
Almost staying up a night Day295

13th October  I stayed overnight at Tommy's house and had a ball while having a chat,  and drinking beers.  Nothing is boring whenever spending time with his family.  Lovely. Aside from ordinary time, there was an interesting game in Switc

    • MLB Day294

      12th October  Today was the biggest day in MLB, especially for baseball enthusiasts, because Paddles vs. Dodgers are in pose season. Further to that,  three Japanese top players played in this game. That was an incredible thing that I hadn

      • Last day for Year12 Day293

        11th October  Today marked the last day of classes for the Year 12 students. Time has flown by so quickly that I’m still processing it all. Even though they were smiling during the final class, I could sense a mix of sadness and satisfacti

        • Excursion with year12 Day292

          10th October  I had the excursion with year 12 today and went to an amusement park and Golf place throughout the day.  I was afraid that this excursion would be called off because of a heavy storm, which was close on that day.  However,

        Almost staying up a night Day295

          Training Day291

          9th October I had the training as usual with Tommy and one of the students after school.  His strong motivation stimulated me and affected me well in terms of training.  I am proud of myself for having more physical strength.  Vice versa,

          Training Day291

          Japanese tutoring Day290

          8th October  I was like, "OMG, I spent so much time in my Japanese class," but I was thrilled to see so many students there. I’ve started counting how many more times I’ll get to hold my own class from here on out. The thought of having

          Japanese tutoring Day290

          Sunshine Coast Day285~289

          4th October to 7th October I had the chance to visit the Sunshine Coast during this long vacation with Tommy and his daughter. Though we got caught in traffic both on the way there and back, the long drive was surprisingly enjoyable, with

          Sunshine Coast Day285~289

          Return evil for good Day284

          3rd October Business as usual today, I could get off work well.  I had a Year 7 Japanese class for the first time in ages. They are as energetic as Term 3. Some students were still losing their tension because of the first class.  I woul

          Return evil for good Day284

          Beach volleyball Day283

          2nd October  In the activity class after school, I popped into the Beach court first time to play Volleyball.  There are so fabulous five courts over there. It was not until we went there today that I noticed we were the first person using

          Beach volleyball Day283

          I am still in the second stream. Day282

          1st October  As soon as I got to the school, I got a message from my Japanese tutor students. I would make the details confidential, so I won't put them in here.  However, I felt myself still being in the second stream.  It makes sense beca

          I am still in the second stream. Day282

          Kick off!!! Day281

          30th September  A long marathon has started since today.  Today was student-free, so I had a brief meeting before the semester started. It was worthwhile to take!!! At first glance, I thought it was boring though, nothing is meaningless. It

          Kick off!!! Day281

          Last holiday... Day280

          29th September  I can't believe how fast it is going away. It's an enjoyable moment… I need to face the reality that school start tomorrow.  Vice versa, I felt excited about going to school because it  would be my last duty as a teacher out

          Last holiday... Day280

          The way to a man's heart is through the stomach. Day279

          28th September  I suddenly came across this expression when I conversed with my host mother: -"The way to a man's heart is through the stomach". I don't remember how many times I asked back again. However, I could listen to it several time

          The way to a man's heart is through the stomach. Day279

          Binge drinker Day278

          27th September  It turned out that staying house was for the first time in almost two weeks, thus I felt nostology a little bit.   I was chill throughout the whole day while studying and reading books. There was no wasteful time for killin

          Binge drinker Day278

          Cairns Trip Day268~277

          From 17th September to 26th September This was my last trip before heading back to Japan, and I decided to spend 8 days in Cairns—alone. Why alone? Because I wanted to take on an adventure, even if it meant facing some risks. lol I made u

          Cairns Trip Day268~277

          Sunshine Coast Day263~267

          27th September  I am back…It was a long trip from the 14th to the 26th of September. I’m swamped with things to do now that I’m back, but I still have a few days before school starts. First, I plan to jot down these memories to fill in the

          Sunshine Coast Day263~267