
二体一対の「阿吽の呼吸」【石峯寺・須磨寺】 Two statues pairs of "Aun's breathing"

「以心伝心」「暗黙の了解」という言葉は、とくに日本人には普遍的な人間の現象として認識され理解されている。いま風にいうなら、非言語コミュニケーションスタイルかもしれない。信頼関係があるなら “言わなくても分かる” という風潮である。それが脈々と日本人の心の伝承文化として定着してきた。

The words "Ishindenshin" and "tacit understanding" are recognized and understood as a universal human phenomenon, especially by the Japanese. In the current sense, it may be a non-verbal communication style. If there is a relationship of trust, the trend is to "understand without saying." It has become established as a tradition of Japanese hearts.


It goes without saying that this is expressed in the form of Agyo and Ungyo with two pairs of Kongo Rikishi (Nio statues), and is rooted as "Aun's breath" in many situations.


This time, I would like to introduce the statue of Kongo Rikishi from two temples in Kobe that I visited a few years ago. At the foot of Mt. Iwamine in Kita-ku, there is "Shakubu-ji", a training hall for Shingon esoteric Buddhism, and "Sumadera" in Suma-ku.


Shakubu-ji Temple was founded in 651 by an Indian monk. A cathedral was erected in the foothills, and at that time, it seems that there were more than 70 buildings in two east and west and one north and south villages, forming a mountain temple.


                                     石峯寺  /  Shakubu-ji Temple 


The statue of Niou is enshrined at the Niomon gate. There are traces of repairs everywhere, and the color remains slightly, making it feel old. The "Agyo statue" holding the fist and the "Ungyo statue" spreading the palm are symbolically created.


                                                   須磨寺  /  Sumadera

一方、須磨寺の仁王像は「阿像」がしっかりと手に握りしめる金剛杵がよく目立っている。ちなみに造像は、運慶と湛慶(運慶の子/ たんけい)の作と伝えられている。

On the other hand, the statue of Niou Statue at Sumadera is often marked by the Kongo instrument, which the "Agyo" holds firmly.
By the way, the statue is said to have been created by Unkei and Tankei (Child of Unkei ).

レポート & 写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported & photo /  Yuji Watanabe

