
「1回だけ」手をつける-Make a move "just once"-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced you to creating "boost time." The more work you have left, the more depressed you feel, so in times like these, you should make sure to set aside time to process the accumulated work. If you're interested, please check out that article. And this time, I'd like to introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "The Complete Guide to Working in Sales."


The reason you don't feel like working is often because you're leaving something that's bothering you. Of course, your physical condition may be a factor. However, leaving something that's bothering you more than that is the cause of your lack of motivation. It's better to just get rid of these things quickly, rather than pretending not to see them.


"Brain researcher and professor at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yuji Ikeya, says, "You become motivated by doing something." The brain is designed to become motivated when you start moving. If you start doing something, even just a little, you will see the goal. This is also true for sales activities. First, take the first step. You can do anything faster than you think."


What did you all think? We tend to put off tedious tasks and documents. But sometimes you end up doing them somewhere and regret not having done them earlier... To avoid this, try to get started on them first. Doing so might motivate you and make progress surprisingly quickly. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you very much.


