Broken my Brain
"Unique Digital Art to from Japan to a global audience. My creations are not just representations of my internal experiences, but they also resonate with the universal human condition, encompassing a spectrum of emotions and perspectives.
My art emerges from the intricate interplay of ADHD and bipolar disorder. These conditions, often perceived as challenges, endow me with an unconventional lens through which I view the world. Through my art, I capture the vibrancy of constant motion, the vividness of emotional tides, and the profound depth that these perspectives bring. My work transcends the ordinary, offering glimpses into a world of intense emotions and dynamic energy.
In my pieces, you will find expressions of the oscillating moods of bipolar disorder — the peaks of euphoria and the troughs of melancholy, all rendered in bold colors and forms. This emotional intensity, though overwhelming at times, is channeled into art, offering empathy and new insights to the observer. Meanwhile, the creativity and vigor of ADHD fuel my artistic process, resulting in lively, kinetic pieces that captivate and engage.
While my digital art is rooted in personal experiences and emotions, it is not confined to them. Rather, it expands into a broader exploration of human introspection, evoking empathy and inspiration in a diverse audience. Each piece I create carries a unique message, stirring different emotions and thoughts in every viewer.
I am passionate about sharing this unique art with people worldwide. It's a message from Japan to the world, a universal expression born from personal experiences. If my work finds a buyer, I am open to showcasing it as an NFT, affirming its uniqueness and exploring the new frontiers of digital art as a medium.
Through my art, I hope to offer a window into the world as seen by individuals with ADHD and bipolar disorder, fostering understanding and connection. Let my digital art be a source of new perspectives and inspiration for you. This is my message to the world, a unique portrayal of how I perceive the world around me. I invite you to explore and engage with my digital art.
私の作品には、双極性障害の揺れ動く気分が表現されています。 euforia(喜びの頂点)とmelancolía(憂鬱の谷底)が大胆な色彩や形で描かれています。この感情の強さは時に圧倒的ですが、それをアートに昇華することで、観察者に共感や新たな洞察を提供しています。一方で、ADHDの創造性と活力は私のアートプロセスを支え、鮮やかで動きのある作品を生み出しています。