ヨコハマハンドメイドマルシェ秋 初出展のおはなし/ Event report about my first participation in Yokohama Handmade Marché in 2023
2023.11.04.(Sat.) -05 (Sun.)

ヨコハマハンドメイドマルシェ 初出展 & 初ライブペイントに挑戦
My very first artist booth at Yokohama Handmade Marché & first live-painting challenge
It's my late event report, but I'd like to share my experience to show my gratitude to ANYBODY concerned with.
ブースのこと/Booth type I rent
・スクエアタイプ (幅180cm × 奥行 180cm)
・ワイドテーブル(幅150cm × 奥行 60cm × 高さ 73cm)
・スクエアギャラリーパネル(幅180cm × 奥行 180cm × 210cm)
I rent gallery panels with square booth so that I could try the live-painting.
It costs much, so I recommend that you should think out whether it's needed or not before the decision.
合計金額(両日出展):¥34,800 + ¥64,000 + ¥3,800 = ¥102,600-

Sure, you can paint on the panel you paid, but at this time, I just wanted to bring my paint back home, so I came to the site with 180cm × 120cm craft paper from home, sticked by masking-tape.

グッズのこと/Items I brought
I could bring any large or heavy items thanks to my husband's drive.

用意して助かったもの/Things what came in handy
My shop sells under 1,000 JPY items mostly, so many coins for exchange were needed.
I put on the rubber gloves only during the live-painting. So the sort of powdery gloves came in handy for me to put on and take off easily.
Originally, they don't provide any artist booth for live-painting. So I recommend that you should take a blue poly tarp (larger than 180 x 180 cm) so that the paint does not get on the floor. Mostly, I spent without shoes on the tarp, but my socks got soaked with paints, though.
ライブペイントの道具について/Tools for my first live-painting
・100均の刷毛 10本ほど
・100均の絵筆 10本ほど
・100均のプラスチック皿 20枚ほど
・100均の洗車用スポンジ 3点
・100均のドレッシング容器 20本ほど
こちらの動画でも実際に使った道具をご紹介しています/My video introduces more about the tools

御礼と感謝の気持ちを込めて/My gratitude
It was my very first artist alley event to take part in. So my items are very few, and I did not even know hoe to display my items lovely like others did. But thankfully, many customers stopped by at my very first live-painting, or even came back to my artist booth again so that they wanted to see how my mural went well, they purchased my items, too. I have only my great gratitude to all people who dropped by, and said "kawaii!" to my artworks!
In my last note, I'd like to share the photo in which one of my great friend's little boy painted with me on the wall. It was so exciting for me! I've never known how many little kids dropped by and liked my items I drew. I'd be happy again, if I could create such a whimsical new arts for the next artist alley event.

よければホームページも見にきてくださいね!/You're always welcome to visit my official website, too!