
眼が円相の中心にある「八方にらみ龍」 「龍たずねて―」シリーズⅤ ―妙心寺―




Myoshin-ji is a temple located in Hanazono, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, which was built in 1342. Of the approximately 6,000 temples or Rinzai temples in Japan, the Myoshin-ji sect occupies about 3,500 or more temples, and the pagoda is a large temple with more than 40 temples. Just like Daitoku-ji, which was introduced last article, the architectural style runs straight from north to south from the Imperial Gate to the Hato.

The dragon is drawn on the ceiling like other Zen temples. This dragon was painted at the age 55-year-old of Kano Tanyu who drew a cloud dragon figure at Daitoku-ji Temple. It is said that the dragon of Daitoku-ji was 35 years old, and a mature prodigy 20 years later drew over 8 years. The dragon's eyes are drawn in the center of a 12-meter-diameter circle on the ceiling where the board is stretched like a mirror. It is strange that the expression and movement of the dragon seem to change depending on the standing position and the viewing angle. It is commonly known as the "Happo-nirami Dragon."

The figure of the cloud dragon at each temple seems to be different depending on the artist, and also depending on the history and so-called of each temple. It is no different from the dragon who protects the main god, but the dragon at Myoshin-ji Temple has a centered eye, so it seems to have a wide view. Please enjoy each dragon at temples.

