臨済禅師の大口から「喝」が透けて見える "Katsu" can be seen through from the large mouth of Linzai Zen Master
This is a picture of Zen Master Rinsai by Tsuji Kako, a Japanese-style painter who was active in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. As you can see, he is barking with his big mouth open. It has the title "Katsu". It is said that the Zen master simply showed the essence of Zen.
The other day, after Unryu-in on a walk in Kyoto, the picture is on the axis that was hung at the Shoin of Kennin-ji Temple that I visited.
Next to that, there was a commentary panel entitled "Katsu" by Linzai Zenmaster. According to it, Katsu does not show the meaning of things, but it has four functions.
The four are
・ Cut off the hesitation of worldly desires and delusions
・ Awake! And a sieve
・ Bring it on. And make me serious
・ Keeping a normal mind
And a big cheer When I read this, the first anxiety and delusion seems to be a "Katsu" from a religious point of view, but the other three seem to be a "chance for human improvement" that is rich in sociality. It is a word that has an indispensable function in "fighting oneself" in situations such as education, sports, and work. It is expressed in plain and direct words. I thought it was a very easy-to-understand "Katsu", so I looked back at the axis again.
It's a big mouth, and a balloon called "Katsu" can be seen through this mouth.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 臨済宗建仁寺派大本山 建仁寺
※Katsu / A word that makes a loud voice when scolding a practitioner in Zen Buddhism