
【ビートルズ|ストロベリー・フィールズ・フォーエバー】英語版ウィキペディアを読む【Strawberry Fields Forever|The Beatles】


"Strawberry Fields Forever" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, written by John Lennon and credited to Lennon–McCartney.
"Strawberry Fields Forever "は、イギリスのロックバンド、ビートルズの楽曲で、ジョン・レノンが作曲し、レノン=マッカートニーにクレジットされたものである。

It was released on 13 February 1967 as a double A-side single with "Penny Lane".

It represented a departure from the group's previous singles and a novel listening experience for the contemporary pop audience.

While the song initially divided and confused music critics and the group's fans, it proved highly influential on the emerging psychedelic genre.

Its accompanying promotional film is similarly recognised as a pioneering work in the medium of music video.

Lennon based the song on his childhood memories of playing in the garden of Strawberry Field, a Salvation Army children's home in Liverpool.

Starting in November 1966, the band spent 45 hours in the studio, spread over five weeks, creating three versions of the track.

The final recording combined two of those versions, which were entirely different in tempo, mood and musical key.

It features reverse-recorded instrumentation, Mellotron flute sounds, an Indian swarmandal, tape loops and a fade-out/fade-in coda, as well as a cello and brass arrangement by producer George Martin.

For the promotional film, the band used experimental techniques such as reverse effects, jump-cuts and superimposition.

The song was the first track the Beatles recorded after completing Revolver and was intended for inclusion on their forthcoming Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Instead, with pressure from their record company and management for new product, the group were forced to issue the single, and then adhered to their philosophy of omitting previously released singles from their albums.

The double A-side peaked at number 2 on the Record Retailer chart, thereby breaking the band's four-year run of chart-topping singles in the UK.

In the United States, "Strawberry Fields Forever" peaked at number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100.
アメリカでは、"Strawberry Fields Forever "がBillboard Hot 100で8位となった。

To the band's displeasure, the song was later included on the US Magical Mystery Tour LP.

Lennon viewed "Strawberry Fields Forever" as his finest work with the Beatles.

After his death, a section of New York's Central Park was named after the song.

In 1996, the discarded first version of the song was issued on the outtakes compilation Anthology 2; in 2006, a new version was created for the remix album Love.

Artists who have covered the song include Richie Havens, Todd Rundgren, Peter Gabriel, Ben Harper, and Los Fabulosos Cadillacs featuring Debbie Harry.

In 1990, a version by the Madchester group Candy Flip became a top-ten hit in the UK and Ireland.

Background and writing






The Beatles began recording "Strawberry Fields Forever" on 24 November 1966.

It was the band's first recording session since completing Revolver, in June, and marked the start of recording for what became the 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

It was also the Beatles' first group activity since the end of their final US tour, on 29 August.

Recording took place in Studio 2 at EMI Studios (now Abbey Road Studios) in London, using a four-track machine.

Before the session, in October, Brian Epstein, the Beatles' manager, had informed EMI that the band would not be releasing any new music for the Christmas market.

On 10 November, newspapers reported that there would be no further concert tours by the Beatles.

The band's lack of activity and their highly publicised individual pursuits since September were interpreted by the press as a sign that the band were on the verge of splitting up.

Their return to the recording studio was given front-page coverage in some newspapers.

George Harrison, who had been travelling in India during the Beatles' lay-off, recalled there being a "more profound ambience" in the band when they reunited to record "Strawberry Fields Forever".

Lennon said that, having failed to connect with anyone on Lester's film set, "I was never so glad to see the others. Seeing them made me feel normal again." The song's working title was "It's Not Too Bad".

The song took 45 hours to record, spread over five weeks.

It was the most complex recording the Beatles had attempted up to this point, and involved three distinct versions of the song; each one was different in structure, key and tempo, yet the released recording was created through a combination of the final two versions.

Together with "Penny Lane" and "When I'm Sixty-Four", "Strawberry Fields Forever" established the theme for the early part of the Sgt. Pepper project – namely, a nostalgic look back at the band members' childhoods in northern England.
ペニー・レイン」「When I'm Sixty-Four」とともに、「Strawberry Fields Forever」は、「Sgt. Pepper」プロジェクト初期のテーマ、すなわち、バンドメンバーのイングランド北部での子供時代を懐かしく振り返るというテーマを確立した。

McCartney has said that this was never planned or formalised as an album-wide concept, but acknowledged that it served as a "device" or underlying theme throughout the project.

Take 1(テイク1)

After Lennon played the song for the other Beatles on his acoustic guitar, on 24 November, he changed to his Epiphone Casino electric guitar for the recordings.

McCartney played Mellotron, which, following Lennon's lead, the other three Beatles had acquired their own examples of, through Moody Blues keyboardist Mike Pinder.

Harrison also played electric guitar, emphasising a bass line beside Lennon's rhythm, and Ringo Starr played drums.

McCartney wrote the melody for the Mellotron introduction, although on the first take the instrument appears more in the role of backing accompaniment, relative to its prominence on the officially released recording.

Take 1 opened with a verse, starting "Living is easy with eyes closed", instead of the chorus, which starts the released version.
テイク1は、リリースされたバージョンで始まるコーラスの代わりに、「Living is easy with eyes closed」で始まるヴァースで始まった。

The first verse also led directly to the second, with no chorus between.

Lennon's vocals were automatically double-tracked from the words "Strawberry Fields Forever" through the end of the last verse.
レノンのボーカルは、「Strawberry Fields Forever」の歌詞から最後のバースの終わりまで自動的にダブルトラックで録音された。

The last verse, beginning "Always, no sometimes", has three-part harmonies, with McCartney and Harrison singing "dreamy background vocals".
Always, no sometimes "で始まる最後のヴァースは3パートのハーモニーで、マッカートニーとハリスンが「夢のようなバック・ボーカル」を歌っている。

Onto this take 1, Harrison also overdubbed slide guitar parts over the choruses, played on the Mellotron's guitar setting and using the instrument's pitch control to achieve the slide effect.

This version was soon abandoned; it went unreleased until a new mix was included on the Anthology 2 outtakes compilation in 1996, although the harmony vocals were cut from the track.
このバージョンはすぐに廃盤となり、1996年のアウトテイク集「Anthology 2」にハーモニーボーカルがカットされたニューミックスが収録されるまで未発表だった。

Take 7(テイク7)

On 28 November, the band reassembled to try a different arrangement.

The second version of the song featured McCartney's Mellotron introduction followed by the chorus.

The instrumentation on the basic track was similar to that for take 1, but with the inclusion of maracas.

Take 4 was considered sufficient for mix down and overdubs, which included a lead vocal by Lennon, McCartney's bass guitar, and Harrison again playing the slide parts, including what author John Winn terms "Morse code blips", on Mellotron.

Having taken acetates home overnight, the band decided to redo the song again on 29 November, using the same arrangement.

The second take that day was chosen as best and subjected to overdubs, such as vocal and bass guitar.

In his lead guitar part, Harrison plays arpeggio chord patterns, after Lennon had struggled to master the picking technique.

Lennon's vocal was recorded with the tape running fast so that when played back at normal speed the tonality would be altered, giving his voice a slurred sound.

During the subsequent mix-down process, creating what became take 7, Lennon added a second vocal over the choruses.

The other final overdubs were piano and further bass.

This version would be used only for the first minute of the released recording.

Take 26(テイク26)

After recording the second version of the song, Lennon wanted to do something different with it.

Martin recalled: "He'd wanted it as a gentle dreaming song, but he said it had come out too raucous. He asked me if I could write him a new line-up with the strings. So I wrote a new score (with four trumpets and three cellos) ..."

For this purpose, another basic track was recorded on 8 and 9 December, with the group attempting the song at a faster tempo than before.

At the start of the first session, recording was overseen by Dave Harries, an EMI technical engineer, in the temporary absence of Martin and Geoff Emerick, the Beatles' usual recording engineer.

The band focused on achieving a percussion-heavy rhythm track, which included Starr's drums, and backwards-recorded hi-hat and cymbals.

The latter process involved writing down the parts before Starr played them, as Harrison had done for his backwards guitar solo on "I'm Only Sleeping".
後者は、ハリソンが「I'm Only Sleeping」のバックワード・ギター・ソロで行ったように、スターが演奏する前にパートを書き留めるというプロセスであった。

Described by Winn as a "cacophony of noise", the 8 December tape also included timpani and bongos, played by McCartney and Harrison, and other percussion, which, in Harries' account, was provided by Beatles associates Mal Evans, Neil Aspinall and Terry Doran.

At the start of the 9 December session, parts of two of the fifteen new takes were edited together into one performance, which was then mixed down to a single track on the four-track master.

The second of those takes (numbered take 24) consisted of the heavy drum break and accompanying percussion used over the song's coda, and included Lennon's spoken comments "Calm down, Ringo" and "Cranberry sauce".

In Lewisohn's description, further percussion, including a pounding drum part by Starr, and Harrison's swarmandal were recorded onto one of the available tracks at this time.

Other overdubs, which appear towards the end of the track, included lead guitar (played by McCartney), piano and the coda's reversed Mellotron flutes.

Based on the evidence of bootlegs available by 2009, Winn dates the addition of swarmandal to after Martin's orchestral overdubs.

With regard to the main piano part, he describes it as the Mellotron's "'piano riff' tape", rather than a genuine instrumental contribution.

The session for Martin's brass and cello arrangement took place on 15 December.

The parts were performed in the key of C major but taped so that on playback they sounded in B major.

Another mix down was then carried out, reducing all the contributions to two tape tracks.

Author Ian MacDonald comments that Martin's contribution heightens the song's Indian qualities, as represented first by the swarmandal, through his scoring of the cellos to "[weave] exotically" around McCartney's "sitar-like" guitar figures before the coda.

Further overdubs, on what was now named take 26, were two vocal parts by Lennon, the second one doubling the main vocal over the choruses.

Lennon re-recorded one of his vocals on 21 December, singing a harmony over the final chorus.

Some piano was also added at this time, along with a snare drum part.

Final edit(最終編集)

After reviewing the acetates of the new remake and the previous version, Lennon told Martin that he liked both the "original, lighter" take 7 and "the intense, scored version", and wanted to combine the two.

Martin had to tell Lennon that the orchestral score was at a faster tempo and in a higher key than the earlier recording.

Lennon assured him: "You can fix it, George."

On 22 December, Martin and Emerick carried out the difficult task of joining takes 7 and 26 together.

With only a pair of editing scissors, two tape machines and a vari-speed control, Emerick compensated for the differences in key and speed by increasing the speed of the first version and decreasing the speed of the second.

He then spliced the versions, starting the orchestral score in the middle of the second chorus.

Since take 7 did not include a chorus after the first verse, he also spliced in the first seven words of the second chorus from that take.

The pitch-shifting in joining the versions gave Lennon's lead vocal an otherworldly, "swimming" quality.
レノンのリード・ヴォーカルは、ピッチがずれることで、この世のものとは思えないような、"泳いでいる "ような歌声になった。

During the editing process, the portion towards the end of take 26, before the arrival of the reversed Mellotron flutes and siren-like trumpet blasts, was faded out temporarily, creating a false ending.

On the completed take from 15 December, however, the swarmandal and other sounds were interrupted by the abrupt entrance of the coda's heavy drum and percussion piece.

Martin said that the premature fadeout was his idea, to hide some errors in the busy percussion track.

Among the faintly audible comments over the coda, "Cranberry sauce" was taken to be Lennon intoning "I buried Paul" by proponents of the "Paul is Dead" hoax, a theory that contended that McCartney had died in November 1966 and been replaced in the Beatles by a lookalike.

Shortly before his death in 1980, Lennon expressed dissatisfaction with the final version of the song, saying it was "badly recorded" and accusing McCartney of subconsciously sabotaging the recording.

Martin remained proud of the track; he described it as "a complete tone poem – like a modern Debussy".

Promotional film




Critical reception


Cultural influence and legacy


Reactions from contemporary musicians

Psychedelia, recording and music videos

Strawberry Field, accolades and cultural depictions

Subsequent releases and remixes


Cover versions


Candy Flip


Other artists






Beatles version

