呼吸は寿命を延ばす|Breathe to live longer

If we breathe 15 times in one minute, our life expectancy is 75~80 years, if we breathe 10 times in one minute, we live to 100. 

Hi everyone, this is jannie, a foreigner living in Tokyo. I have been thinking writing journal in Japanese and I finally started to use Note. Please go easy on me.

I started my RYT study since last month to become a yoga teacher. There comes the Pranayama (breathing) section. In today's lecture, I heard the saying from my teacher which I quoted in the beginning. I was so impressed that I shared it with you.

A yogi measures the span of life by the number of breaths, not by the number of years

Swami Sivananda


成瀬 雅春『死なないカラダ、死なない心 宇宙のエネルギーで身体をつくりかえる』2009

It was the first time I learned about such an idea. Probably because I am still young, I have never thought about things like death and life expectancy.

So far, I have experienced the benefits of deep breath. For example, when I was in a long run, one of the points to keep me running is to consciously breathe long and deep and find the rythem of my breaths. Another scene is when I dealt with the injection pain, instead of the needle or my skin, I put full attention on my own breaths.

Can breathing properly make human being live longer? This is a scientific question and I don't know the answer. However, what I have learned from my yoga practice experience so far is that, observing your own breathing is the very first step to observe the inner self. Most people around us live unawarely. So, how about starting to observe what is happening inside our body with breathing consiously?

When we said we should observe our breaths, what excatly should we obeserve?

場所 - どこで息を感じますか。呼吸の動きが最もわかりやすい場所はどこですか。
Location - Where do you feel the breath? Where is the movement of the breath most obvious to you?

起源 - 息はどこから流れてくるのでしょうか。体の原点を感じることができますか。
Origin - Where is the breath flowing from? Can you feel a place of origination in the body?

ペース - 自分の呼吸のペースに気づくことができますか。速く感じますか、遅く感じますか、それともその中間ですか。
Pace - Can you notice the pace of your breath? Does it feel fast, slow or in between?

長さ - 吸う息と吐く息は同じですか。吸う息が吐く息より長いですか。それとも逆ですか。
Duration - Are your inhales even with your exhales? Does one seem to be consistently longer than the other?

深さ - 今日の呼吸は浅く感じますか、それとも深く感じますか。スムーズですか、それとも少し不安定な感じですか。
Depth - Does your breath feel shallow or deep today? Is it smooth or does it feel a little unsteady?

音 - 自分の呼吸のリズムが聞こえますか。
Sound - Can you hear your own rhythm of breath?

温度 - 自分の息の温度に気づくことができますか?
Temperature - Can you notice the temperature of your own breath?
