
【キース・レヴィン】英語版ウィキペディアを日本語で読む【Keith Levene】



Julian Keith Levene (18 July 1957 – 11 November 2022) was an English musician who was a founding member of both The Clash and Public Image Ltd (PiL).

ジュリアン・キース・レヴィン(Julian Keith Levene、1957年7月18日 - 2022年11月11日)は、イギリスのミュージシャンで、ザ・クラッシュとパブリック・イメージ・リミテッド(PiL)の両方の結成メンバーであった。

While Levene was in PiL, their 1978 debut album Public Image: First Issue reached No 22 in the UK album charts, and its lead track "Public Image" broke the top 10 UK single chart.

レヴィンがPiLに在籍していた1978年のデビューアルバム『Public Image: ファースト・イシュー)は全英アルバムチャートで22位を記録し、リード曲の「パブリック・イメージ」は全英シングルチャートでトップ10入りを果たした。

Early years and success(幼少期と成功)

Levene was born and raised in London, and although initially influenced by progressive rock his musical taste changed after meeting fellow Clash founder Mick Jones.


His punk and post punk guitar sounds have been described as "both melodic and discordant, sonorous and violent".


Levene was born in Muswell Hill, London on 18 July 1957.


His father was Jewish.


He was an early fan of Ska, The Beatles and progressive rock; at fifteen he worked as a roadie for Yes on their Close to the Edge tour, "cleaning Alan White's cymbals" amongst other mundane duties.


He became a founding member of The Flowers of Romance and notably The Clash, when in 1976, he helped persuade Joe Strummer to leave the pub rock band the 101ers and join the Clash.


Although he left the band before their first studio recordings, he co-wrote "What's My Name", which appeared on their first album.


After the late 1970s British punk group the Sex Pistols disbanded, Levene and their lead singer John Lydon co-founded Public Image Ltd (PiL).


He played on Travis Bean metal-neck guitars.


He was involved in the writing, performing and producing of PiL's early albums: First Issue, Metal Box and Flowers of Romance.


While playing with PiL, their 1978 debut album Public Image: First Issue reached No 22 in the UK album charts, while the lead track "Public Image", broke the top 10 single chart.

PiLでの活動中、1978年のデビュー・アルバム『Public Image』を発表。ファースト・イシューは全英アルバム・チャートで22位を記録し、リード曲「パブリック・イメージ」はシングル・チャートでトップ10入りを果たした。

Levene left PiL in 1983 due to creative differences over what would eventually become the band's fourth album, This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get.

1983年、バンドの4枚目のアルバムとなる『This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get』をめぐる創造性の違いから、レヴィンはPiLを脱退した。

In 1984, he released the original versions of the songs on his own label under the title Commercial Zone; the original working title of the album.

1984年、彼は自身のレーベルから、アルバムのオリジナル・タイトルである『Commercial Zone』というタイトルで、楽曲のオリジナル・ヴァージョンをリリースした。

In 1985 he moved to Los Angeles where he formed a company with his second wife, journalist Shelly da Cunha.


Later years(後期)

In mid-1986, Levene was asked to produce demos for the album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan by the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Master Control in Burbank with engineers Steve Catania and Dan Nebenzal.

1986年半ばには、バーバンクのマスターコントロールで、レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのアルバム『The Uplift Mofo Party Plan』のデモ制作を依頼され、エンジニアのスティーブ・カタニアとダン・ネベンザールとともに制作にあたりた。

Also in 1986, Levene worked with DJ Matt Dike, experimenting with sampling techniques and hip-hop for Ice T and Tone Loc on their early recordings for Delicious.


In 1989, he released his first solo release, Violent Opposition, on which members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers performed.

1989年には初のソロ作品『Violent Opposition』を発表し、Red Hot Chili Peppersのメンバーも出演している。

At an impromptu appearance at the Musicport Festival in Bridlington Spa on 24 October 2010, where they were joined by vocalist Nathan Maverick, Levene returned with former PiL bassist Jah Wobble.


In 2011 Levene contributed to three tracks on the album Psychic Life, a collaboration between Wobble and Lonelady.

2011年、LeveneはWobbleとLoneladyのコラボレーションによるアルバム『Psychic Life』の3曲に参加した。

In early 2012, after some planned Japan gigs were cancelled because of visa issues, Levene and Wobble played various venues in England, Wales and Germany as Metal Box in Dub, followed by the release of a four-song EP, Yin & Yang.

2012年初頭、予定されていた日本でのライブがビザの問題でキャンセルされた後、レヴィンとウォブルはMetal Box in Dubとしてイングランド、ウェールズ、ドイツの様々な会場で演奏し、その後4曲入りEP、Yin & Yangをリリースした。

In 2014 Levene travelled to Prague to record the album Commercial Zone 2014, funded by a crowdsourcing campaign at Indiegogo.

2014年、レヴィンはプラハに渡り、Indiegogoのクラウドソーシング・キャンペーンで資金を調達し、アルバム『Commercial Zone 2014』をレコーディングした。

Levene died from complications of liver cancer at his home in Norfolk on 11 November 2022, aged 65.


He was described in the BBC's obituary as "one of the most influential guitarists of all time... [who helped] pioneer an angular post-punk sound that is still regularly cited".


Influences and style(影響を受けたものとスタイル)

He first listened to the Beatles a lot.


He cited guitarist Steve Howe of Yes as one of his main influences and "the greatest fucking guitarist in the world", and prog rock as a genre he particularly liked.

また、影響を受けたギタリストとしてYesのSteve Howeを挙げ、「世界で最も偉大なクソギタリスト」であり、特に好きなジャンルとしてプログレを挙げている。

Describing the evolution of his style, he said in a 2001 interview than "once I got good enough to know the rules, I didn’t want to be like any other guitarist. I didn’t go out of my way to be different. I just had an ear for what was wrong. So if I did something that was wrong, i.e. made a mistake or did something that wasn’t in key, I was open-minded enough to listen to it again."



According to John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Levene's style was "spectacular...[and he]...explored the possibilities of what you can do with the guitar".


Upon his passing, Massive Attack described Levene as an "artist, architect and re-inventor of punk rock".


Andy Bell of Ride and Mike Scott of the Waterboys also paid tribute to him on social media.

