LINEでトークが弾むテクニック-Techniques for lively conversations on LINE-
Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``Techniques to make your mind go the way you want'' on how to make your conversations more lively on LINE. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced how to make sure your recipient reads your email. If you are interested, please check them out as well.
”If you want to liven up your communication on LINE, you should pay attention to the fact that you can see all past conversation history. The longer the history, the more clearly the other person's hobbies, tastes, personality, etc. will be revealed.”
”Using this as a reference will make the conversation much easier. First, an easy thing to do is to pick up a topic that the other person brought up a week or two ago and bring it up again. It's an interesting topic, so I'm sure it will be a lively discussion.”
What did you all think? Unlike face-to-face communication, LINE communication is easier and more convenient, but some people may find it difficult. In such a case, I hope that this article will be of some help. See you soon. thank you very much.