英検1級英作文 ChatGPTによる採点(1)
1 1つ目の質問(トピックと英作文の添削をしてもらう)
Agree or disagree: E-learning will become more prevalent in the future
Now people began to use e-learning system to study, and I think more and more people will use it in the future because it is very useful. This is due to benefit of studying paperless, easy accessibility, and being able to grow computer manipulation ability.
First of all, using e-learning system can emancipate people from carrying a lot of heavy textbooks. Everything learners need is in their computers. This makes it easier to learn something for anybody from children to adults.
Secondly, people can learn whenever and wherever they wan if they have their computers. They do not need to go out to se their teachers because all they need is just a computer and the Internet at home. For example, of someone gets sick and does not feel well, he or she can study at his or her own pace at home.
Finally, e-learning helps learners get used to technology. It is easier and faster to look up what they want to know on the Internet than looking up from the books. If young people learn to use computers well, it is likely that it will lead to great productivity in IT field.
In conclusion, I believe e-learning will be more popular in the future. 」
Now people have begun to use e-learning systems to study, and I think more and more people will use them in the future because they are very useful. This is due to the benefits of studying paperlessly, easy accessibility, and the ability to enhance computer manipulation skills.
First of all, using e-learning systems can emancipate people from carrying a lot of heavy textbooks. Everything learners need is on their computers, making it easier for anyone, from children to adults, to learn something.
Secondly, people can learn whenever and wherever they want if they have their computers. They do not need to go out to see their teachers because all they need is just a computer and the Internet at home. For example, if someone gets sick and does not feel well, he or she can study at his or her own pace at home.
Finally, e-learning helps learners get used to technology. It is easier and faster to look up what they want to know on the Internet than looking it up in books. If young people learn to use computers well, it is likely that it will lead to great productivity in the IT field.
In conclusion, I believe e-learning will be more popular in the future.
「Now people began to use」 → 「Now people have begun to use」
「more and more people will use it」 → 「more and more people will use them」(e-learning systems は複数形)
「benefit of studying paperless」 → 「benefits of studying paperlessly」
「computer manipulation ability」 → 「computer manipulation skills」
「learners need is in their computers」 → 「learners need is on their computers」
「anybody from children to adults」 → 「anyone, from children to adults」
「they wan」 → 「they want」
「go out to se their teachers」 → 「go out to see their teachers」
「look up from the books」 → 「look it up in books」
2 2つ目の質問(何点になるかを教えてもらう)
「英検1級の英作文を以下のように書いたら、何点ぐらいですか?日本語で回答をお願いします。内容、構成、語彙、文法、総合得点を教えてください。各項目が8点満点で採点され、合計32点です。 」 (1で指摘された修正点は修正せずにそのまま送信しました。)
Agree or disagree: E-learning will become more prevalent in the future
Now people began to use e-learning system to study, and I think more and more people will use it in the future because it is very useful. This is due to benefit of studying paperless, easy accessibility, and being able to grow computer manipulation ability.
First of all, using e-learning system can emancipate people from carrying a lot of heavy textbooks. Everything learners need is in their computers. This makes it easier to learn something for anybody from children to adults.
Secondly, people can learn whenever and wherever they wan if they have their computers. They do not need to go out to se their teachers because all they need is just a computer and the Internet at home. For example, of someone gets sick and does not feel well, he or she can study at his or her own pace at home.
Finally, e-learning helps learners get used to technology. It is easier and faster to look up what they want to know on the Internet than looking up from the books. If young people learn to use computers well, it is likely that it will lead to great productivity in IT field.
In conclusion, I believe e-learning will be more popular in the future.
内容 (Content): 7/8
構成 (Organization): 8/8
語彙 (Vocabulary): 7/8
文法 (Grammar): 7/8
総合得点 (Overall Score): 29/32
3 ChatGPTに採点をしてもらっての感想
・英文を打ち込むのは時間がかかりますが、回答が一瞬で返ってくるので驚きま す。