Coexisting with Wildlife. - Feb. 17, 2024.

Our comfortable lives and production activities are putting butterflies at risk of extinction. To wildlife, we humans must seem like monsters. Our reckless development is destroying their habitats. What can halt this crisis?

We seldom see butterflies around us, especially in cities. This is my personal opinion, but it seems that the more people live in cities and urban areas, the fewer butterflies and other wildlife we find. This is why our sense of living in harmony with animals has faded. Feeling a connection with wildlife is crucial to stopping this crisis. What actions can we take?

On a different note, I am trying to use inanimate subjects in my sentences, which is referred to as "無生物主語" in Japanese. Some YouTube channels suggest that using these subjects can lead to more fluent English. It's challenging to construct sentences following this rule, but I'll give it a try anyway.
