
Writing Policy Commentary -政策論評を書く-

This post is about one of the assignments last semester!


1. Policy Commentaryとは?

以前紹介したTeachers Collegeの教育政策の授業の、3つ目の課題としてPolicy Commentaryというものがありました。

In TC's Education Policy and the Management of Instruction course, our third assignment was Policy Commentary. This entails elaborating on a particular policy related to instruction or management, then its background and intended/unintended effects, policy challenges and possible revisions.

2. シカゴの新教員評価システムREACH

私は、 シカゴの新しい教員評価システム、通称REACH (Recognizing Educators Advancing CHicago Students)をテーマにしました。

My topic is about the newly established teacher evaluation system, which is called REACH.

Since 1970s, in Chicago teacher evaluation has been based on a yes/no checklist and only one observation, which failed to differentiate effective and ineffective teachers (93% ranked as the two top categories out of four).

これに応えるため、州も2010年に法律改正をして教員評価にStudent Growthを盛り込むことを義務付け、シカゴではそれに先立ち2008年からパイロットプログラムを実施して詳細なルーブリック(Danielson Framework for Teaching)に基づく教員評価を試行しました。

そして、2012年からはClassroom ObservationとStudent Growthを組み合わせた評価制度が全学校で導入されています。

In response to this, Illinois state passed a new legislation in 2010, requiring all districts to incorporate student growth in teacher evaluation. Prior to this, Chicago Public Schools initiated a pilot program adopting Danielson Framework for Teaching (detailed rublic). And since 2012, a new system composed of both classroom observation and student growth has been implemented in all Chicago Public Schools.

3. 論評作成のポイント

This time I elaborated on the theory of action, intended and unintended effects, and some proposals for making this policy work better.

以下URLの資料が実際のPolicy Commentaryですので、お時間があれば是非読んでみてください!
Attached below is my paper, which the prof suggested using as an exemplar.

Thanks to University of Chicago's research, there are actually plenty of data that I could analyze although this policy is very recent. Making data pulic I believe is a great step forward to make use of knowledge in academia.

I'll keep posting education and policy topics, so please check this note on a regular basis!

