May 30, 2024: Third Anniversary (3周年)
Dear readers of my articles,
First, I would like to thank all of you for reading my articles on the blog site ‘note’. I mark the third anniversary of posting English articles on the site. I began to do it with determination to do it every day for at least three years. And I have managed to do it every day for three years, except for two days. In January, I failed to post articles for two days. For the two days, I was filled with a deep sadness and am still prevented from writing about it on this site. I intend to write about it one day, but I am unsure when.
Of course, I intend to continue to post English articles on this site. Posting English articles is now one of my most significant routines and makes my life worth living. I cannot imagine my life without it anymore.
Looking back on what I have done, not everything went well from the beginning. I had, and still have, a lot of ups and downs. But I managed to get through them. I never allowed myself to give it up in the middle. On top of that, I have had a strong desire for my articles to be read by as many readers as possible. I am happy to see it happen. I am also glad to make a lot of friends on this site and enjoy the exchanges with them. I really appreciate those who read my articles.
With the mark of the third anniversary, I am trying to do something new. As you may have noticed, I lack creativity and could not have been able to write anything creative. So, I am now thinking of trying to write something creative.