
仁王像の阿吽形から学ぶ呼吸法 【雑感】 The breathing technique learned from the Aun form of nio guardians.


You will find the Sanmon; it’s a gate such as Nakamon and Nandaimon, before you go enter a large temple. Standing on both sides of the Sanmon gate are muscular Kongorikishi statues (Nio guardians) with fierce-looking. There are nearly 80 temples in Japan with these statues. Nandaimon; one of national treasure in Japan standing at a Todai-ji temple in Nara, is the most well-known statue. This Nio statue was carved by the hands of Unkei and Kaikei, who were called genius sculptor the Kamakura period.


I don't remember when, but I have come to take interested in these statues. Like other Buddha statues, I have been fascinated to the beauty and strength of modeling. That scary face is even one of their charms. 


The "A-gyo statue" stands on the right side of the gate , and the "Un-gyou statue" on the left. A-gyo has a slightly open mouth in “a”-form. His form means the beginning of everything. The Un-gyo closed its mouth in “un”-form and his form means the end. Japanese syllabary starts with "a" and ends with "un". It's also said that this specification is based on Sanskrit.

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As an aside, I have a lot of opportunities to breathing techniques. The breathing technique I learned through in Aikido about 25 years ago was suitable for me, and I continue to do so. Exhale while making the sound "A". The mouth becomes “Un” when you completely close your mouth. In other words, it is called "Aun breathing". I think it is a good breathing technique to adjust your breathing.


A pair of Nio statues with their form of “aun” of Niou are glare at you at the gate to protect the temple from evil. When I stand in front of the Nio statue, I keep in mind to adjust my breathing and then go through the gate.

レポート& 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

