
【ロビー・ロバートソン】英語版ウィキペディアを日本語で読む【Robbie Robertson】

Jaime Royal "Robbie" Robertson, OC (born July 5, 1943), is a Canadian musician.

Jaime Royal "Robbie" Robertson, OC (1943年7月5日生まれ)は、カナダのミュージシャンである。

He is best known for his work as lead guitarist and songwriter for the Band, and for his career as a solo recording artist.


With the deaths of Richard Manuel in 1986, Rick Danko in 1999, and Levon Helm in 2012, Robertson is one of only two living original members of the Band, with the other being Garth Hudson.


Robertson's work with the Band was instrumental in creating the Americana music genre.


Robertson has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Canadian Music Hall of Fame as a member of the Band, and has been inducted to Canada's Walk of Fame, both with the Band and on his own.


He is ranked 59th in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 greatest guitarists.


As a songwriter, Robertson is credited for writing "The Weight", "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down", "Up on Cripple Creek" with the Band, and had solo hits with "Broken Arrow" and "Somewhere Down the Crazy River", and many others.

ソングライターとしては、ロバートソンはバンドで「The Weight」、「The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down」、「Up on Cripple Creek」を作曲し、ソロでは「Broken Arrow」、「Somewhere Down the Crazy River」などをヒットさせたことで知られる。

He has been inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, and received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Songwriters.


As a film soundtrack producer and composer, Robertson is known for his collaborations with director Martin Scorsese, which began with the rockumentary film The Last Waltz (1978), and continued through a number of dramatic films, including Raging Bull (1980), The King of Comedy (1983), Casino (1995), The Departed (2006), The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) and The Irishman (2019).


He has worked on many other soundtracks for film and television.


Early life(生い立ち)

Robertson was born Jaime Royal Robertson on July 5, 1943.


He was an only child.


His mother was Rosemarie Dolly Chrysler, born February 6, 1922.

母親は1922年2月6日生まれのRosemarie Dolly Chrysler。

She was Cayuga and Mohawk, raised on the Six Nations Reserve southwest of Toronto, Ontario.


Chrysler lived with an aunt in the Cabbagetown neighbourhood and worked at the Coro jewellery plating factory.


She met James Patrick Robertson at the factory and they married in 1942.


Rosemarie and James Robertson continued to work at the factory where they met.


The family lived in several homes in different Toronto neighbourhoods when Robbie was a child.


He often travelled with his mother to the Six Nations Reserve to visit her family.


It was here that Robertson was mentored in playing guitar by family members, in particular his older cousin Herb Myke.


He became a fan of rock 'n' roll and R&B through the radio, listening to disc jockey George "Hound Dog" Lorenz play rock 'n' roll on WKBW in Buffalo, New York, and staying up at night to listen to disc jockey John R.'s all-night blues show on WLAC, a clear-channel station in Nashville, Tennessee.

彼はラジオを通じてロックンロールとR&Bのファンになり、ニューヨーク州バッファローのWKBWでディスクジョッキーGeorge "Hound Dog" Lorenzが演奏するロックンロールを聴いたり、テネシー州ナッシュビルのクリアチャンネル局WLACでディスクジョッキーJohn Rが徹夜で演奏するブルースショーを夜中まで聴いていたりしたそうである。

When Robertson was in his early teens, his parents separated.


His mother revealed to Robertson that his biological father was not James, but Alexander David Klegerman, a Jewish man whom she had met working at the Coro factory.


He became a professional gambler and was killed in a hit-and-run accident on the Queen Elizabeth Way.


She had been with him while James Robertson was stationed in Newfoundland with the Canadian Army, before she married James.


After telling Robertson, his mother arranged for the youth to meet his paternal uncles Morris (Morrie) and Nathan (Natie) Klegerman.



When Robertson was 14, he worked two brief summer jobs in the travelling carnival circuit, first for a few days in a suburb of Toronto, and later as an assistant at a freak show for three weeks during the Canadian National Exhibition.


He drew from this for his song "Life is a Carnival" (with the Band) and the movie Carny (1980), which he produced and starred in.

ロバートソンはこの経験をもとに、「Life is a Carnival」(with the Band)という曲を作り、映画『Carny』(1980年)ではプロデューサーと主演を務めた。

The first band Robertson joined was Little Caesar and the Consuls, formed in 1956 by pianist/vocalist Bruce Morshead and guitarist Gene MacLellan.


He stayed with the group for almost a year, playing popular songs of the day at local teen dances.


In 1957 he formed Robbie and the Rhythm Chords with his friend Pete "Thumper" Traynor (who would later found Traynor Amplifiers).

1957年、彼は友人のピート・"タンパー"・トレイナー(後にトレイナー・アンプを設立)と共にロビー・アンド・ザ・リズム・コード(Robbie and the Rhythm Chords)を結成した。

They changed the name to Robbie and the Robots after they watched the film Forbidden Planet and took a liking to the film's character Robby the Robot.


Traynor customized Robertson's guitar for the Robots, fitting it with antennae and wires to give it a space age look.


Traynor and Robertson joined with pianist Scott Cushnie and became The Suedes.


At a Suedes show on October 5, 1959, when they played CHUM Radio's Hif Fi Club on Toronto's Merton Street, Ronnie Hawkins first became aware of them and was impressed enough to join them for a few numbers.

1959年10月5日、トロントのマートン・ストリートにあるCHUMラジオのHif Fi Clubに出演したスエデスのライヴで、ロニー・ホーキンスは初めて彼らの存在を知り、数曲参加するほど感銘を受けたという。

With Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks(ロニー・ホーキンス・アンド・ザ・ホークスと)

Robertson began shadowing Hawkins.


After the Suedes opened for the Arkansas-based rockabilly group Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks at Dixie Arena, Hawkins hired Robertson for the Hawks' road crew.


Hawkins recorded two songs co-credited to Robertson, "Hey Baba Lou" and "Someone Like You", for his album Mr. Dynamo (1959), and brought Robertson to the Brill Building in New York City to help him choose songs for the rest of the album.

ホーキンスはロバートソンのクレジットで「Hey Baba Lou」と「Someone Like You」の2曲をアルバム『Mr.Dynamo』(1959年)に収録し、ロバートソンをニューヨークのブリルビルに連れて行き、残りのアルバムの曲選びを手伝わせた。

Hawkins hired pianist Scott Cushnie away from the Suedes, and took him on tour in Arkansas with the Hawks.


When the Hawks' bass player left the group, Cushnie recommended that Hawkins hire Robertson to replace him on bass.


Hawkins invited Robertson to Arkansas, and then flew to the UK to perform on television there.


Left in Arkansas, Robertson spent his living allowance on records and practised intensively each day.


Upon returning, Hawkins hired him to play bass.


Cushnie left the band a few months later.


Robertson soon switched from bass to playing lead guitar for the Hawks.


Robertson developed into a guitar virtuoso.


Roy Buchanan, a few years older than Robertson, was briefly a member of the Hawks and became an important influence on Robertson's guitar style: "Standing next to Buchanan on stage for several months, Robertson was able to absorb Buchanan's deft manipulations with his volume speed dial, his tendency to bend multiple strings for steel guitar-like effect, his rapid sweep picking and his passion for bending past the root and fifth notes during solo flights."

ロバートソンより数歳年上のロイ・ブキャナンは、一時ホークスのメンバーとして活動し、ロバートソンのギター・スタイルに重要な影響を与えた。「数ヶ月間ステージでブキャナンの隣に立っていたロバートソンは、ブキャナンのボリューム・スピード・ダイヤルの巧みな操作、スチール・ギター的効果を狙って複数の弦を曲げる傾向、素早いスイープ・ピッキング、ソロ飛行中にルートと第5音を越えて曲げることへの情熱などを吸収することができた "とある。

Drummer/singer Levon Helm was already a member of the Hawks and soon became close friends with Robertson.


The Hawks continued to tour the United States and Canada, adding Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, and Garth Hudson to the Hawks lineup in 1961.


This lineup, which later became the Band, toured with Hawkins throughout 1962 and into 1963.


They also hired the saxophone player Jerry Penfound and later Bruce Bruno, who were both with the group in their intermediary period as Levon and the Hawks.


Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks cut sessions for Roulette Records throughout 1961–1963, all of which Robertson appeared on.


The sessions included three singles: "Come Love" b/w "I Feel Good" (Roulette 4400 1961); "Who Do You Love" b/w "Bo Diddley" (Roulette 4483 1963); and "There's A Screw Loose" b/w "High Blood Pressure" (Roulette 4502 1963).

このセッションには3枚のシングルが含まれています。「Come Love" b/w "I Feel Good" (Roulette 4400 1961), "Who Do You Love" b/w "Bo Diddley" (Roulette 4483 1963), そして "There's A Screw Loose" b/w "High Blood Pressure" (Roulette 4502 1963)である。

With Levon and the Hawks(レボン・アンド・ザ・ホークス)

The Hawks left Ronnie Hawkins at the beginning of 1964 to go on their own.


The members of the Hawks were losing interest in playing in the rockabilly style and favoured blues and soul music.


In early 1964, the group approached agent Harold Kudlets about representing them, which he agreed to do, booking them a year's worth of shows in the same circuits as they had been in before with Ronnie Hawkins.


Originally dubbed The Levon Helm Sextet, the group included all of the future members of the Band, plus Jerry Penfound on saxophone and Bob Bruno on vocals.


After Bruno left in May 1964, the group changed their name to Levon and the Hawks.


Penfound stayed with the group until 1965.


Kudlets kept the group busy performing throughout 1964 and into 1965, finally booking them into two lengthy summer engagements at the popular nightclub Tony Mart's in Somers Point, New Jersey, at the Shore.


They played six nights a week alongside Conway Twitty and other acts.


The members of Levon and the Hawks befriended blues artist John P. Hammond while he was performing in Toronto in 1964.


Later in the year, the group agreed to work on Hammond's album So Many Roads (released in 1965) at the same time that they were playing the Peppermint Lounge in New York City.

その後、ニューヨークのペパーミント・ラウンジで演奏していた時期に、ハモンドのアルバム『So Many Roads』(1965年発売)の制作に参加することになったのだった。

Robertson played guitar throughout the album, and was billed "Jaime R. Robertson" in the album's credits.

ロバートソンはアルバムを通してギターを弾き、アルバムのクレジットでは「Jaime R. Robertson」と表記されている。

Levon and the Hawks cut a single "Uh Uh Uh" b/w "Leave Me Alone" under the name the Canadian Squires in March 1965.

レヴォンとホークスは1965年3月にカナディアン・スクワイアーズ名義でシングル「Uh Uh Uh」b/w「Leave Me Alone」を発表した。

Both songs were written by Robertson.


The single was recorded in New York: 66  and released on Apex Records in the United States and on Ware Records in Canada.


As Levon and the Hawks, the group cut an afternoon session for Atco Records later in 1965, which yielded two singles, "The Stones I Throw" b/w "He Don't Love You" (Atco 6383) and "Go, Go, Liza Jane" b/w "He Don't Love You" (Atco 6625).

レヴォンとホークスとして、グループは1965年の後半にアトコ・レコードのために午後のセッションを行い、「The Stones I Throw」b/w 「He Don't Love You」(Atco 6383)と「Go, Go, Liza Jane」b/w 「He Don't Love You」(Atco 6625)という2枚のシングルが生まれた。

Robertson also wrote all three of the tracks on Levon and the Hawks' Atco singles.


With Bob Dylan and the Hawks(ボブ・ディラン・アンド・ザ・ホークス)

1965–1966 World Tour(ワールド・ツアー)

Toward the end of Levon and the Hawks' second engagement at Tony Mart's in New Jersey, in August 1965, Robertson received a call from Albert Grossman Management requesting a meeting with singer Bob Dylan.


The group had been recommended to both Grossman and to Dylan by Mary Martin, one of Grossman's employees; she was originally from Toronto and was a friend of the band.


Dylan was also aware of the group through his friend John Hammond, whose album So Many Roads members of the Hawks had performed on.

ディランもまた、ホークスのメンバーが参加したアルバム『So Many Roads』に参加していた友人ジョン・ハモンドを通じて、このグループのことを知っていた。

Robertson agreed to meet with Dylan.


Initially, Dylan intended simply to hire Robertson as the guitarist for his backing group.


Robertson refused the offer, but did agree to play two shows with Dylan, one at the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in Forest Hills, New York on August 28, and one at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on September 3.


Robertson suggested they use Levon Helm on drums for the shows.


Robertson and Helm performed in Dylan's backing band, along with Harvey Brooks and Al Kooper for both shows.


The first at Forest Hills received a predominantly hostile response, but the second in Los Angeles was received slightly more favourably.


Dylan flew up to Toronto and rehearsed with Levon and the Hawks September 15–17, as Levon and the Hawks finished an engagement there, and hired the full band for his upcoming tour.


Bob Dylan and the Hawks toured the United States throughout October–December 1965, with each show consisting of two sets: an acoustic show featuring only Dylan on guitar and harmonica, and an electric set featuring Dylan backed by the Hawks.


The tours were largely met with a hostile reaction from fans who knew Dylan as a prominent figure in the American folk music revival, and thought his move into rock music a betrayal.


Helm left the group after their November 28 performance in Washington, D.C. Session drummer Bobby Gregg replaced Helm for the December dates, and Sandy Konikoff was brought in to replace Gregg in January 1966.


Dylan and the Hawks played more dates in the continental United States in February–March 1966 of the 1966 world tour.


From April 9-May 27, they played Hawaii, Australia, Europe, and the UK and Ireland.


Drummer Sandy Konikoff left after the Pacific Northwest dates in March, and Mickey Jones replaced him, staying with the group for the remainder of the tour.


The Australian and European legs of the tour received a particularly harsh response from disgruntled folk fans.


The May 17 Manchester Free Trade Hall show is best known for an angry audience member audibly yelling "Judas!" at Dylan; it became a frequently-bootlegged live show from the tour, was eventually released officially as The Bootleg Series Vol.

5月17日のマンチェスター・フリー・トレード・ホール公演は、怒った観客がディランに向かって「ユダ!」と叫んだことで有名で、このツアーのライブは頻繁にブートレグされるようになり、最終的には「The Bootleg Series Vol.4」として正式にリリースされた。

4: Bob Dylan Live 1966, The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert.

4: Bob Dylan Live 1966, The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert』として正式にリリースされた。

The European leg of the tour was filmed by documentary filmmaker D. A. Pennebaker, but completion of a planned film was delayed.


After recovering from an accident, Dylan decided to edit it himself.


ABC television rejected it, and it was never commercially released.


It was screened as Eat the Document in 1972 at the Whitney Museum in New York.


On November 30, 1965, Dylan cut a studio session with members of the Hawks, which yielded the non-LP single "Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?"

1965年11月30日、ディランはホークスのメンバーとスタジオ・セッションを行い、LP以外のシングル "Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?" を制作した。

Dylan completed the Blonde on Blonde album in Nashville in mid-February 1966, employing Robertson for one of these sessions, which took place on February 14.


The "Basement Tapes" period(ベースメント・テープス」時代)

On July 29, 1966, Dylan sustained an injured neck from a motorcycle accident, and retreated to a quiet domestic life with his new wife and child in upstate New York.


Some of the members of the Hawks were living at the Chelsea Hotel in New York City at the time, and were kept on a weekly retainer by Dylan's management.


In February 1967, Dylan invited the members of the Hawks to come up to Woodstock, New York to work on music.


Robertson had met a French-Canadian woman on the Paris stop of Dylan's 1966 world tour, and the two moved into a house in the Woodstock area.


The remaining three members of the Hawks rented a house near West Saugerties, New York; it was later dubbed "Big Pink" because of its pink exterior.


Dylan and the members of the Hawks worked together at the "Big Pink" house every day to rehearse and generate ideas for new songs, many of which they recorded in "Big Pink"'s makeshift basement studio.


The recordings were made between the late spring and autumn of 1967.


Previous Hawks member Levon Helm returned to the group in August 1967.

1967年8月、ホークスの前メンバー、レヴォン・ヘルム(Levon Helm)がグループに復帰した。

By this time, Robertson's guitar style had evolved to be more supportive of the song and less devoted to displaying speed and virtuosity.


In time, word about these sessions began to circulate, and in 1968, Rolling Stone magazine co-founder Jann Wenner brought attention to these tracks in an article entitled "Dylan's Basement Tape Should Be Released".


In 1969, a bootleg album with a plain white cover compiled by two incognito music industry insiders featured a collection of seven tracks from these sessions.


The album, which became known as The Great White Wonder, began to appear in independent record stores and receive radio airplay.


This album became a runaway success: 42–46  and helped to launch the bootleg recording industry.

このアルバムは大成功を収めた。 42-46となり、ブートレッグ・レコーディング産業の立ち上げに貢献した。

In 1975, Robertson would produce an official compilation, The Basement Tapes, which included a selection of tracks from the sessions.

1975年、ロバートソンはセッションから選りすぐりのトラックを収録した公式コンピレーション「The Basement Tapes」を制作することになる。

An exhaustive collection of all 138 extant recordings was released in 2014 as The Bootleg Series Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes Complete.

現存する全138枚の音源を網羅的に収録したものが、2014年に『The Bootleg Series Vol.11: The Basement Tapes Complete』として発売された。

With the Band(ウィズ・ザ・バンド)

1967–1968 (Music From Big Pink)(ミュージック・フロム・ビッグ・ピンク)

In late 1967, Dylan left to record his next album, John Wesley Harding (1967).


After recording the basic tracks, Dylan asked Robertson and Garth Hudson about playing on the album to fill out the sound.


However, when Robertson heard the tracks, he liked the starkness of the sound and recommended that Dylan leave the songs as they were.


Dylan worked with the members of the Hawks again when they appeared as his backup band at two Woody Guthrie memorial concerts at Carnegie Hall in New York City in January 1968.


Three of these performances were later released by Columbia Records on the LP A Tribute to Woody Guthrie, Vol.

これらの演奏のうち3曲は、後にコロンビア・レコードからLP『A Tribute to Woody Guthrie, Vol.

1 (1972).

1 (1972).

Over the course of the "Basement Tapes" period, the group had developed a sound of their own, and Grossman went to Los Angeles to shop the group to a major label, securing a contract with Capitol Records.


The group went to New York to begin recording songs with music producer John Simon.


Capitol brought the group to Los Angeles to finish the album.


The resulting album, Music From Big Pink, was released in August 1968.


Robertson wrote four of the songs on Music From Big Pink, including "The Weight", "Chest Fever", "Caledonia Mission," and "To Kingdom Come".

ロバートソンは「The Weight」、「Chest Fever」、「Caledonia Mission」、「To Kingdom Come」など、「Music From Big Pink」の4曲を作曲している。

Robertson is listed in the songwriting credits as "J.R. Robertson".


Robertson sang lead vocal on the track "To Kingdom Come"; he would not sing on another Band song released to the public until "Knockin' Lost John" on 1977's Islands.

ロバートソンは「To Kingdom Come」でリード・ヴォーカルをとっており、1977年の『Islands』に収録されている「Knockin' Lost John」まで、バンドが世に出した他の曲で歌うことはなかった。

Two of Robertson's compositions for the album, "The Weight" and "Chest Fever", would become important touchstones in the group's career.

このアルバムのためにロバートソンが作曲した2曲、「The Weight」と「Chest Fever」は、グループのキャリアにおける重要な試金石となった。

"The Weight" was influenced by the films of director Luis Buñuel, in particular Nazarín (1959) and Viridiana (1961), and reflects the recurring theme in Buñuel's films about the impossibility of sainthood.

The Weight」はルイス・ブニュエル監督の映画、特に「Nazarín」(1959年)と「Viridiana」(1961年)に影響を受け、ブニュエルの映画に繰り返し出てくる聖人になることの不可能性というテーマを反映したものである。

The song portrays an individual who attempts to take a saintly pilgrimage, and becomes mired down with requests from other people to do favors for them along the way.


The mention of "Nazareth" at the beginning of the song refers to Nazareth, Pennsylvania, where the C. F. Martin & Company guitar manufacturer is located; it was inspired by Robertson seeing the word "Nazareth" in the hole of his Martin guitar.


Although "The Weight" reached #21 on the British radio charts, it did not fare as well on the American charts, initially stalling at #63.

The Weight」はイギリスのラジオ・チャートで21位を記録したが、アメリカのチャートではうまくいかず、最初は63位で足踏みしていた。

But the song gained traction following more successful covers by Jackie DeShannon (US #55, 1968), Aretha Franklin (US #19, 1969), and the Supremes with the Temptations (US #46, 1969), and the song's inclusion in the movie Easy Rider (1969), which became a runaway success.


"The Weight" has since become the Band's best known song.

The Weight はその後、バンドの最も有名な曲となった。

It has been covered by many artists, appeared in dozens of films and documentaries, and has become a staple in American rock music.


When Music from Big Pink was released in 1968, the Band initially avoided media attention, and discouraged Capitol Records from promotional efforts.


They also did not immediately pursue touring to support the album, and declined to be interviewed for a year.


The resulting mystery surrounding the group prompted speculation in the underground press.


Music from Big Pink received excellent reviews, and the album influenced many well-known musicians of the period.

Music from Big Pinkは素晴らしい評価を受け、このアルバムは当時の多くの有名なミュージシャンに影響を与えた。

1969 The Band(ザ・バンド)

In early 1969, the Band rented a home from Sammy Davis Jr. in Hollywood Hills, and converted the pool house behind it into a studio to recreate the "clubhouse" atmosphere that they had previously enjoyed at "Big Pink".


The band began recording every day in the pool house studio, working on a tight schedule to complete the album.


An additional three tracks were recorded at The Hit Factory in New York in April 1969.


Robertson did most of the audio engineering on the album.


The Band began performing regularly in spring 1969, with their first live dates as the Band taking place at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco.

バンドは1969年春に定期的な演奏を開始し、バンドとしての最初のライブはサンフランシスコのWinterland Ballroomで行われた。

Their most notable performances that year were at the 1969 Woodstock Festival and the UK Isle of Wight Festival with Bob Dylan in August.


The Band's album The Band was released in September 1969, and became a critical and commercial success.


The album received almost universal critical praise, peaked at #9 on the US pop charts, and stayed in the Top 40 for 24 weeks.


The Band works as a loose concept album of Americana themes, and was instrumental in the creation of the Americana music genre.


It was included in the Library of Congress' National Recording Registry in 2009.


The song from this album that had the strongest cultural influence was "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down".

このアルバムの中で最も文化的な影響を与えた曲は、「The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down」である。

The song explores a Confederate man's life after defeat of the South following the American Civil War.


It incorporates historical events to create a larger American mythos.


Although the Band's original version was not released as a single, a cover version by Joan Baez went to #3 on the charts in 1971 and helped to popularize the song.


Several other tracks from The Band received significant radio airplay, and would become staples in the group's concert appearances.


"Up on Cripple Creek" peaked at #25 in late 1969 in the United States, and would be their only Top 30 hit there.

Up on Cripple Creek は1969年末に米国で25位を記録し、彼らの唯一のトップ30ヒットとなった。

"Rag Mama Rag" reached #16 in the UK in April 1970, the highest chart position of any single by the group in that country.

1970年4月、"Rag Mama Rag "は英国で16位となり、同国でのグループのシングルとしては最高のチャート位置を獲得した。

"Whispering Pines", co-written by Richard Manuel, was released as a single in France in 1970, and would become the title of a 2009 book about Canadian contributions to the Americana music genre by Jason Schneider.

リチャード・マニュエルと共作した "Whispering Pines "は、1970年にフランスでシングルとしてリリースされ、2009年にジェイソン・シュナイダーがアメリカーナ音楽ジャンルへのカナダの貢献について書いた本のタイトルとなった。

On November 2, 1969, the Band appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, one of only two television appearances they would make.


1970–1973 (Stage Fright through Moondog Matinee)(『ステージ・フレイト』~『ムーンドッグ・マチネー』)

On January 12, 1970, the Band was featured on the cover of Time magazine.


This was the first time a North American rock band featured on the cover of the magazine.


The Band rented The Woodstock Playhouse in Woodstock, New York with the intent of recording a new live album there, but the city council voted against it, so they recorded on location, but without an audience.


Robertson handled most of the songwriting duties as before.


Robertson brought in Todd Rundgren to engineer the album which was recorded in two weeks' time.


These sessions became their third album, Stage Fright, which would become the Band's highest charting album, peaking at #5 on September 5 and staying in the Billboard Top 40 for 14 weeks.

このセッションは3枚目のアルバム『Stage Fright』となり、9月5日に最高5位を記録し、ビルボード・トップ40に14週間ランクインし、バンドにとって最高のチャートイン・アルバムとなった。

The Band's next album, Cahoots, was recorded at Albert Grossman's newly built Bearsville Studios and was released in October 1971.


The album received mixed reviews, and peaked at #24 on the Billboard charts, only remaining in the Billboard Top 40 for five weeks.


Cahoots is notable for its cover of Bob Dylan's "When I Paint My Masterpiece", as well as for featuring the concert favourite "Life Is a Carnival".

Cahoots』は、ボブ・ディランの「When I Paint My Masterpiece」のカバーと、コンサートで人気の「Life Is a Carnival」を収録していることが特徴である。

The inclusion of "When I Paint My Masterpiece" came about when Dylan stopped by Robertson's home during the recording of Cahoots and Robertson asked if he might have any songs to contribute.

ディランが『Cahoots』のレコーディング中にロバートソンの家に立ち寄り、ロバートソンから何か曲がないかと尋ねられたことがきっかけで、「When I Paint My Masterpiece」が収録されることになった。

That led to Dylan playing an unfinished version of "When I Paint My Masterpiece" for him.

それがきっかけで、ディランは「When I Paint My Masterpiece」の未完成版を演奏して聞かせた。

Dylan completed the song soon afterwards, and the Band recorded it for the album.


"Life Is a Carnival" features horn parts written by producer and arranger Allen Toussaint.

Life Is a Carnival は、プロデューサー兼アレンジャーのアレン・トゥーサンがホーン・パートを書き下ろした。

It would be the only track from Cahoots the group would keep in their set list through to The Last Waltz concert and film.

この曲は、『Cahoots』から『The Last Waltz』のコンサートと映画まで、バンドがセットリストに入れ続けた唯一の曲となった。

The Band continued to tour throughout 1970-71.


A live album recorded at a series of shows at the Academy of Music in New York City between December 28–31, 1971, was released in 1972 as the double album Rock Of Ages.

1971年12月28日から31日にかけてニューヨークのアカデミー・オブ・ミュージックで行われた一連の公演で録音されたライブ・アルバムは、1972年にダブル・アルバム『Rock Of Ages』としてリリースされた。

Rock of Ages peaked at #6, and remained in the Top 40 for 14 weeks.

Rock Of Agesは最高6位を記録し、14週間トップ40にとどまった。

After the Academy of Music shows, the Band again retreated from performing live.


They returned to the stage on July 28, 1973, to play the Summer Jam at Watkins Glen alongside the Allman Brothers Band and the Grateful Dead.

1973年7月28日、ワトキンス・グレンで行われたSummer Jamでオールマン・ブラザーズ・バンドやグレイトフル・デッドと共演し、ステージに戻ってきた。

A recording of the Band's performance was released by Capitol Records as the album Live at Watkins Glen in 1995.

このときの演奏の録音は、1995年にキャピトル・レコードからアルバム『Live at Watkins Glen』として発売された。

With over 600,000 people in attendance, the festival set a record for "Pop Festival Attendance" in the Guinness Book of World Records.


The record was first published in the 1976 edition of the book.


In October 1973, the Band released an album of cover songs entitled Moondog Matinee, which peaked at #28 on the Billboard charts.


Around the time of the recording of Moondog Matinee, Robertson began working on an ambitious project entitled Works that was never finished or released.

Moondog Matineeのレコーディングと前後して、ロバートソンはWorksと名付けられた野心的なプロジェクトに取り組み始めたが、これは完成も発表もされなかった。

One lyric from the Works project, "Lay a flower in the snow," was used in Robertson's song "Fallen Angel", which appeared on his 1987 self-titled solo album.

ワークス・プロジェクトの歌詞のひとつ「Lay a flower in the snow」はロバートソンの曲「Fallen Angel」に使われ、1987年のセルフ・タイトルのソロ・アルバムに収録された。

1974 Reunion with Bob Dylan (Planet Waves and Before the Flood)(ボブ・ディランとの再会(プラネット・ウェイブス、ビフォア・ザ・フラッド))

In February 1973, Bob Dylan relocated from Woodstock, New York to Malibu, California.


Coincidentally, Robertson moved to Malibu in the summer of 1973, and by October of the year the rest of the members of the Band had followed suit, moving into properties near Zuma Beach.


David Geffen had signed Dylan to Asylum Records, and worked with promoter Bill Graham on the concept that would become the Bob Dylan and the Band 1974 Tour.


It would be Dylan's first tour in more than seven years.


Meanwhile, Bill Graham took out a full-page advertisement for the Bob Dylan and the Band tour in The New York Times.


The response was one of the largest in entertainment history up to that point, with between 5 and 6 million requests for tickets mailed in for 650,000 seats.


Graham's office ended up selling tickets off on a lottery basis, and Dylan and the Band netted $2 million from the deal.


Amongst the rehearsals and preparations, the Band went into the studio with Bob Dylan to record a new album for Asylum Records that would become the Bob Dylan album Planet Waves (1974).


Sessions took place at Village Recorder in West Los Angeles, California, from November 2–14, 1973.


Planet Waves was released on February 9, 1974.


The album was #1 on the Billboard album charts for four weeks, and spent 12 weeks total in the Billboard Top 40.


Planet Waves was Bob Dylan's first #1 album, and the first and only time Bob Dylan and the Band recorded a studio album together.


The 1974 tour began at the Chicago Stadium on January 3, 1974, and ended at The Forum in Inglewood, California on February 14.


The shows began with more songs from the new Planet Waves album and with covers that Dylan and the Band liked, but as the tour went on, they moved toward playing older and more familiar material, only keeping "Forever Young" from the Planet Waves album in the set list.

ライヴは、新しいアルバム『Planet Waves』からの曲やディランとバンドが好きなカヴァー曲で始まったが、ツアーが進むにつれ、古い曲や馴染みのある曲を演奏する方向に向かい、『Planet Waves』からの「Forever Young」だけはセットリストに残していた。

Dylan and the Band played a number of tracks from the controversial 1965–1966 World Tour, this time to wildly enthusiastic response from the audience where there had been mixed reaction and boos a mere nine years previously.


The final three shows of the tour at The Forum in Inglewood, California were recorded and assembled into the double album Before the Flood.

カリフォルニア州イングルウッドのザ・フォーラムで行われたツアーの最終3公演は、ダブルアルバム『Before the Flood』として録音され、組み合わされた。

Credited to "Bob Dylan/The Band", Before the Flood was released by Asylum Records on July 20, 1974.

ボブ・ディラン/ザ・バンド」のクレジットで、1974年7月20日にアサイラム・レコードから発売された『Before the Flood』。

The album debuted at #3 on the Billboard charts, and spent ten weeks in the Top Forty.


1974–1975 (Shangri-La Studios, The Basement Tapes, and Northern Lights – Southern Cross)(シャングリ・ラ・スタジオ、ザ・ベースメント・テープス、オーロラ~サザン・クロス)

Following the 1974 reunion tour with Bob Dylan, rock manager Elliot Roberts booked the Band with the recently reunited Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.


On September 4, both artists played Wembley Stadium in London, appearing with Jesse Colin Young and Joni Mitchell.


After moving to Malibu in 1973, Robertson and the Band had discovered a ranch in Malibu near Zuma Beach called "Shangri-La", and decided to lease the property.


The main house on the property had originally been built by Lost Horizon (1937) actress Margo Albert, and the ranch had been the filming and stabling site for the Mister Ed television show in the 1960s.


In the interim, the house had served as a high-class bordello.


The album release of The Basement Tapes, credited to Bob Dylan and the Band, was the first album production that took place in the new studio.


The album, produced by Robertson, featured a selection of tapes from the original 1967 Basement Tapes sessions with Dylan, as well as demos for tracks eventually recorded for Music From Big Pink album.


Robertson cleaned up the tracks, and the album was released in July 1975.


Shangri-La Studios proved to be a return to a clubhouse atmosphere that the Band had enjoyed previously at Big Pink, and in the spring of 1975, the group began work on Northern Lights – Southern Cross, their first release of original material in four years.

シャングリ・ラ・スタジオは、バンドが以前Big Pinkで楽しんでいたクラブハウスのような雰囲気を取り戻し、1975年の春、グループは4年ぶりにオリジナル曲をリリースする『Northern Lights - Southern Cross』の制作を開始した。

One of the best known tracks on the album is "Acadian Driftwood", the first song with specifically Canadian subject material.

このアルバムで最もよく知られている曲のひとつが、特にカナダを題材にした最初の曲である「Acadian Driftwood」である。

Robertson was inspired to write "Acadian Driftwood" after seeing the documentary L'Acadie, l'Acadie (1971) on Canadian television while in Montreal.

ロバートソンはモントリオールに滞在中、カナダのテレビでドキュメンタリー映画『L'Acadie, l'Acadie』(1971年)を見て、「Acadian Driftwood」を書く気になったそうだ。

Two other notable tracks from that album are "It Makes No Difference" and "Ophelia".

そのアルバムからは他に「It Makes No Difference」と「Ophelia」の2曲が注目されている。

Northern Lights – Southern Cross was released on November 1, 1975.

Northern Lights - Southern Cross は1975年11月1日にリリースされた。

The album received generally positive reviews, and reached #26 on the Billboard charts, remaining in the Top 40 for five weeks.


1976 (Islands and The Last Waltz concert)(アイランズ、ザ・ラスト・ワルツ・コンサート)

The Band began touring again in June 1976, performing throughout the summer.


The members of the Band were splintering off to work on other projects, with Levon Helm building a studio in Woodstock and Rick Danko having been contracted to Arista Records as a solo artist.


While on the summer tour, member Richard Manuel was involved in a boating accident that severely injured his neck, and ten dates of the 25-date tour were cancelled.


It was during this time period that Robertson introduced the concept that the Band would cease to operate as a touring act.


According to Robertson, the group's mutual agreement was that they would stage one final "grand finale" show, part ways to work on their various projects, and then regroup.


Helm later made the case in his autobiography, This Wheel's on Fire, that Robertson had forced the Band's breakup on the rest of the group.

ヘルは後に自伝『This Wheel's on Fire』の中で、ロバートソンがバンドの解散を他のメンバーに強要したと主張している。

Concert promoter Bill Graham booked the Band at the Winterland Ballroom on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1976.


The show was intended as a gala event, with ticket prices of $25 per person.


The event would include a Thanksgiving dinner served to the audience, and would feature the Band performing with various musical guests.


The onstage guest list included Ronnie Hawkins, Muddy Waters, Paul Butterfield, Dr. John, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Neil Diamond, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Emmylou Harris, and others.


Robertson wanted to document the event on film, and approached director Martin Scorsese to see if he would be interested in shooting the concert.


The Winterland concert was called The Last Waltz.


Robertson and Scorsese developed a 200-page script for the show, listing out in columns the lyrics of the songs, who was singing what part, and what instruments were being featured.


It included columns for the camera and lighting work.


Scorsese brought in all-star cameramen such as Michael Chapman, László Kovács and Vilmos Zsigmond to film the show in 35mm.


John Simon, producer on the Band's first two albums, was brought in to coordinate rehearsals and work as musical director.


Boris Leven was brought in as art director.


Jonathan Taplin assumed the role of executive producer, and Robertson worked as producer of the film.


Rehearsals for The Last Waltz concert began in early November.


Warner Bros. Records president Mo Ostin offered to finance the production of The Last Waltz film in exchange for the rights to release music from The Last Waltz as an album.

ワーナー・ブラザース・レコードの社長モー・オースティンが レコード会社社長のモ・オスティンは、『ラスト・ワルツ』の音楽をアルバムとして発売する権利と引き換えに、『ラスト・ワルツ』の映画制作に資金を提供することを申し出た。

However, the group were contractually obligated to supply Capitol Records with one more album before they could be released to work with Warner Bros. So in between rehearsing, the Band worked on the studio album Islands for Capitol.


Robertson wrote or co-wrote eight of the ten tracks.


One of the songs, "Knockin' Lost John", features Robertson on vocals, and was the first Band song Robertson had sung on since "To Kingdom Come" from Music From Big Pink.

そのうちの1曲、「Knockin' Lost John」はロバートソンがボーカルを務めており、『Music From Big Pink』の「To Kingdom Come」以来、ロバートソンが歌った初めてのバンドの曲となった。

"Christmas Must Be Tonight" was inspired by the birth of Robertson's son, Sebastian, in July 1974.

Christmas Must Be Tonight は、1974年7月にロバートソンの息子、セバスチャンが誕生したことに触発されたものである。

The Last Waltz concert event took place on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1976.


Approximately five thousand people were in attendance.


The event began at 5 pm, beginning with the audience members being served a full traditional Thanksgiving meal at candlelit tables, with a vegetarian table serving an alternate menu as an option.


The Berkeley Promenade Orchestra played waltz music for dancing afterwards.


The tables were cleared and moved at 8 pm.


At 9 pm, the Band played songs for an hour, beginning with "Up On Cripple Creek".

午後9時、バンドは「Up On Cripple Creek」を皮切りに1時間曲を演奏した。

Just after 10 pm, Robertson introduced Ronnie Hawkins, the first onstage guest, with a succession of guest stars appearing with the group until just after midnight.


The group took a 30-minute break, during which several Bay Area poets performed readings of their poems.


After the break, the Band returned to the stage, performing, among other songs, a new composition entitled "The Last Waltz Theme" that Robertson had just completed less than 48 hours prior.

休憩後、バンドはステージに戻り、ロバートソンが48時間前に完成させたばかりの新曲「The Last Waltz Theme」などを演奏した。

Bob Dylan was brought in at the end of this second set, performing several songs, and finally being joined with the other guest stars for a finale performance of "I Shall Be Released".

セカンド・セットの最後にはボブ・ディランが登場し、数曲を演奏し、最後は他のゲスト・スターと一緒に「I Shall Be Released」を演奏してフィナーレを飾った。

This was then followed with two all-star jam sessions, after which the Band returned to the stage to close the show with one more song, their rendition of "Baby Don't You Do It".

その後、2回のオールスター・ジャムセッションを経て、バンドはステージに戻り、もう1曲、「Baby Don't You Do It」を演奏してショウを締めくくった。

1977–1978 (The Last Waltz film and album)(映画「ラスト・ワルツ」、アルバム)

After The Last Waltz concert event was finished, director Martin Scorsese had 400 reels of raw footage to work with, and began editing the footage.


The film was then sold to United Artists.


In the meantime, Robertson and Scorsese continued to brainstorm more ideas for the film.


In April 1977, country singer Emmylou Harris and gospel vocal group the Staple Singers were filmed on a sound stage at MGM performing with the Band.


Emmylou Harris performed on "Evangeline", a new song written by Robertson, and the Staples Singers performed on a new recording of "The Weight," which they themselves had recorded a version of in 1968.

エミルー・ハリスはロバートソンが書いた新曲「Evangeline」で、ステイプルズ・シンガーズは、彼ら自身が1968年に録音した「The Weight」の新録音で、それぞれ演奏した。

Scorsese's next idea was to intersperse the concert footage with interviews of the Band that told their story.


Scorsese conducted the interviews.


The Last Waltz album was released by Warner Brothers Records on April 7, 1978, as a 3-LP set.


The first five sides feature live performances from the concert, and the last side contains studio recordings from the MGM sound stage sessions.


The album peaked at #16 on the Billboard charts, and remained in the Top 40 for 8 weeks.


The Last Waltz film was released to theatres on April 26, 1978.


The film fared well with both rock and film critics.


Robertson and Scorsese made appearances throughout America and Europe to promote the film.


Over time, The Last Waltz has become lauded by many as an important and pioneering rockumentary.


Its influence has been felt on subsequent rock music films such as Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense (1984), and U2's Rattle and Hum (1988).


Production and session work outside of the Band 1970–1977(バンド以外での制作・セッション活動)

Robertson produced Jesse Winchester's debut self-titled album, which was released in 1970 on Ampex Records.


The album features Robertson playing guitar throughout the album, and co-credits the track "Snow" to Robertson as well.


Robertson played guitar on ex-Beatle Ringo Starr's third solo album, Ringo (1973), performing with four-fifths of the Band on the track "Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond)".

ロバートソンは元ビートルズのリンゴ・スターの3枚目のソロ・アルバム『リンゴ』(1973年)でギターを弾き、バンドの5分の4と「Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond)」という曲で演奏している。

Robertson contributed a guitar solo on the track "Snookeroo" on Starr's fourth album, Goodnight Vienna (1974).


Robertson played guitar for Joni Mitchell on the track "Raised on Robbery", which was released on her album Court and Spark.


In 1974, Robertson also played guitar on Carly Simon's version of "Mockingbird", which featured Simon singing with her then-husband James Taylor.


In 1975, Robertson produced and played guitar on singer/guitarist Hirth Martinez's debut album Hirth From Earth.


Bob Dylan had heard Martinez, and recommended him to Robertson.


Robertson identified strongly with Martinez' music, helped him to secure a recording contract with Warner Bros. Records, and agreed to produce Martinez' debut album.


He also played guitar on Martinez' follow-up album, Big Bright Street (1977).


In 1975, Eric Clapton recorded the album No Reason to Cry at the Band's Shangri-La Studios with help from members of the Band.

1975年、エリック・クラプトンはバンドのメンバーの協力を得て、バンドのシャングリ・ラ・スタジオでアルバム『No Reason to Cry』をレコーディングした。

Robertson played lead guitar on the track "Sign Language".

ロバートソンは「Sign Language」という曲でリード・ギターを弾いている。

In the mid-1970s, Robertson connected with singer Neil Diamond, and the two began collaborating on a concept album about the life and struggles of a Tin Pan Alley songwriter.


The resulting album, entitled Beautiful Noise, was recorded at Shangri-La Studios in early 1976.


It reached #6 on the Billboard charts and remained in the Top 40 for sixteen weeks.


Robertson produced the album, co-wrote the track "Dry Your Eyes" with Diamond, and played guitar on "Dry Your Eyes", "Lady-Oh", and "Jungletime".

ロバートソンはこのアルバムをプロデュースし、ダイアモンドと「Dry Your Eyes」を共同作曲し、「Dry Your Eyes」、「Lady-Oh」、「Jungletime」でギターを演奏した。

He produced Diamond's live double album Love at the Greek (1977), which was recorded in 1976 at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.


Love at the Greek reached #8 on the Billboard charts and remained in the Top 40 for nine weeks.

Love at the Greek」はビルボードチャートで8位を記録し、9週間トップ40にとどまった。

In 1977, Robertson contributed to two album projects from the Band alumni.


Robertson played guitar on "Java Blues" on Rick Danko's self-titled debut album, and also played guitar on the Earl King-penned "Sing, Sing, Sing" on the album Levon Helm & the RCO All-Stars.

ロバートソンはリック・ダンコのセルフタイトルデビューアルバムの「Java Blues」でギターを演奏し、アルバム「Levon Helm & the RCO All-Stars」ではアール・キング作曲の「Sing, Sing, Sing」でギターを演奏している。

Also in 1977, Robertson contributed to the second self-titled album by singer-songwriter Libby Titus, who was the former girlfriend of Levon Helm.


Robertson produced the track "The Night You Took Me To Barbados In My Dreams" (co-written by Titus and Hirth Martinez), and produced and played guitar on the Cole Porter standard "Miss Otis Regrets".

ロバートソンは「The Night You Took Me To Barbados In My Dreams」(タイタスとハース・マルティネスの共作)をプロデュースし、コール・ポーターのスタンダード曲「Miss Otis Regrets」ではプロデュースとギター演奏を担当した。

Film career 1980–1986(映画界でのキャリア)

Carny (1980) film and soundtrack(『カーニー』映画とサウンドトラック)

After the release of The Last Waltz, MGM/UA, who released the film, viewed Robertson as a potential film actor, and provided Robertson with an office on the MGM lot.


During this time, Martin Scorsese's agent, Harry Ulfand, contacted Robertson about the idea of producing a dramatic film about traveling carnivals, which Robertson was drawn to because of his childhood experiences working in carnivals.


The screenplay for the film Carny was directed by documentary filmmaker Robert Kaylor.


Although Robertson was initially only intended to be the producer of Carny, he ended up becoming the third lead actor in the film, playing the role of Patch, the patch man.


Gary Busey played "Frankie", the carnival bozo and Patch's best friend.


Jodie Foster was selected to play the role of Donna, a small town girl who runs away to join the carnival and threatens to come between the two friends.


The film cast real life carnies alongside professional film actors, which created a difficult atmosphere on set.


Carny opened to theaters on June 13, 1980.


Also in 1980, Warner Bros released a soundtrack album for Carny, which is co-credited to Robertson and composer Alex North, who wrote the orchestral score for the film.


The soundtrack was re-released on compact disc by Real Gone Music in 2015.

このサウンドトラックは、2015年にReal Gone Musicからコンパクトディスクで再リリースされた。

Early collaborations with Martin Scorsese 1980–1986 (Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, The Color of Money)(マーティン・スコセッシ監督との初期のコラボレーション(レイジング・ブル、キング・オブ・コメディー、カラー・オブ・マネー))

After the production of Carny was completed, Robertson flew to New York to assist Martin Scorsese on the music for the film Raging Bull (1980).


Robertson and Scorsese would have a long-running working relationship.


The former would find and/or create music to underscore the latter's films.


Raging Bull was the first of these collaborations.


Robertson credits his work on Raging Bull for sparking his interest in the work of sourcing and underscoring music for movies.


Robertson supplied three newly recorded instrumental jazz tracks for sourced music, which he also produced.


These three tracks feature Robertson playing guitar, along with performances from the Band alumni Garth Hudson and Richard Manuel.


One of the tracks, "Webster Hall", is co-written by Robertson and Garth Hudson.

そのうちの1曲、「Webster Hall」はロバートソンとガース・ハドソンの共作である。

Robertson also worked with Scorsese on selecting the film's opening theme music, choosing the intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana by Italian opera composer Pietro Mascagni.


The soundtrack was finally released by Capitol Records in 2005 as a 37 track, 2-CD set.


Robertson worked with Scorsese again on his next film, The King of Comedy (1983), and is credited in the film's opening credits for "Music Production".


Robertson contributed one original song, "Between Trains," to the film's soundtrack.

ロバートソンは、この映画のサウンドトラックにオリジナル曲「Between Trains」を1曲提供している。

The song was written in tribute to "Cowboy" Dan Johnson, an assistant of Scorsese's who had recently died.


Robertson produced the track, sings lead vocals, and plays guitar and keyboards; the Band alumni Garth Hudson and Richard Manuel appear on the track was well.


A soundtrack album for the film was released by Warner Bros. in 1983.


In June 1986, Robertson began working with Scorsese on his next film The Color of Money.


In addition to sourcing music for the film, Robertson also composed the film's score; it was the first time Robertson had ever written a dramatic underscore for a film.


Robertson brought in Canadian jazz composer Gil Evans to orchestrate the arrangements.


The best known song on The Color of Money soundtrack is Eric Clapton's "It's in the Way That You Use It", which was co-written by Robertson.


"It's in the Way That You Use It" reached #1 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Songs chart in January 1987.

It's in the Way That You Use It は1987年1月にビルボード・メインストリーム・ロック・ソング・チャートで1位を獲得した。

Robertson produced a song for the film with blues player Willie Dixon entitled "Don't Tell Me Nothin'"; Dixon's track was co-written with Robertson.


The Color of Money's soundtrack album was released by MCA Records.


Solo career(ソロ活動)

Geffen Records period(ゲフィン・レコード時代)

Robbie Robertson (1987)(ロビー・ロバートソン)

Robertson began work on his first solo album, Robbie Robertson, in July 1986 after signing to Geffen Records.


Robertson chose fellow Canadian Daniel Lanois to produce the album.


Much of the album was recorded at The Village Recorder in West Los Angeles, California.


He recorded at Bearsville Studios near Woodstock, New York, and also in Dublin, Ireland, with U2, and in Bath, England, with Peter Gabriel.


He employed a number of guest artists on the album, including U2, Gabriel, the Bodeans, and Maria McKee.


Garth Hudson and Rick Danko also made appearances on the album.


Robertson wrote one track, "Fallen Angel", in honor of Richard Manuel, after his passing in March 1986.

ロバートソンは、1986年3月に亡くなったリチャード・マニュエルに敬意を表して、1曲「Fallen Angel」を書き下ろした。

Released on October 26, 1987, Robbie Robertson peaked at #35 on the Billboard 200, remaining in the top 40 for three weeks.


The album charted even higher in the UK, peaking at #23 on the UK Albums Chart and remaining on the chart for 14 weeks.


Robbie Robertson received overwhelming critical acclaim at the time of its release, being listed in the Top-Ten Albums of the Year by several critics in Billboard magazine's 1987 "The Critics' Choice" end of the year feature.

ロビー・ロバートソンは発売当時、圧倒的な批評家の称賛を受け、ビルボード誌の1987年の年末特集「The Critics' Choice」で、複数の批評家からその年のトップ10アルバムにリストアップされた。

The album was listed as #77 in Rolling Stone's 1989 list "100 Best Albums of the Eighties."

このアルバムは、1989年のローリング・ストーン誌のリスト "100 Best Albums of the Eighties" で77位にランクインしている。

Robertson had his single largest hit in the UK with "Somewhere Down The Crazy River", which features his spoken word verses contrasted with singing in the choruses.

ロバートソンは「Somewhere Down The Crazy River」で英国で最大のヒットを飛ばした。この曲は、彼の話し言葉の詩とコーラスでの歌の対比が特徴である。

The song reached #15 in the UK Hit Singles chart, and remained in the chart for 11 weeks.


The video for "Somewhere Down The Crazy River" was directed by Martin Scorsese, and features Maria McKee in an acting role.

Somewhere Down The Crazy River」のPVはマーティン・スコセッシが監督し、マリア・マッキーが演技で出演している。

In the US, Robbie Robertson produced several hits on the Billboard Mainstream Rock charts, with "Showdown At Big Sky" coming in the highest (#2) and "Sweet Fire Of Love" the second highest (#7).

アメリカでは、ロビー・ロバートソンはビルボード・メインストリーム・ロック・チャートでいくつかのヒット曲を生み出し、「Showdown At Big Sky」が最高位(2位)、「Sweet Fire Of Love」が2位(7位)にランクインした。

The album was nominated for a Grammy Award for "Best Rock / Vocal Album", and was certified gold in the United States in 1991.


In Canada, Robertson won Album Of The Year, Best Male Vocalist Of The Year and Producer Of The Year at the Juno Award ceremony in 1989.

カナダでは、ロバートソンは1989年のジュノー賞授賞式でAlbum Of The Year、Best Male Vocalist Of The Year、Producer Of The Yearを受賞した。

In 1991, Rod Stewart recorded a version of "Broken Arrow" for his album Vagabond Heart.

1991年、ロッド・スチュワートがアルバム『Vagabond Heart』に「Broken Arrow」のヴァージョンを録音した。

Stewart's version of the song reached #20 on the Billboard 100 chart in the US and #2 on the Billboard Top Canadian Hit Singles chart in Canada.


"Broken Arrow" was performed live by the Grateful Dead with Phil Lesh on vocals.

Broken Arrow はフィル・レッシュがボーカルを務めるグレイトフル・デッドによってライブで演奏された。

Storyville (1991)(ストーリーヴィル)

Storyville was released on September 30, 1991.


Robertson headed to New Orleans to collaborate with some of the city's natives like Aaron and Ivan Neville and the Rebirth Brass Band.


Once again, Robertson brought in Band alumni Garth Hudson and Rick Danko as contributors.


The album reached #69 on the Billboard 200 chart.


Storyville received numerous positive reviews, with Rolling Stone giving it 4 1/2 stars out of 5, and the Los Angeles Times awarding it 3 stars out of 4.


Two tracks from the album, "What About Now" and "Go Back To Your Woods", charted on the Billboard Mainstream Rock charts at #15 and #32 respectively.

アルバムからの2曲、「What About Now」と「Go Back To Your Woods」は、ビルボード・メインストリーム・ロック・チャートでそれぞれ15位と32位にチャートインした。

The album was nominated for Grammy awards in the categories "Best Rock Vocal Performance (solo)" and "Best Engineer".


Production and session work 1984–1992(プロダクション、セッションワーク)

In 1984, Robertson co-produced the track "The Best of Everything" with Tom Petty for the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers album Southern Accents.

1984年、ロバートソンは、トム・ペティ・アンド・ザ・ハートブレイカーズのアルバム『Southern Accents』の収録曲「The Best of Everything」をトム・ペティと共同プロデュースした。

Robertson also worked on the horn arrangements for the track, and brought in Band alumni Richard Manuel and Garth Hudson as guests.


In 1986, Robertson appeared as a guest on the album Reconciled by the Call, playing guitar on the track "The Morning".

1986年、ロバートソンはアルバム「Reconciled by the Call」にゲストとして参加し、「The Morning」という曲でギターを弾いている。

Also in 1986, Robertson was brought on as creative consultant for Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll (1987), a feature film saluting Chuck Berry.

同じく1986年、ロバートソンは『Hail! Hail! ロックンロール』(1987年)のクリエイティブ・コンサルタントを務めた。

Robertson appears in film, interviewing Chuck Berry, and then playing guitar while Berry recites poetry.


In 1988, Robertson collaborated as a songwriter with Lone Justice lead singer Maria McKee.


One of the songs they co-wrote, "Nobody's Child", was released on McKee's self-titled debut album in 1989.

共同作曲した曲のひとつ「Nobody's Child」は、1989年にマッキーのセルフタイトルデビューアルバムで発表された。

In 1989, Robertson recorded and produced a new version of the Band's "Christmas Must Be Tonight" for the Scrooged soundtrack.

1989年、ロバートソンはScroogedのサウンドトラックのためにバンドの「Christmas Must Be Tonight」の新バージョンを録音し、プロデュースした。

In 1990, Robertson appeared as a guest on the Ryuichi Sakamoto album Beauty, playing guitar on the song "Romance".


He also contributed to the world music video and album production One World One Voice.

また、ワールドミュージックのビデオとアルバム制作「One World One Voice」に貢献した。

In 1992, Robertson produced the song "Love in Time" for Roy Orbison's posthumous album King of Hearts.

1992年、ロイ・オービソンの遺作アルバム『キング・オブ・ハーツ』の収録曲 "Love In Time "をプロデュースした。

"Love In Time" was a basic demo Orbison had recorded that was believed to be lost, but had just recently been rediscovered.

「Love In Time」はオービソンが録音した基本的なデモで、失われたと思われていたが、つい最近になって再発見されたものだった。

Robertson set about augmenting Orbison's basic vocal track with new arrangements and instrumentation, with the intent of making it sound like the arrangements were there from the beginning instead of later additions.


Later solo albums(その後のソロ・アルバム)

Music for the Native Americans (1994): In 1994, Robertson returned to his roots, forming a Native American group called the Red Road Ensemble for Music for the Native Americans, a collection of songs that accompanied a television documentary series produced by TBS.


Like his songs, "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down," and "Acadian Driftwood," Robertson touches on history that connects to his life and family.

彼の曲「The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down」や「Acadian Driftwood」のように、ロバートソンは彼の人生や家族につながる歴史に触れている。

The Battle Of Wounded Knee and the near extinction of the buffalo in the United States are outlined in the song, "Ghost Dance."

ウンディッドニーの戦いや、米国でバッファローが絶滅しそうになったことは、"Ghost Dance "という曲の中で概説されている。

Robertson was recognized with a Juno Award for Producer of the Year.


The international success of "Mahk Jchi (Heartbeat Drum Song)" inspired a concert in Agrigento, Italy, celebrating Native American music.

Mahk Jchi (Heartbeat Drum Song)」の国際的な成功は、イタリアのアグリジェントでネイティブアメリカンの音楽を祝うコンサートを開催するきっかけとなりた。

Robertson headlined the festival along with other Native American musicians, and portions of the live performance appeared in a PBS documentary.


Contact from the Underworld of Redboy (1998): On Contact from the Underworld of Redboy, Robertson departed from his typical production style and delved deep into a mix of rock, native, and electronic music.

コンタクト・フロム・ザ・アンダーワールド・オブ・レッドボーイ」(1998年) Contact from the Underworld of Redboyでは、ロバートソンは通常の制作スタイルから離れ、ロック、ネイティブ、エレクトロニックミュージックのミックスに深く踏み込んだ。

He employed the services of Howie B, DJ Premier, and producer Marius de Vries (Björk, Massive Attack).

彼は、Howie B、DJ Premier、そしてプロデューサーのMarius de Vries(Björk, Massive Attack)を起用した。

Through the songs on the album, he takes a close look at native traditions like Peyote Healing.


The album's opening track, "The Sound Is Fading", samples a recording of a young Native American singer from the 1940s that Robertson got from the Library Of Congress, and the song "Sacrifice" includes parts of an interview from prison with Leonard Peltier set to a soundscape produced by Robertson and de Vries.

アルバムのオープニング曲「The Sound Is Fading」では、ロバートソンが国会図書館から入手した1940年代の若いネイティブ・アメリカン・シンガーの録音をサンプリングし、「Sacrifice」では、ロバートソンとデ・ヴリースが制作した音像に合わせて、レナード・ペルティエの刑務所からのインタビューの一部を収録している。

The racial epithet in the album's title comes from an experience Robertson had where some bullies referred to him as "Red Boy" while he was playing with his cousins.


Rolling Stone gave the album 4 out of 5 stars, and Robertson received a Juno Award for Best Music of Aboriginal Canada Recording.


How to Become Clairvoyant (2011): Released on April 5, 2011, How to Become Clairvoyant is the fifth solo release from Robertson.

透視能力者になる方法』(2011年) 2011年4月5日にリリースされた『How to Become Clairvoyant』は、ロバートソンの5枚目のソロ作品である。

The album arose from some impromptu demo sessions in Los Angeles with long time friend Eric Clapton.


It features Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Trent Reznor, Tom Morello, Robert Randolph, Rocco Deluca, Angela McCluskey, and Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes.

Eric Clapton、Steve Winwood、Trent Reznor、Tom Morello、Robert Randolph、Rocco Deluca、Angela McCluskey、そしてDawesのTaylor Goldsmithが参加している。

Robbie performed "He Don't Live Here No More" on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman and Later...

CBSの番組『Late Show with David Letterman』と『Later...』で「He Don't Live Here No More」を演奏。

with Jools Holland in support of the album.

with Jools Hollandに出演し、アルバムをサポートした。

He also appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon performing the song "Straight Down The Line," with Robert Randolph and the Roots.

また、The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallonに出演し、Robert Randolph and the Rootsと共に「Straight Down The Line」を演奏した。

The album was released in a deluxe edition containing five bonus tracks (four demos and the exclusive track "Houdini", named after the magician Harry Houdini).


"How To Become Clairvoyant" debuted at No. 13 on the Billboard 200, marking the highest debut and highest chart position for Robbie's solo works in his career.

How To Become Clairvoyant はビルボード200で13位を記録し、ロビーのソロ作品としてはキャリア最高のデビューとチャート最高位をマークした。

He teamed with painter and photographer Richard Prince to produce a special limited-edition collector's release of the album.


The resulting LP-sized box included an art book, an individually numbered set of five lithographs (including pieces by Prince and photographer Anton Corbijn), a set of original tarot cards, and the original album plus ten bonus tracks.


Only 2,500 were made.


Sinematic (2019): Released on September 20, 2019, Sinematic is Robertson's sixth solo album.


It features Van Morrison joining Robertson as dueling hitmen on the track “I Hear You Paint Houses," as well as other allusions to the world of Scorsese's films.

I Hear You Paint Houses」という曲でヴァン・モリソンがロバートソンとデュエルするヒットマンとして参加しているほか、スコセッシ監督の映画の世界観を連想させるような内容になっている。

Citizen Cope, Derek Trucks, and Frédéric Yonnet make guest appearances on the album.


Later career(その後のキャリア)

Robertson worked on Martin Scorsese's movies Casino, The Departed, and Gangs of New York, and he provided music supervision for Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Silence.

ロバートソンはマーティン・スコセッシ監督の映画『カジノ』『ディパーテッド』『ギャング・オブ・ニューヨーク』に参加し、『シャッター アイランド』『ウルフ・オブ・ウォールストリート』『沈黙』の音楽監修を担当した。

In Rome, he headlined the 1995 annual Labour Day concert festival with supporting acts Andrea Bocelli, Elvis Costello, and Radiohead.


In 1996, as executive soundtrack producer, Robertson heard a demo of Change the World and sent it to Clapton as a suggestion for the soundtrack of Phenomenon, starring John Travolta.

1996年、サウンドトラックのエグゼクティブ・プロデューサーとして、ロバートソンはChange the Worldのデモを聴き、ジョン・トラボルタ主演の『Phenomenon』のサウンドトラックに提案するためクラプトンに送り付けた。

Babyface produced the track.


Change the World won 1997 Grammy awards for Song of the Year and Record of the Year.


In 1999, Robertson contributed songs to Oliver Stone's film, Any Given Sunday.


In 2000, David Geffen and Mo Ostin convinced Robertson to join DreamWorks Records as creative executive.

2000年、David GeffenとMo OstinはRobertsonを説得し、DreamWorks Recordsにクリエイティブ・エグゼクティブとして参加させた。

Robertson, who persuaded Nelly Furtado to sign with the company, is actively involved with film projects and developing new artist talent, including signings of A.i., Boomkat, eastmountainsouth, and Dana Glover.

Nelly Furtadoを説得して同社と契約させたRobertsonは、映画プロジェクトや、A.i., Boomkat, eastmountainsouth, Dana Gloverなどの新人アーティスト育成に積極的に携わっている。

On February 9, 2002, Robertson performed "Stomp Dance (Unity)" as part of the opening ceremony of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah.

2002年2月9日、ユタ州ソルトレイクシティの2002年冬季オリンピック開会式の一部として、ロバートソンは「Stomp Dance(Unity)」を演奏した。

In 2004, he contributed the song "Shine Your Light" to the Ladder 49 soundtrack.

2004年には、Ladder 49のサウンドトラックに「Shine Your Light」を提供した。

In 2005, Robertson was executive producer of the definitive box set for the Band, entitled A Musical History.

2005年、ロバートソンは「A Musical History」と題されたバンドの決定的なボックスセットのエグゼクティブプロデューサーを務めた。

In 2006, he recorded with Jerry Lee Lewis on the track "Twilight", a Robertson composition, for Lewis' album Last Man Standing.


On July 28, 2007, at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival in Bridgeview, Illinois, Robertson made a rare live appearance.


Also in 2007, Robertson accepted an invitation to participate in Goin' Home: A Tribute to Fats Domino (Vanguard).

2007年、ロバートソンはGoin' Homeへの招待を受け、参加した。A Tribute to Fats Domino (Vanguard)に参加。

With the group Galactic, Robertson contributed a version of Domino's "Goin' to the River".

グループ「ギャラクティック」で、ロバートソンはドミノの「Goin' to the River」のヴァージョンを提供した。

For the 2019 Martin Scorsese movie The Irishman, Robertson provided the score and consulted with music supervisor Randall Poster on the entire soundtrack.


Honours and awards(栄誉と賞)

In 1989, the Band was inducted into the Canadian Juno Hall of Fame.


In 1994, the Band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


In 1997, Robertson received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Songwriters.


At the 2003 commencement ceremonies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Robertson delivered an address to the graduating class and was awarded an honorary degree by the university.


In 2003, Robertson received the Indspire Aboriginal Lifetime Achievement Award.

2003年、ロバートソンはIndspire Aboriginal Lifetime Achievement Awardを受賞した。

In 2003, Robertson was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame.


In 2005, Robertson received an honorary doctorate from York University.


In 2006, he received the Governor General's Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement, Canada's highest honour in the performing arts.

2006年、舞台芸術におけるカナダ最高の栄誉である総督舞台芸術賞(Lifetime Artistic Achievement)を受賞。

In 2008, Robertson and the Band received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.


In 2011, Robertson was inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame.


On May 27, 2011, Robertson was made an Officer of the Order of Canada by Governor General David Johnston.


In 2014, the Band was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame.


October 14, 2017 Robbie Robertson receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Native American Music Awards In 2019, Robertson was given a key to the city of Toronto by Mayor John Tory during a TIFF press conference for Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band, a documentary about Robertson.

2017年10月14日 ネイティブ・アメリカン・ミュージック・アワードでロビー・ロバートソンが生涯功労賞を受賞 2019年、『Once Were Brothers』の東京国際映画祭の記者会見で、ロバートソンがジョン・トリー市長からトロント市の鍵を贈られた。ロバートソンのドキュメンタリー映画『Robbie Robertson and The Band』。

2019 Robbie Robertson the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Canadian Music Industry Hall of Fame from Canadian Music Week (CMW)

2019年 ロビー・ロバートソンがカナディアン・ミュージック・ウィーク(CMW)の「カナダ音楽業界の殿堂」において「生涯功労賞」を受賞

As author(作家として)

Robertson co-authored Legends, Icons and Rebels: Music That Changed the World with his son, Sebastian Robertson, and colleagues Jim Guerinot and Jared Levine.

ロバートソンの共著に「Legends, Icons and Rebels」がある。ロバートソンは、息子のセバスチャン・ロバートソン、同僚のジム・ゲリノット、ジャレッド・レヴィンとともに『Music That Changed the World』を共著している。

He also wrote Hiawatha and the Peacemaker, illustrated by David Shannon.

また、デヴィッド・シャノンのイラストによる『Hiawatha and the Peacemaker』(邦訳『ハイアワサと平和の作り手』)も執筆。

His autobiography, Testimony, written over the course of five years, was published by Crown Archetype in November 2016.


Personal life(個人生活)

On March 24, 1968, Robertson married Dominique Bourgeois, a Canadian journalist.


They have three children: daughters Alexandra and Delphine and son Sebastian.


Robertson is a member of the Canadian charity Artists Against Racism.

ロバートソンは、カナダの慈善団体「Artists Against Racism」のメンバーである。
