October 27, 2024: Way to Spend Today(今日の過ごし方)
Today, I am running out of topics for an article to post on the blog site note. So, I just write down what is in my mind now. It is now 7:00 in the morning with blue sky. But I am in a little gloomy mood. I do not know why, and have to do something for a change. First of all, I am going to go for a walk. I will try to walk a little longer to a shrine. And I will make a wish there. On the way back, I am going to a polling station to vote. Then, I will be lost in thought for while. For now, I do not want to think anything. I just want to spend the day doing nothing. Probably, I will spend most of my time today in the bed. As soon as I have a sleepiness, I will fall asleep at once. This is the best way to spend the day doing nothing. I do not have to think about how to fill time.
When I fail to fall asleep, I will laugh with the comedy shows by my favourite comedians. It helps me to fall asleep as well as to relax. Laughing makes me use my physical strength and helps me to fall asleep easier. When laughing is not enough to fall asleep, I will read a book. Reading is one of my best tools to make me fall asleep easier. This is just the thing for me.
In the evening, I am going to enjoy watching a professional baseball game. It is the game between the Yokohama DeNA Baysters and the Softbank Hawks, the second game of the last series of the professional baseball leagues. I hope that the Baysters will win the game.
Then, I will go to bed and call it today. How empty it is going to be today!