, recycling it, drying it in the sun, and it's a half-day job. Since I don't have a car, it's hard to get the soil in and out. On top of that, I have to go on long business trips. My work got really busy and I hardly had time to spend at home, so I often left it alone.
But. It doesn't go according to plan like a professional, but even in that situation, I can still harvest something. The leaves of Brussels sprouts that have grown out of season are soft and firm like normal vegetables, and since they are perennials, they will form a head in the second year even if left alone. Crops that produce seeds will overgrow and grow naturally the next year. For some reason, self-seeded (however that may sound) seedlings seem to be less susceptible to problems caused by successive crops (don't try this at home as I haven't tested it properly). Encouraged by this, I started removing strong weed roots and seedlings that looked like they had infectious diseases early on, sowed some soil conditioner, and, keeping in mind companion plants, sowed winter vegetable seeds next to the summer vegetables, and summer vegetable seeds next to the winter vegetables. Well, it's not a method I would recommend to others, but I no longer have trouble harvesting enough for two people. I've been doing it for a long time since then.
That's why the crops in the planters are grown unattended, so they are covered with weeds. However, I do pull out the weeds that are big enough to encroach on the planter's owner. However, half of them are edible, so I pick out the soft parts and take them back to the kitchen.
The seri(japanese celery) and mitsuba, which had been stuck to the ground and stopped growing during the winter, are actively spreading their leaves, so I harvest the larger ones first. In fact, rather than cultivating both, they are the descendants of the mitsuba and japanese ncelery roots that I bought a long time ago and arranged because I didn't want to waste them. They have now become weeds.
Since I've been neglecting the cultivation, the area around the crops in the planter is covered with weeds. However, I do pull out the weeds that are large enough to encroach on the owner of the planter. However, half of them are edible, so I pick out the soft parts and bring them into the kitchen. Today's harvest is philadelphia fleabane and chickweed.
The Brassicaceae members are in full flower, so I thin those out as well. Today's harvest is brussels sprouts, broccoli, and mizuna flower buds.
Also, New Zealand spinach, which for some reason has become a perennial plant a few years ago. At first it would die in winter, so I would sow seeds again the following year, but at some point it started to survive the winter without dying.
The harvest is enough to make ingredients for miso soup. That's why I've never bought vegetables for miso soup.
Niboshi(Dried sardines)
Harvested during weeding
Thin fried tofu
Soak the niboshi(dried sardines) in water. If you do it the day before, it will give the dish a good broth, but you can use them without soaking.
Pour hot water over the thin fried tofu to wash off the oxidized oil and cut it into small pieces. Remove tough stems from the vegetables, wash them well and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Boil the niboshi in water to make the broth.
Add the vegetables and thin fried tofu to the boil and bring to a light simmer, then reduce the heat, dissolve the miso in it, turn off the heat immediately and serve.

Tips and tricks:
Niboshi will taste more refined if you remove the head and innards. However, depending on the type of miso, a strong broth with the head still attached may have a better balance. If you ask a chef at a high-end japanese restaurant how to make broth, they will tell you how to make a refined broth, but if you use that type of broth in miso soup, it will be overpowered by the taste of the miso. In particular, the refined broth made with bonito and konbu kelp used in japanese restaurants is not suitable for miso soup. When I make a refined broth from niboshi for oden or clear soup, I remove the heads the day before, infuse it in water, boil it briefly, and then remove the niboshi. Then, for miso soup, I use niboshi with the heads still on, or I use recycled niboshi that I have already used to make broth and the heads removed, boil it for a longer time, and eat the broth with the niboshi still on. It's up to your preference.
Here, we use barley miso, which is gorgeous and fragrant. Barley miso uses barley koji and has a floral aroma, so it goes well with miso soup with light ingredients such as leafy vegetables and tofu. The whitish Shinshu miso can be used in the same way. Of course, if you like darker country miso, you can use that. The aroma is the key to these types of miso, so it's best to dissolve the miso just before eating and not boil it. Otherwise, the aroma will disappear.
I'll introduce these on another occasion, but the way to use white miso, which is mainly made from rice, and Hatcho miso, which is mainly made from beans, is quite different. If anything, you can make the most of their characteristics by stewing them.
You can use any edible vegetables, or weeds for that matter. The rich flavor of the dried sardines and miso will take care of even the more pungent ingredients. On the other hand, if you want to enjoy the delicate flavor of a single ingredient, it's better to make it a clear soup.