
The law of action and reaction: For a change, pushing hard by force ends up getting a hard and harsh push-back.作用・反作用の法則: 力ずくで変更すれば反感を招くだけ!

Please don't push your feelings so down so long. Otherwise, you could experience emotional breakdowns. 感情を抑え続けないで! そうでないと、制御不能に陥ってしまうから。

It's the last Monday of January. Can you believe one-twelfth of this year is about to go by? Seize the day! 1月最後の月曜日!今年も12分の1が過ぎようとしているなんて。

『マガジン』「英語でつぶやき」 【音声付き】週末にサクッと確認 Weekend Issues 始めます 語彙力アップ! 3ヶ月後の自分に向かって!

Day14: Prepare for the worst, while staying calm and ready to go, if necessary. Life is more important than anything else. 最悪に備えて最善の準備を 命が一番

The shortest way to happiness is to be honest to yourself. Look for what you feel excited about! 幸せへの近道は自分の気持ちに正直になること。ワクワクすることを探してみて! 

Should we let DEI, "Diversity/Equity/Inclusion," die? What will our society be IF our personal values aren't respected? 多様性・公平性・包括性は必要のない社会?

Day 29: Life has ups and downs. We have power to let upsetting things go. Focus on whatever pleases us 色々ある人生、嫌なことをやり過ごす力は備わっている 楽しいことに注力!

Today is another day, leaving your bad yesterdays behind. Look at the positive side no matter how your life gets sour. 今日も素敵な日!辛くても良い面を見てみて

Day50: Don't cross the red line. Respect people's boundaries, which will surely secure your boundaries. 親しき仲にも礼儀あり。相手のテリトリーを尊重することで自分の境界も確保!

I believe it's never too late to learn a new trick, nor to appreciate how valuable/precious your life is.新しい事を始めるのに遅すぎる事はない 自分の人生の価値を噛みしめるのも

Please check out the new 「英語でつぶやき」Weekend Issues! たった今投稿しました。Please have a good Saturday evening/night! https://note.com/kiki_to_english/n/n868470ef1181

You are loved by those who stand by you, no matter what happens. It is called "unconditional love." Appreciate it! 何が起ころうとも貴方の味方、無条件の愛に感謝!

"Losers" are the ones who think only of themselves over others. They may eventually learn the lesson in a hard way. 敗者と自分の事だけを考える人!痛い目に合うかもね

Extend our hands to each other. Just a smile will do. NOT for return favors, BUT for our heart-felt content.手を差し伸べあう 微笑むだけでもいい 見返りでなく、自分のために

To realize your potentials, take one step at a time. Steady steps will get you where you really want to go. なりたい自分になるには、着実に一歩ずつ!夢は実現できるから!

Day5: I wish I could sleep longer before hectic days ahead. I'll take it easy and play it by ear today. 忙しい日々の前にもう少し長く寝ていたい。 今日はゆったり流れに任せて!

Nobody likes to be told what to do, nor forced to do what they aren't willing to. What if no choice but to follow the order?指示・強制は嫌、選択肢無いなら?

Coming of Age Day:What advice would you give to who you were at 18/20? I would say "Cautiously Ambitious!" 成人の日 当時の自分へのアドバイスは?「大志を抱きつつも注意深く」

Happy Valentine! Look around for small loves around you. Your smile fills up people's heart with warmth and happiness.小さな幸せ探し、微笑みで幸せを注入してみて

Please hold gently your happiness in the cup of your hands. Try not to let it slip away from your fingers. 両手のひらで幸せを優しく包み持って!指から滑り落ちないように

As Darwin says "the survival the fittest," the most flexible/resilient to changes survive, not just the strongest! 「適者生存」曰く、強者でなく変化に柔軟な者が・・・

Empathy listening is precious. For your dearest, you can be always there and especially a shoulder to cry on. 心を傾けて聞く重要性 大切な人を支える!泣きたい時には特に

『マガジン』「英語でつぶやき」 週末にサクッと確認 Weekend Issues 始めました。よかったら週末の確認・復習に使ってください! https://note.com/kiki_to_english/n/n719fb2ff9a04

Remember to enjoy the moment, while making every second count for your success. You can surely make it! 思いを達成するために、一秒一秒を大切にしつつ楽しんで。絶対うまくいくから

I won't throw in the towel even in adverse circumstances. I'll hang in there and hopefully, change them for the better. 逆境でも諦めず、踏ん張り、好転させたい。

Try to put your best foot forward. Afterwards, leave it to something superior, instead of worrying too much. 全力を尽くす。その後は深刻に考えず、全てを天に任せる!

We are starving/hungry for love, or a feeling of being loved. The first step is to to love ourselves. 誰もが愛を求めている。 愛されたい!ならば、最初の一歩は自分を愛してみる。


It's last cold TGIF of January. We are THE manager & leader of our life. Empower ourselves, not just others. 1月最後の日、金曜日 自分の人生のリーダー・マネージャーで!

Day2: Smile to someone who returns gentle smiles, and smile with those who you care for and love you back. 優しく微笑み返す人に微笑んでみて。大切な人とは一緒に微笑んで。

If someone defines you as "such and such," you should firmly stand up for who/what you are. 貴方って「こう」だよねと人に言われても、自己評価を尊重して!自分ことは自分が一番分かっているから

Feb 1st:Happiness will find me. Not the other way around. I would like to keep walking with my chin up. 幸せの方から私を見つけてくれる、その逆ではなく。顎を上げて歩き続けたい。

"Someday" will be "Today," when you put your best foot forward, trying to realize your dream/project. 夢を叶える「いつかは」はきっと「今日に」なる。勇気を持って一歩ふみだせば。

You are so special! Feeling depressed, have something warm, to warm up your stomach, body, believe it or not, heart. かけがえない貴方 温かいもので自分を温めて!

Don't be so hard on yourself. You deserve to sleep in late and slowly start this weekend! I definitely will. 自分を甘やかして! 朝寝でゆっくり週末を始めては?私はそうする

We're on the same page in that we're all entitled to lead a happy life. That's why we can communicate!全ての人は幸せな人生を送る権利がある!これは自明の理。だからこそ理解し合える

We should stand firm with our roots spreading under the ground, against headwinds or nasty criticism from others. 地中に根を張りしっかりと立ち、逆風や酷評に対抗!

GREAT MORNING! 朝から1分英語を聞くってどう?「英語でつぶやき」Weekend issues 2/2 to 2/8 分に音声を追加したので、よかったら・・・Please check this out! https://note.com/kiki_to_english/n/n9cdbeec29e65

Even on the crowded train you can find a spot for standing. Surely, you can spot where you bloom. 混雑した電車の中でも立っていられる。貴方が輝く場所を見つけるのだって絶対できるよ!

The first day of Spring in 2025 is really chilly, but still gives us a hint of the spring warmth. Stay active! 寒い立春!温かな春の気配を感じさせてくれる。活動を止めずに

Everything is in our hands, whether getting happy or not. We can stay positive and count what we have, NOT we don't. 全ては自分次第!持っているものを数えてみて

Day15: Your comfort zone is cozy but often keeps you from stepping outside and exploring the world you should see. 臆せず「心地の良い環境」から外へ 違う景色を見て!

Some people appear happy and others sad. From their appearance, there's no way to know what they're going through. 外見からは、人が何に悩んでいるかを知るすべもない。

【2/9 〜 2/15, 2025】【音声付き】「英語でつぶやき」 使える英語表現を確認 on Weekends


"Elbow attacks" on the crowded train are annoying but we can keep composed and carry on without elbowing back. 肘で押しのけられる電車内。ムッとせず、やり返さず冷静に対処

I try to make it a habit to look at the bright side of what's happening to me. This works to soothe my rattled mind. 良い面を見る努力 心の動揺を落ち着かせるために

【1/19 to 1/25, 2025】【音声付き】「英語でつぶやき」 使える英語表現を確認 on Weekends


Can you tell truth from falsehood/? I hope, but I am unfortunately deceived more easily than I hope. Watch out! 真実と虚偽の違いを見抜ける?難しいなぁ 気をつけて!

It's National Foundation Day. What are your beliefs founded on? What do you cherish most? I would pick "trust." 建国記念の日:貴方は何を礎に?大切なものは?私は「信頼」