
大阪を支えた薬の「道修町」 【雑感】 Doshomachi, the medicine that supported Osaka

久しぶりに大阪 船場へ。ご存じのように、この地域は江戸時代からの商人(あきんど)の街として名を馳せている。その痕跡がいまでも随所に残っている。その一つが「道修町」。薬の街として製薬会社や、その問屋が軒を連ねている。江戸時代は薬の材料が大阪に集積され、それを全国各地へ運ばれていた拠点だった。その道修町で、いまの大手製薬会社のほとんどがスタートした。

It's been a long time since I went to Osaka Senba. As you know, this area has been famous as a merchant(Akindo) town since the Edo period. The marks of it still remain everywhere. One of them is “Doshomachi”. There are pharmaceutical companies and their wholesalers in a row as a city of medicine. In the Edo period, drug materials were collected in Osaka and transported to various parts of Japan. Most of the current major pharmaceutical companies have started in Doshomachi.


                       道修町にある少彦名神社 /  Sukunahina jinja


In one corner of the town, there is Sukunahikona Shrine which enshrines the god of medicine, Sukunahikona , and the Yakusojin. On the third floor of "Kusuri-no- Doshomachi Museum" in the Shinto Society Hall, the  nostalgic medicines are displayed as a proof of the drugstore that are flourished at the time.


Among them, there are some long-selling home medicine that have lasted for more than 100 years. Everything evolves with the times and makes you feel the remnants of the past. In addition to Seirogan, there are Kaingen, Noshin, Roth Eye Drops, Daigaku Eye Drops, Mentholatum and so on. But Katori Senko(Mosquito Coil) and Jintan are not pharmaceuticals.





There are various reasons that products continue to be long sellers. Not only the efficacy and effect, but also the eye-catching design of the bags, packages and containers are attractive.


From the package, label, logo mark, color and so on, you can see the high level of design ability of any manufacturers. And also you can see the ability to adopt new things and change while keeping tradition.

ポート&写真  /  渡邉雄二
Reported & photoed by Yuji Watanabe

