
No.8 『潜水日誌』 "Logbook" (韓国)

★初めましての方は、まずこちらの記事をどうぞ ⤵





*本編 8006ワード、字幕数1,012、テロップ数50、計1,062枚。作業日数8日



3.Key words and phrases

a passenger ship = 旅客船
board = (動詞)乗船する
capsize = 転覆する
drown = 溺死する *過去形は drowned
corpse = 死体、遺体  *発音は「コープス」cf: corps(軍団)は「コー」
firsthand account = 目撃談、生の声
stem = 船首
stern = 船尾
steering room = 操舵室
suspend = 中断する
recover = 回収する、収容する
plaster board = 石膏ボード
tide = 潮 *high tide「満潮」low tide「干潮」
velocity = 速度
decompress = 減圧
decompression sickness = 減圧症、潜水病
chamber = 室内、船内
buoyancy = 浮力
by instinct = 直感で
psychiatrist = 精神科医
symptoms of trauma = トラウマの症状


Day 1 セウォル号沈没(速報とテロップ)

Today at 8:55 a.m., Busan Port received a report that a passenger ship is sinking for unknown reasons.  There are a total of 471 passengers on the ship.  Most of them are students going to Jeju Island for a school trip. 324 students and 10 teachers from Danwon High School of Ansan, Gyeonggi Province boarded the ship.  The ship is the 6,825-ton Sewol ferry.

本日 午前8時55分 、釜山(プサン)港に旅客船が沈没しているとの通報がありました。今のところ原因不明です。この船には471名が乗船していますが、ほとんどが修学旅行で済州(チェジュ)島に向かっていた高校生です。安山(アンサン)市の檀園(タヌウォン)高校の生徒324名と教員10名が乗船。船は6825トンのフェリー “セウォル号” です。

April 16, 2014
476 passengers boarded the Sewol Ferry.  325 were high school students on their field trip.  The ferry capsized.  The captain and the crew escaped, while telling passengers to stay inside.  They abandoned the ship and rescued no one.  304 people drowned.  To recover the victims after the incident, the best commercial divers across the country came and spent 80 days diving and recovering the 292 corpses.  This is their firsthand account. 

転覆したセウォル号の乗船客 476名中325名が、修学旅行中の高校生だった。船長と乗組員は一人の救出もせず、乗客を見捨てて脱出。304名が溺死した。事故後、全国から民間の優秀な潜水士が集まり、80日かけて海中から292名の遺体を回収した。これは彼らの生の声である。

Day 2 潜水日誌①

This book is my diving log from my diving days.  This only has information related to diving, like records of my diving times.  This is my diving journal.  In this journal, I recorded what happened and what I saw and felt.  There are some dates with no entries; I was either too tired or too emotional to write.  When I couldn’t write on the day, I had to write the next day.  But if I don't remember clearly, I don't write.


2 p.m., start operation.
Il-hong cleaned hall and checked last door of hall facing stern.  Jeon Kwang-geun searched around steering room, and found a female body through the window of crew bedroom.  Steering room search suspended.  Searched crew bedrooms again.  Female body recovered.  Kim Soo-yeol, Yang Yu-hong searched Room 3.  Failed to recover due to broken plaster board.  End operation.  Will rest at next low tide.  I'll get you out tomorrow.  Sorry I couldn't, today.  This isn't even in our field of vision.  The tides are strong, and it's deep.

イルホンは船尾側の最後のドアをチェックした。チョン・グァンギュンは操舵室周辺を捜索。乗組員寝室の窓から女性の遺体を発見。操舵室の捜索を中断。乗組員寝室を再度捜索。女性の遺体を収容。キム・スヨルとヤン・ユホンが3号室を捜索。石膏ボード破損のため回収不能。作業終了。次の干潮まで休憩だ。明日 引き揚げるよ。今日はごめん。視界が悪いし、潮流が強くて深い。

Day 3 潜水士の話①

Because of the high velocity, the divers cannot decompress underwater.  This machine helps them decompress on land and reduces their need to decompress underwater.  Once they come out of the water and go into the chamber, they can release the remaining CO2 of their body and the chance of decompression sickness declines through this process.  We call these rescue operations "salvaging".  This is the hardest job among diving jobs.  A few months before the incident, I worked in that sea.  That water is really tough.  It’s like the Himalayas.  The water runs fast, you can't see anything, and the water's cold.  It’s a lot harder than I can explain.  In Jeju Sea or the East Sea, you can just dive in.  But that sea is not like that.


Day 4 潜水士の話②

How many kids can we send back to their mothers?  That's all I cared.  My heart breaks for them, but sending them back to their parents is the only thing that I can do.  They were all gathered in a small room.  There were so many kids.  Because they were all wearing life jackets, the buoyancy was making them float.  We couldn't see exactly how many kids were there, but approximately, 20 kids came out of that room.  I started thinking, in this room how they suffered and cried.  Those thoughts were driving me crazy.  When we discover the bodies, we talk to them as if they were alive.  I told the student, "Let's hurry and go somewhere warm.  I'll take you to a good place." The kids usually floated up one by one.  But two kids float up together.  One and the other, almost at the same time.  They were girls.  They were holding hands.  Their bodies hardened up while holding hands.  So they floated up like this.  I could only imagine what the girls had gone through. "Hey, there's no hope.  Let's go together," they must have said.

何人をお母さんに返せるか? それが大事だった。つらい仕事だったが、親元に返すことが自分にできる唯一のことだった。生徒たちは狭い部屋で固まってた。たくさんいたよ。ベストを着てたから、みんな浮いてしまっていた。正確に何人いたか分からないが、少なくとも20人は出てきた。それで思ったんだ。この部屋で どれほど苦しみ泣き叫んだだろうと。つらくて たまらなくなる。遺体を見つけると俺たちは話しかけた。まるで まだ生きてるみたいに。俺は ある生徒にこう言った「早く暖かい所に行こう。陸に揚げるからね」大抵は1人ずつ浮いてた。でも 中には2人一緒に浮いてることがあった。お互い 同じように。女の子たちだった。手を繋いでたよ。手を繋いだまま硬くなったから一緒に浮いたんだろう。想像だけどこう言ったんじゃないかな「もう助からない。一緒にいこう」って。

Day 5 潜水士の話③

It was yesterday, right?  The coast guard divers weren't allowed to dive.  Their blood pressure was too high, so they weren't allowed to dive.  Everyone's blood pressure is high.  It’s only natural.  How many days has it been?  They kept going at it.  You shouldn’t use much energy in the water.  There was no room to work in an upright position.  With all our diving equipment on, in a space about 90cm high, we had to crawl and start hammering.  We bit the bullet and worked like crazy.  All my diving partners got injured, too.  I wasn't the only one.  We overdid it.  We used up too much of our energy.  We needed to decompress longer and take more breaks, but we couldn’t.  We had to keep going back in and work.  I actually got decompression sickness too.  You can feel it coming by instinct.  As an early symptom, I started feeling pain all over my body.  But I couldn't tell them.  Of course, if I had told them, they would've allowed me to sit out.  If so, the others would have to take more turns.  It would be harder for them.

昨日だったよな? 沿岸警備隊のダイバーが潜れなくなった。血圧が高すぎてダメだって。みんな血圧は高い。当然だよ、何日潜ってるんだ? 水中で力を使い過ぎてはいけない。直立で作業できる場所はない。潜水装置をつけて高さ90センチの場所を這って行く。みんな必死で頑張ったよ。潜水仲間はみんなケガをした。僕だけじゃない。みんな頑張りすぎてエネルギーを使い果たした。減圧や休憩の時間を十分に取るべきだったのに、できなかった。すぐまた潜った。僕も潜水病になったよ。かかると直感で分かる。初期症状として全身が痛くなった。でも言えなかった。もちろん 言えば休めただろう。でも、そうすると他の人の潜る回数が増える。それは大変すぎる。

Day 6 精神科医の話(潜水士たちに向けて)

My name is Jung Hye-shin, and I'm a psychiatrist.  As you've been enduring this for over a year and a half, I'm glad to see that you are seeking counseling.  I'm very glad.  You all are currently suffering symptoms of trauma.  What exactly is trauma?  In one phrase, we call it "the stamp of death" in the medical field.  Seeing lives taken away in front of your very eyes
could be traumatic for any person.  But everyone here has seen it repeatedly.
You've all seen terrible deaths over and over.  So, people who have seen death in close-up have suicidal thoughts because the boundaries of life and death blur for them.  They see it as nothing and that you can die instantly.  Experiencing the overstepping of this boundary is traumatic to anyone. 

チョン・ヘシン 精神科医です。この状態で、よく1年半も耐えてきましたね。カウンセリングができてうれしいです。本当に良かった。皆さんにトラウマ症状が出ています。トラウマとは何か? 医学の分野では“死の刻印”と呼んでいます。目の前で命が奪われるのを見ると、誰でもトラウマになりかねない。皆さんは毎日 死を見てきました。恐ろしい死を、何度も繰り返し見てきたのです。死を間近で見ると、自殺願望を感じるようになる人がいます。生と死の境界が曖昧になるからです。死は身近で簡単に死ねると感じるのです。境界線を踏み越えるような経験は本当につらいものです。

Day 7 ある母親の話(潜水士たちに向けて)

Hello.  I could tell how tired you were by looking at your mouth.  I can tell you haven't been sleeping well.  I wanted to tell you to sleep well.  One of you must have carried my son back.  I'm sorry.  It was the first thing I thought of when I heard that the divers were here.  I'm sorry for making you cry.  Thank you for carrying my child back.  It would've been better if it was rescue and not recovery.  If you had brought back a warm body instead, we would've been so much more thankful.  But still, when I think about how you had carried my child back, I tear up.  I didn't think I would actually get to meet you.  They are still in our hearts.  We will never forget about it.  Mr. Diver, you were inside the cold and dark ship.  You went into that scary and painful place and carried back my child in your arms, returning my son to me.  I think of you.  Thank you so much.  From Oh Yoo-jung's mother.

こんにちは。口元で疲れが分かります。寝不足なんですね。よく寝てくださいと伝えたかった。どなたかがうちの子を出してくださった。ごめんなさい。皆さんを見たら、まずそう思ってしまって。泣かせてしまってごめんなさい。子どもを戻してくださって、ありがとうございました 。回収じゃなく救出ならもっと良かったけど、温かい体ならもっと良かったけど、我が子を運んでくれたことを思うと涙が出ます。まさか本当にお会いできるなんて。彼らはまだ心の中にいます。決して忘れません。ダイバーのみなさんは、冷たく暗い船の中に入り、恐ろしい場所から子供を抱えて私たちの元に戻してくださった。本当にありがとうございました。ユジョンの母より。

5.まとめ 「その後も続いた潜水士たちの苦悩」


『潜水日誌』 "Logbook"

映像字幕翻訳者: 浦田貴美枝


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https://x.gd/ySA4m (ペーパーバック版)

Blog: 『アラカンからのチャレンジ』

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