
The Interview with Unknown People:A person who is a robotics engineer at the European Space Agency (ESA) /無名人インタビュー:欧州宇宙機関のロボットエンジニアの人

The Interview with Unknown People:A person who came to Japan and became more open than ever while respecting others./無名人インタビュー:日本に来て、相手に敬意を払いながら今まで以上にオープンになった人

The Interview with Unknown People:A person who is an ‘emo’ musician/”エモ”いミュージシャンの人

The Interview with Unknown People:A person who is both a masterpiece and a work in progress/無名人インタビュー:傑作であると同時に未完成の人

The Interview with Unknown People:A person who is musician with the entertainment bug in her DNA/無名人インタビュー:エンターテインメントバグをDNAにもつミュージシャンの人

The Interview with Unknown People:A person who wants to help people by music/無名人インタビュー:音楽で人々を助けたい人