
Let’s measure your “Self-Acceptance” level


[“USAQ” (Unconditional self-acceptance 20 questionnaires]
It’s recently come up with development for accuracy to rate “Self-Acceptance”.
It’s still young, however, it may fit well together with most of you.

You just need to use your intuition. So go for it.

1. When you are praised by someone, would you feel that you’d rise your worthiness?
2. Even you could not archive an important goal, you’d think you were worth?
3. When you got negative feed back to you, would you think that you got a chance to change and improve your behavior and performance?
4. Would you think some of them are worthy than you?
5. It would not bother you in a long period of your emotion and feeling even you felt depression because you did huge mistake?
6. Sometimes, you’d be confused whether you were good person or bad one?
7. Would you think if you’d be necessary to feel you were very important human, you should’ve been loved?
8. Sometimes, you’d set your goal because you do that, you think you could be happier and well-being.
9. Would you think you’d be outstanding human because you have many skills and abilities?
10. You’d think or feel you are worth than others to make comparison with anybody.
11. You’d think you are part of human-being that makes you are worthy?
12. It would be very hard to open yourself to someone who gave you negative feedback?
13. Would you set goals sometimes because if you did it, you’d think you are worth enough if you’d archive it?
14. Would you think or feel you were not worthy when you could not do something better?
15. Would you think every successors are worth person?
16. Would you think it should’ve been huge advantage when you’d be known what is your strength by someone’s praise?
17. Would you think or feel that you are worth even someone denies?
18. Would you try avoiding using comparison with anyone for evaluate yourself?
19. Would you be on mind that you’d become useless when someone’d gave you criticism or did mistakes?
20. Would you think it’d not be bad if you’d decide you were worthy on your own?

1=nothing at all
2=generally not applicable
3=occasionally not applicable
4=sometimes applicable, sometimes not
5=occasionally applicable
6=generally applicable
7=always right
For your intuition, take out of 7.

■■ Scoring ■■
Firstly, questionnaires with ★ mark needs to be reversed like these below and sum up all.
(7→1, 6→2, 5→3, 4,3→5, 2→6, 1→7)



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