
東寺の二つの顔。密教の象徴と時世の象徴  Two faces of Toji Temple. Symbol of esoteric Buddhism and symbol of the times

東寺は、平安京鎮護のため嵯峨天皇が、真言宗の開祖である弘法大師 空海に下賜(かし)したお寺である。その空海が唐から持ち帰った真言密教を、この東寺で開示し、高野山と同様に真言密教の聖地として今に至っている。
その真言密教は真言宗という仏教宗派として、空海の示した “この身このままで” 仏のさとりを開く「即身成仏」を広めていった。その本尊として「大日如来」が法身の役割を果たしている。

Toji is a temple that Emperor Saga gave to Kobodaishi Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect, to protect Heiankyo. The esoteric Buddhism that Kukai brought back from Tang was disclosed at this Toji Temple, and it is now a sacred place for esoteric Buddhism as well as Koyasan.
As a Buddhist sect called Shingon Buddhism, Shingon Esotericism spread the "immediately mature Buddha" that Kukai showed, "as it is" to open the sword of the Buddha. "Dainichi Nyorai" plays the role of Hotsushin as its principal image.


Nevertheless, I wonder why the principal image of Toji itself is "Yakushi Nyorai." In the auditorium as a training place, 21 Buddha statues of Nyorai, Bodhisattva, Myoo , and Tenbu are placed around the main statue of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, "Dainichi Nyorai Statue", which shows the world of enlightenment with a three-dimensional mandala.
On the other hand, in the gold hall, the main hall, there is the Yakushi Nyorai statue in Toji, and Nikko Bosatsu on the right and Gakko Bosatsu on the left.


大日如来像  / Dainichi Nyorai


薬師如来像  /  Yakushi Nyorai


There are different statues of Buddha in the hall and the auditorium. It feels a little strange, but it seems that Yakushi Nyorai was popular in the form of "miscellaneous" before esoteric Buddhism began to spread in Japan. At the time, it was Yakushi Nyorai that supported many people's hearts as a benefit to the world in order to save them from suffering from diseases such as epidemics. It seems that the benefits of pharmacist Nyorai were medicines of great hope in the days when there was no medical treatment.

ということで、ご存じのとおり、高野山 金剛峰寺の本尊が薬師如来である。そして日本全国の寺院でも薬師如来を本尊にしているところが多い。どの宗派に関わらず、時世や、寺の目指す方向によってメーンキャラクターになる仏像を選択したということのようである。

In addition to that, Kukai himself is said to have personally liked Yakushi Nyorai. For that reason, the theory that was supposed to be the main deity of the Shingon sect has been properly transmitted.
So, as you know, the principal deity of Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple is Yakushi Nyorai. In many temples all over Japan, Yakushi Nyorai is the main deity. Regardless of which denomination, it seems that the Buddha image that became the main character was selected according to the times and the direction of the temple.

レポート /  渡邉雄二

Reported by Yuji Watanabe

