まちには見えない偶然が溢れている… 2024.07.15 町野弘明より皆さんへ
このプロジェクトが契機となり、東北を巡る旅をしていた我々も流れが変わり、京都から乃木坂、池袋、そして静岡にて偶然と創発が重なり、ライフデザインのプロジェクトが奇跡のように生まれた…出版した本のタイトルは「Transforming our world 世界を変える」(木楽舎刊)、まさに我々も偶然にも京都、ここに「世界が変わった」。そして、この本も更なる創発の導火線になり、能の先達にも登壇してもらう新たなライフデザインの講座が丸の内にてこの秋に開講予定(服部プロデューサーから近々広報予定)、更に「世界が変わり続けている」…そして、奇跡のようなライフデザインの源を巡る旅にて、みなさんも今「ここに世界が変わる」かもしれません。まちには見えない偶然が溢れている…
町野弘明 一般社団法人ソーシャルビジネス・ネットワーク 代表理事
株式会社ソシオエンジン・アソシエイツ 代表取締役社長
SBNライフデザイン・ラボ プロデューサー
Visiting Kyoto for Work
The city is bustling with excitement for the Gion Festival and the Yoiyama festivities. At Toji Temple, the lotus flowers are in bloom, and the cicadas are already singing their summer chorus. The great statue of Dainichi Nyorai continues to emanate its profound presence.
I've visited this city countless times, but I remember coming here six or seven years ago during the New Year. At that time, the reconstruction support for the Tohoku earthquake was at a critical juncture, and I came to seek guidance from senior social entrepreneurs about my uncertain future.
That consultation led me to become involved in a certain project, and thus began another journey through Kyoto. I received teachings from a master of the Shimokake Hōshō School of Noh at Ryosokuin Temple in Kennin-ji.
Various initiatives continued, and the year before last, we held a symposium summarizing our activities at a hotel near the ruins of Honno-ji. Biologist Shinichi Fukuoka and others participated, and we recently turned the symposium content into a book.
This project changed the course of our journey through Tohoku, leading us from Kyoto to Nogizaka, Ikebukuro, and Shizuoka. Along the way, serendipity and creativity intertwined, and a miraculous life design project was born. The book we published is titled "Transforming Our World" (published by Kirakusha). Indeed, it was in Kyoto where our world changed by coincidence. This book has also become a catalyst for further innovation. A new life design course featuring the Noh master will start this autumn in Marunouchi (to be announced soon by producer Hattori). Our world continues to transform.
Through this miraculous journey of life design, everyone might experience a world-changing moment right here and now. The city is full of invisible serendipity.
Hiroaki Machino Representative Director, General Incorporated Association Social Business Network President, Socio-Engine Associates Inc. Producer, SBN Life Design Lab