









People who cannot manage their anger have their emotions exposed and it becomes uncontrollable.

▼英訳(translated by ChatGPT)

Some people are sensitive and easily triggered, and some may even come across as arrogant. However, among them, there are people who have absolutely no anger management skills. They ignore the other person's position or situation and use strong words that can be piercing, blaming and criticizing the other party unilaterally.

Communicating with such people is very difficult, and when the angry person starts to spin out of control, the situation becomes unmanageable. Even if you speak kindly and try to make yourself understood, they often don't listen at all.

I once heard a story from a woman who complained to a lodging facility. Although I wasn't there on the scene, based on the tone of her words and the flow of the conversation, it was quite aggressive. She nitpicked the apology from the lodging facility and even dragged her superior down. Her anger continued to grow and she completely lost control, leaving those around her bewildered.

Unless the person who gets angry easily understands anger management, they will continue to vent their frustration around them endlessly. If you are an adult, even if the other person is somewhat at fault, it is wiser to choose the path of concession, rather than continuing to criticize and stir things up.

However, even if you bow your head, there are people whose anger will not subside, making it very difficult. It becomes a cycle of "if I say this, then they will say that," and either they get pleasure from crushing their opponent or they create a heavy atmosphere around them, regardless of their surroundings.

There has been an increase in people who get angry easily lately, but there is a big difference between getting angry due to "justifiable reasons" and getting angry over "nitpicking". Therefore, when dealing with people who get easily triggered, if the situation is not favorable, they will become enraged and rather than immediately putting out the fire, things will only escalate.

In the case of a phone call where you can't see the other person's face, you need to be careful. Especially if a major problem arises, both parties need to be a little more mature and calmly deal with the situation. It is recommended to take a deep breath and have a conversation that leads to a compromise.

This is a story of self-reflection, but anger management is not something that can be easily learned. It is necessary to be constantly aware of it, even in everyday life, to recall the 6-second rule when you feel angry and take deep breaths to regain your composure. It may be better to regain your calm self a little bit before entering a gentle discussion.

