






This is the 111th time I've started this month's numerology on this site, and it's the beginning of the month of June, the month of energy, which is the month of starting to stabilize the world, where 1 is the energy to start something. It's important to be able to see it in a visible way and keep on doing it. Now, what are we going to start with? It's also not good to dreamily imagine the future or be too afraid of the unknown. Instead of envying the lawn next door, it's about how you can turn the place you're in into a place where you feel safe. Where I am now is my home, my school, my workplace, my community, my region, my country, and even the earth. Let's take care of our daily routine.

As a major premise, sum the numbers until they become one digit.
For example, if you were born on July 21, 1978.
Month of birth + Day of birth = → 7 + 3(2+1) = 10 → 1 + 0 = 1


Someone important. Please talk again with the person who just came to mind. Talk to someone near and dear to you about your honest feelings. It's hard to meet people face-to-face these days, but that's why you should make an effort to channel them so that you can communicate with them and listen to their thoughts. You will learn a lot if you don't feel like a hassle and give it a try.


Anyway, think and act in a positive way. When you make a decision, you expect a lot of things and prepare to make sure you don't fail, but this month, work on it with the belief that everything will be fine. When you are worried or scared, you may focus on those feelings and cause them to happen. If that's what you're going to end up doing just thinking about it, it's better to think about it in a good way. Even if what you are seeing now is something that you are unsure about, if you believe that it is heading in a good direction, that is what will happen.


Just trust your intuition and choose the one you can stabilize. If you think a lot and get the same result, it's easier to believe in the first one.


Take a look at what's going to happen to you this month. It's good to keep doing the good things and change the direction of the bad things. If there's something that's going well, share it with those around you. One good turn deserves another. It all comes back to you.


Decide what you want to let go of. Don't give up, think hard, and decide. And then you let it go. The new ball will only fly to those who have let go. It's too late to let it go when a new ball comes along.


Try to trust your instincts, not your morals, and act on them. Overthinking makes you want to escape reality. But even if you escape, the only way to get there is on your own.


Take care of your own body. Listen to your body. You're probably more physically and mentally exhausted than you think. Why not use an aroma to help you get a good night's sleep, or take a walk down the street at night and look up at the moon as it fills up?


Let go of all your worries. It would be a waste of time if you couldn't help but think about it, and if worrying about it invites worry. What's so exciting about it? If you're optimistic and have fun, you'll be able to focus on what you want most and that's the shortest route to making your wishes come true.


Start one routine task. It should be a simple thing to do. But it's important to keep going. It doesn't matter if it's exercise, saving money, or growing ornamental plants, it's important to do it without any hassle. It's sure to help you in the future.
