全国随所にある風神雷神像を観ての想い Feelings of seeing some of the statues of Fujin and Raijin
I found a spilled story of the statue of Fujin and Raijin from online information, so I would like to introduce it. As I wrote in the previous article, Fujin Raijin has a strong image of Tawaraya Sotatsu's folding screen, making it difficult to see the original shape of the Buddha statue.
As the name suggests, the statue of the wind god Raijin is said to be the god who controls the wind, the thunder god controls the thunder, protects the Buddhist law, and bestows fertility and good fortune. In Buddhism, it is worshiped as a god who disciplines evil, encourages goodness, and prepares storms and thunder. As a national treasure, it is enshrined on both sides of the Senju Kannon in the main hall (Sanjusangendo) of the Renge Ouin, and continues to protect the Senju Kannon.
In addition to the statue of Fujin Raijin of Sanjusangendo, which I introduced last time, I will introduce some of the statues of Fujin Raijin who continue to protect temples all over the country based on online materials.
Many people who actually saw it and know it through TV, "Kaminarimon" at Senso-ji Temple in Tokyo. The main gate of Senso-ji Temple was initially near Komagata, but moved to its current location in the Kamakura period. At that time, the statue of Fujin Raijin was enshrined. Kaminarimon is correctly called "Furaijinmon". The current statue of Fujin and Raijin has been inherited from the head, which survived the burning in the Edo period, with the body reprinted in the Meiji period.
そして栃木県日光市にある、三代将軍徳川家光が祀られている世界遺産の「輪王寺大猷院(りんのうじ たいゆういん)」の二天門に珍しい風神雷神像安置されている。風神は、手の指が4本しかなく東西南北を現し、雷神は、手の指が3本で過去、現在、未来を、足の指が2本で天、地を現しているといわれ特徴のある風神雷神像として知られている。
In Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, a rare statue of Fujin Raijin is enshrined at the Nitenmon (gate) of the world heritage site "Rinnou-ji Taiyuin" where the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu is enshrined. It is said that Fujin has only four fingers to represent the north, south, east and west, and Raijin has three fingers to represent the past, present and future, and two toes to represent the heavens and the earth. It is known as a statue of the god of wind and thunder.
愛知県碧南市の志貴毘沙門天「妙法寺」 の風神雷神像は陶製で山門の横に安置されている。
The statue of Fujin Raijin at Myoho-ji Temple in Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecture, is made of ceramic and is enshrined next to the sanmon(gate).
The statue of Fujin Raijin at "Takisan Fudo Myo-do" in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture is a stone statue with a unique shape.
東京都目黒区の「東光寺 」の風神雷神像は本堂の左右に設置された石造の像
The statue of Fujin Raijin at "Toko-ji Temple" in Meguro-ku, Tokyo are stone statues installed on the left and right of the main hall.
The statue of Fujin Raijin at "Kongo-ji Temple" in Kita-ku, Tokyo is made of stone and is said to have been made in 1710 and has a shape that is a bit different from other statues.
東京都三鷹市の「神龍山井口院 」の風神雷神像は、ブロンズ像である。
The statue of Fujin Raijin at "Shinryuzan Ikoin" in Mitaka City, Tokyo is a bronze statue.
The wind god Fujin Raijin of "Jiko-ji Kannon-do" in Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture is left as a banma-sculpture of the out of Kannon-do.
風神雷神像は、文字通り風と雷の神様なので、姿形にすると当然ながら風袋をもった風神姿、一方、太鼓をもつ雷神の形になる。その姿形を、江戸期の絵師 俵屋宗達が日本美術史に残る姿にした。
The statue of the god of wind and thunder is literally the god of wind and thunder, so when it is shaped, it naturally looks like a god of wind with a tare, while it is shaped like a god of thunder with a drum. The figure was made into a figure that Tawaraya Sotatsu, a painter of the Edo period, remains in the history of Japanese art.
I think that there are still statues of Fujin and Raijin all over the country, but if you know them, I would appreciate it if you could report them.
リポート/ 渡邉雄二 写真 / 「風神・雷神の像」からの転用 Reported by Yuji Watanabe