
建仁寺の阿吽の龍の迫力に圧倒される  「龍をたずねてー」シリーズⅠ・建仁寺


It think I visited Kennin-ji the most among the temples in Kyoto. I should say I was fascinated by the painting of the dragon. Not only the ‘Soryu-zu’ painting on the roof of the temple completed five years ago, but also the ‘Unryu-zu’ painting on a Hojo fusuma-the sliding door of the temple are attractive.

襖八面に対峙する阿吽二形の双龍図は、江戸時代初期に活躍した絵師 海北友松(かいほうゆうしょう)の渾身の作品として生き続けている。(本物は京都国立博物館に所蔵され、建仁寺の方丈の襖絵は高精密複製画ではあるが、本物を体感できるほどのもの/綴プロジェクトより)。黒雲の中から姿を現した阿吽の龍が向き合い、視線をぶつけあう姿には計り知れないエネルギーを感じる。

There are two dragon paintings, the dragon of Au-un, which are opposed one another on the four sliding doors on each side. These are the paintings by Yusho Kaiho, who flourished in the early Edo period, and he put everything he had into his art. The authentic painting is stored in the Kyoto National Museum, and the piece you can see at the temple is actually high-quality replica, yet you can feel its authenticity. (This information is provided by Tsuzuri project.)  You can feel immeasurable energy as you see those two dragons appear from the dark clouds facing each other.



襖八面に対峙する阿吽の双龍図  /  eight sides of the sliding door, artist Yusho Kaiho


The dragon on the ceiling painting of the house is a superb piece of artwork, painted by a Japanese painter Junsaku Koizumi, commemorating the 800th anniversary of the Kennin-ji in 2002. It took him two years to complete. This painting is also a dragon, which glares from the ceiling to protect the Gautama Buddha. It watches over the place where the teachings of Buddha take place. It also dances on the ceiling to empower the monks as it sends a rain of the teachings.


釈迦如来像を守る天井画  /   Dragon of the ceiling to protect the Buddha statue


Anyone who visits any of the dragon paintings seems to relish in the invisible energy. For that reason, you may want to visit there again.

                                                                                レポート/  渡邉雄二

                           Reported by Yuji Watanabe

