
Fumi’s episode –Put your thoughts and passions into action! 思いと情熱を行動へ!

This time, I'm honored to introduce Fumi, who is now studying at the University of Sussex in the U.K. This is the very first one of studying/working abroad episodes. All of her stories are invaluable and I felt like the scales fell from my eyes, so please take your time to read through it!


1. 海外留学決意 〜IT企業から教育を通じた開発支援へ〜

(F)2016年9月から2017年8月まで、University of Sussex, MA International Education and Developmentに在籍中です。学期が始まる直前の2016年8月には Pre-sessional course(international studentを対象とした英語のサマースクール)を受講しました。
(H)First of all, please tell us where and how long you have been studying!
(F)I've been studying International Education and Development at the University of Sussex since September 2016 and will be graduating in August 2017. Before starting the MA course, I participated in a pre-sessional course for international students in August 2016.

(自然豊かなキャンパスの様子:campus full of nature)

(H)Your master's course is one year, so you have shorter breaks right
(F)One-year master's courses are pretty common in the U.K. We have breaks in December (one month) and around the Easter (2 weeks). This term (summer) I don't have many classes, so I can spend most of my time on my dissertation.

(H)Could you share with us a little bit about your career before coming there?
(F)I majored in international development theory and was involved in a non-profit org called HANDS (supporting health and medical system and human resources in developing countries) as an intern when I was an undergrad. After graduation I worked for an IT company. I thought it was meaningful to work for industries which account for roughly ninety percent of jobs, and I was interested in how IT could change the structure of society.

(F)Room to Readという途上国に図書館の設立や本の寄贈、識字能力育成プログラムを提供しているNPOの創設者であるJohn Wood氏の本を読み、仕事のかたわらそのボランティア(SNS広報)に従事していました。こういった経験から教育に焦点を当てた開発支援に興味を持ち、留学を考えるようになりました。ちなみに留学に当たって仕事は辞めてきています。
(H)Your job does not directly relate to what you are studying now, so what happened thereafter?
(F) While working for the company, I was volunteering in an NPO called “Room to Read”, focusing on SNS-based public relations. The NPO provides children in developing countries with textbooks, literacy programs and so on. It was spurred by the experience I acquired while reading a book by John Wood, who is a founder of this NPO. Through this experience, I became more interested in development practices with education as a lever and was eager to study abroad. BTW, I quit my job before coming here.

(F)ボランティアを2014年1月から始めていて、2014年末くらいから留学に興味を持ち始めました。イギリスを選んだのは、開発学で有名な大学が多いこと、1年でマスターが取れることが主な理由です。アメリカとイギリス両方目指すと、サポート費用の高い予備校を選ぶ必要があったのですが、イギリスに絞ったのでエージェントもイギリス専門で対策してくれる所に行くことができました。5校出願したのですが、Sussexの開発学の総合的な強さが最終的な決め手となりました。コースの所属人数が比較的少ない(24人)こと、Research methodology一般の授業があることなどから、Sussexを選んで非常に良かったと思っています。
(H)Why did u decide to study in the U.K., and at Sussex specifically?
(F)I started to long for studying abroad around the end of 2014, almost one year after commencing my work as a volunteer at Room to Read. I chose the U.K. because universities there are famous for development and mostly one-year courses. I only applied to the U.K. universities rather than both the U.K. and U.S. universities, so I received cost-effective and appropriate support from a study-abroad agency which has strengths in supporting students who would like to study at universities in the U.K. I applied to five universities, but chose Sussex because of its strength in development studies. A relatively small number of students studying the same course (24 people this year) and focusing on learning research methodologies have given me satisfaction.

2. 出願準備 〜平日も1時間程度コツコツと〜

(H)How did u prepare application documents?
(F)I consulted a study-abroad agency to help me in preparing them. In addition, two recommendation letters were required. One from my employer and one from my previous university. After getting the reference letters, I asked the agency to proofread them.

(H)How did u improve your English proficiency?
(F) I have participated in a one-month English program in the US, but I have never studied abroad for a degree. I started to prepare for IELTS around the end of 2014. I took IELTS three or four times before March 2016. Although I studied mostly during weekends, I recommend studying during weekdays for at least one hour per day. Below are the details on how I prepared for the IELTS exams.

まず1回実際の試験か、留学エージェントやBritish Councilが提供する模試のサービスを使って自分の強み・弱みをざっくり知った方が良いと思います。(e.g. リーディングは既に余裕があるが、ライティングが時間内に終わらなかった、など)
The first thing people wishing to study abroad must do is to use testing services provided by study-abroad agencies and/or the British Council so that they know more about their strengths and weaknesses.

例:IELTS対策の無料オンライントレーニングエリア Online training (free) for IELTS


【以下使ったもの】☆がおすすめ (Textbook or services that I used) ☆ stands for my recommendation
私はSpeaking, Writing(ちょっとだけListening)が課題だったので、そこに特化して以下の問題集は一通りやりました。個人的には実際のテストに基づいたものを優先的に選んでやりました。問題集の差異はそこまで感じなかったです。(細かい点はあまり覚えていないので、中身を見て選ぶのが良いと思います)
My English skills were poor in speaking, writing and a little bit in listening. So I used the following textbooks for strengthening my English abilities. Although I did not find many differences among these textbooks, I recommend skimming each of them and comparing one to another before making a purchase.


☆練習問題と解説集 Practice exams

・留学エージェントのプライベートスピーキングレッスン Private speaking lessons offered by a studying-abroad agency

Although the study-abroad agency recommended its own private speaking lessons, I did not think it was that beneficial. This is because I could not choose my own teacher, and each lesson was not tailored to my specific needs.

M-method was more beneficial and cost-effective than the private lesson above mentioned. Their lessons are conducted by only one teacher, so if you are comfortable with his lesson, it would be great.

【使ってない(けど早めに知っとけばよかったと思う)もの】 (Lessons that I did not use but can recommend)
DMM英会話、mytutor(マイチューター)、Best Teacher(ベストティーチャー)等

3. サセックス大学へ 〜少人数コース、成績はほぼessay〜

(H)Thank you for the specifics! Then could you introduce the course that you are currently enrolled in?
(F) My course is composed of 24 people, six Japanese, four British, three Americans, three Chinese, others from Europe, Asia and Africa. It is divided into three terms (autumn, spring and summer), and I registered for the following modules.

Autumn term
・Theories of International Education and Development (4000 words essay, 1/12 due)
・Policy and Practice Issues in International Education and Development (2000 words policy brief, 1/12 due) 
・Academic and Research Skills

Spring term
以下より2つ選択(私は2つ目と3つ目を履修しました) Selective module among these five below (I took second and third ones)
・Teachers: Policy and Practice
・Curriculum, Learning and Society 
・Educational Policy and Planning 
・Education, Conflict and Peacebuilding

  • (Critical Higher Education)

    • いずれを選択しても5000 words essay (5/12 due)

  • ・Academic and Research Skills

Summer term
・Academic and Research Skills (5回だけ) Dissertation 8/24 due
→論文の指導(instruction about how to write dissertation)、quantitative/qualitative research

(H)完全に個人的な興味なんですけど、秋学期のPolicy and Practice Issues in International Education and Developmentってどんなことを学ばれているんですか?
(F)例えば、国連のSDGsについて、その前のMDGs (Millennium Development Goals) からの変更点や、gender equalityに関する目標が独立して設けられていることについての意味などについて批判的に考察していました。
(H)Just out of curiosity, but what are the contents of Policy and Practice Issues in International Education and Development specifically?
(F) This module critically analyzes SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), including changes from its predecessor MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) and the meaning of the goal of gender equality set independently.

(F) 実はほぼ100%エッセーで決まるんです。Attendanceも考慮されていますが、最低何回出る必要があるといった足切りに使われているイメージですね。しかも、エッセーは学期中に1回のみです。
(H)How is the grading policy?
(F) Actually one essay accounts for almost 100%. Although attendance is taken into account, it is just used for making sure that students attend lectures.
(H)What!? Totally different from mine. Quite interesting and reflective of each university’s characteristics!

(F) ガーナの中学校でのDropoutの理由について、教師にインタビューしてその認識を分析する内容です。中退といっても経済的困窮といった家庭の理由のほかに、担任の先生が休みがち、あるいは同級生からいじめられるといった学校側の理由もあり、先生がそれをどのように把握・認識しているのかをデータを集めて考察する予定です。
(H)Could you elaborate on your dissertation?
(F) Mine is to analyze reasons of dropout in junior high schools in Ghana by conducting interviews with teachers, and proposing recommendations such as necessary trainings. School dropout is not only caused by reasons at a family level including financial difficulties, but also results from school level issues including teacher absenteeism and bullying by classmates.

(H)That sounds the very topic for you! How is the daily schedule?
(F)As follows; I have classes three days per week, so not that frequent.
10:30 出発(家庭の事情もあり1時間半かけて通学) Leaving home (one hour and half)
12:00 大学で昼食 Having lunch in campus
13:00 図書館で勉強 Studying at the library
14:00-17:00 Academic Research and Skills
17:00-20:30 友人と夕食 Having dinner with friends
20:30-22:00 帰宅 Going back home

(F) JASSO(日本学生支援機構)の奨学金給与に当たっての成績要件が厳しく、留学1年前の時点でIETLS 7.0とかを取っていないといけないので、間に合わなかったんです。ですが知り合いには、JASSOやロータリーの奨学金を使っている人もいますね。
(H) You quit your job to study here, so are you receiving any scholarship?
(F)Requirements to receive a scholarship from JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) were quite strict. One of the requirements was for me to score 7.0 or more in IELTS at the point of the application, so I was not eligible to receive it. However, some of my classmates received scholarships from JASSO and the Rotary Club.

4. 留学前後のギャップ 〜聞き取りやすい人との会話に偏らないように〜

(H) Please share what surprised you about your course.
(F)Firstly, there are only 3-4 men out of 24 students, so the proportion of females is so large. Moreover, there are fewer classmates from developing countries than I expected. Furthermore, we don’t have many opportunities to talk with classmates unless we make the chances by ourselves. For instance, we don’t have plenty of opportunities to do group projects (papers and presentations), except for in-class group discussions.

(H)How about the lecture style and personality of faculties?
(F)Each faculty assigns reading materials, and in class he or she makes a lecture using ppt based materials. They regard themselves as educators as well as researchers. They are also passionate, and considerate to students. For example, my supervisor utilized her academic connections in helping me find research partners who would help me in writing my dissertation.

(H)Could you share what you find the most challenging?
(F)With respect to lectures, I had difficulty in listening. Some classmates even recorded lectures since it might sometimes be impossible to comprehend all that the professor had said. In addition, some people’s English is easy to listen to and other people’s is not. Therefore, we should try to make an effort to create a well-balanced relationship between classmates because we tend to talk with people whose English is easy to understand.

(H) Is there any impressive episode?
(F) Two months ago, we organized a Japanese cuisine party with Japanese classmates as a socializing event. Out of the desire to know each other, we prepared sushi and Japanese-style curry, for example. We were careful about food selection especially for vegetarians.

5. 卒業後のプランと読者へのメッセージ 〜具体的なアクションを起こす中で本当のことが見えてくる〜

(F) UNICEF Ghanaで、今年の9-12月にインターンをする予定です。その後は、日本に戻ってからの就職活動次第ですかね。研究所系かNGOか、というところです。日本が基本的には活動のベースになると思うんですけど、出来るだけ途上国の人に寄り添って国づくりや課題解決のお手伝いをしていきたいと考えています。(H)インターンもガーナなんですね!どうやって探したんですか?
(H) Japanese cuisine is popular all over the world! What’s your future plan, if any, after graduation?
(F) I plan to intern at UNICEF Ghana from Sep to Dec this year. After that I’ll look for a job in Japan, at either research institutes or NGOs. Although my activities will mainly be based in Japan, I would like to work with developing countries.
(H)How did you get the internship?
(F) I participated in the emailing list for those who were interested in international development, and applied. After submitting a resume in Oct last year, I had an interview in Dec and received an offer. Although internship is not mandatory in my course, I believe it would be a great opportunity to further my understanding of Ghana’s education system.

(H)Lastly, share your message to those who are considering studying abroad!
(F) A few years ago, I did not imagine myself studying abroad. This is partly because I was too busy with my daily tasks and was not that proficient in English. But after much consideration, I started pursuing what I wanted to do, studied English little by little, collected relevant information, and finally made it happen! If you want to study abroad at least once in your lifetime, just attending an information session by a study-abroad agency or preparing for IELTS would push you toward where you will land. The important thing is to put your thoughts and passions into action!

(大学にほど近いブライトンの海岸:Brighton beach near the campus)

Thank you so much Fumi for sharing this amazing story during your business! I also learned a lot from you as your approach to education issues is quite different from mine. I’ll share other episodes in coming weeks, so please be looking forward to!
