
面接の成功は顔と目線の向きで決まる-The success of your interview depends on your face and the direction of your eyes.-


Good evening everyone. This time, I will introduce the contents of the title by excerpting some parts from "Male and Female Brain Strategy". By the way, in the previous article, I introduced "Part 2: How to easily win over your boss with this killer phrase". If the other party has a female brain, it is good to make a proposal that features "emotions" that female brains prefer. If you are interested, please check out that article as well.


"One technique I use myself is to change the direction of your gaze depending on what you're saying and how you're expressing yourself. In other words, when you're using expressions that appeal to the female brain, you look at the woman, and when you're using expressions that appeal to the male brain, you look at the man. It's very important to look at the person and make eye contact when you speak. Women are particularly good at hearing the direction of a sound, so even just turning in that direction and speaking will make them feel more like they're being spoken to."


"So, when speaking to a large audience, where there are many women, I use expressions that match the female brain, such as emotions, sensations, empathy, and sharing. Then, when speaking to men, I completely change my expressions and use logical expressions that emphasize data and specifications. I change my expressions even when explaining the same thing. I change my approach. People only remember what is said to them and what resonates with them."


What did you all think? This article can be used not only for interviews but also for business negotiations. There are cases where there is one man and one woman. In such cases, try looking the other person in the eye when speaking according to what you are saying. This should resonate with them more than ever before. Recently, business negotiations have become more common online, so it may be a good idea to ask different questions for men and women. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


