
August 26, 2023: Kipling’s Poem, ‘If’ (キプリングの詩「If」)

As I wrote the day before, I have been working on the book 'Oxford English Grammar Course' for about a year and a half. And I am now doing it for the third time. This time I found something new that I had not noticed in the 1st and 2nd rounds. At the end of the 1st part of the book I found a poem by Kipling, 'If'. I seemed to have missed it in my 1st and 2nd rounds because it was in the book for a break. But in this round, it caught my eye. As soon as I skimmed it, it caught my heart. It gives me tips on how to deal with the good and bad things that happen in my life. But it seemed to be a bit late for me to find it. I am already in the sixties and no longer have enough time to practice the tips. If I had found the poem much earlier, my life might have been different and a little better.
I also translated the poem into Japanese to understand it better. To do this, I used an AI, Google's Bard, for the first time. I used it to get additional information about the poem and did not use it to translate. I tried to translate it with my own words as much as possible instead of translating it word by word. It was not easy, but was very enjoyable, to translate the poem.

 前日も書いたように、「Oxford English Grammar Course」で英文法の勉強を始めて1年半になります。今は、3回目です。今回は1回目や2回目では気づかなかった新しい発見がありました。本の第1部の最後にキプリングの詩「If」をあったのです。1回目や2回目では、これを見逃していたようです。この詩は小休止のために入っていたからです。でも、今回は目に留まりました。ざっと目を通しただけで、私の心が奪われました。人生で起こる良いこと、悪いことに対処するヒントを与えてくれる詩です。でも、見つけるが少し遅かったようです。すでに60代なので、そのヒントを実践する十分な時間はもはやありません。この詩をもっと早く見つけていたら、私の人生はもっと違ったものになっていたかもしれません。




