
Harmony in Alexander’s Words: A Triad of Philosophy, Enlightenment, and Science

I strongly believe in the importance of objective reality and clear language. While I enjoy reading philosophical books and other humanities texts, I often feel a sense of ambiguity. The idea of romanticizing vagueness due to its lack of meaningful expression is difficult for me to accept. I find myself leaning toward relativism or getting lost in linguistic analysis, unable to discern true meaning. By the way, architect Alexander has brilliantly offered one of the threads of resolution for these issues.

Here is my essay.

1. Philosophical Foundations

Christopher Alexander’s statement reflects a fundamental worldview: when creating something, we cannot isolate it from its surroundings. Instead, we must consider the larger context and repair both the immediate environment and the broader world. This perspective resonates with philosophical themes spanning ancient Greece to modern times.

  • Plato’s Theory of Forms (Ideas):Plato believed in the existence of universal truths and forms that transcended the material world. Like Alexander's emphasis on coherence, Plato's philosophy stressed the interrelatedness of all things. Furthermore, Alexander's notion of "wholeness" resonates with Plato's metaphysical Theory of Forms. While Plato posited the existence of transcendent, universal truths, Alexander also sought to create a harmonious "whole" by considering the entire environment surrounding a building. Just as Plato conceived of a higher realm of ideals, so too did Alexander strive to realize an integrated totality that took into account the broader contexts.

  • Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Aristotle explored the nature of reality, emphasizing the unity of existence. His metaphysical inquiries align with Alexander’s holistic view, emphasizing that individual elements contribute to a coherent whole.

2. Enlightenment Thought and Rationality

Alexander’s words align with the spirit of the Enlightenment, an intellectual movement emphasizing reason, progress, and human agency. Consider the following connections:

  • Descartes’ Rationalism: René Descartes championed reason as the path to knowledge. His emphasis on systematic doubt and clear thinking resonates with Alexander’s call to repair and improve the world through thoughtful design.

  • Kant’s Critical Philosophy: Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason emphasized the role of reason in understanding reality. Kant believed that rationality could lead to moral and aesthetic harmony—a sentiment akin to Alexander’s worldview.

3. Scientific Inquiry and Natural Order

Alexander’s words also echo the scientific spirit—seeking to understand the natural world and create coherence. Here are relevant connections:

  • Newtonian Physics: Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation revealed underlying order in the physical world. Just as Alexander seeks coherence, Newton’s laws describe predictable interactions.

  • Darwinian Evolution: Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution emphasized adaptation and interconnectedness. The web of nature, as Alexander describes it, mirrors the intricate ecological relationships Darwin explored.

Alexander was not just a theorist, but also a practitioner. His designed works vividly reflect his emphasis on wholeness and harmony. In one of his seminal projects, the student housing at the University of Oregon, the individual buildings were designed to be harmoniously integrated in order to create a cohesive overall landscape. Meticulous attention was paid to the spaces between buildings, including courtyards, pathways, and landscaping, fostering an environment where residents could reside comfortably. In this way, Alexander did not simply design isolated architectural structures, but strove to realize an organic unity that prioritized the relationship between buildings and their surrounding environments.

Importance of Wholeness, Reason, and Order

Alexander underscores the significance of:

  • Wholeness: Seeing things as parts of a larger whole, rather than isolated entities.

  • Reason: Rational thought and deliberate action to improve our surroundings.

  • Order: Recognizing universal patterns and natural laws.

The Importance of Wholeness, Rationality, and Order - Alexander emphasized their significance: Wholeness: Perceiving things not as isolated entities, but as part of a larger whole.
Rationality: Employing reasoned thought and planned action to improve one's surrounding environment. Order: Recognizing universal patterns and laws of nature.

This orientation toward wholeness and harmony is also effective for addressing the environmental crises and social divides confronting modern society. For instance, to promote the adoption of renewable energy, it is necessary to develop not just power generation facilities, but the entire related infrastructure including transmission lines and storage systems. From Alexander's perspective, it becomes crucial to design and construct these elements in a harmonious, integrated manner through rational planning.

Relevance to Modern Society

In our fragmented world, Alexander’s words offer hope. As society faces challenges—technological advancements, environmental crises, and social divisions—we can draw inspiration from his holistic perspective. By embracing reason, understanding interconnectedness, and fostering coherence, we can build a better world.

While the challenges confronting modern society are multifaceted, Alexander's holistic perspective offers a thread toward resolution. For instance, regarding the issue of social divisions, rather than each group being ensnared solely by its own value systems, there is a need to contextualize matters within a broader framework. Specifically, by fostering mutual understanding of the cultural backgrounds and historical trajectories involved, the essential causes underlying conflicts could be elucidated, potentially unveiling pathways toward overall harmony.

Moreover, Alexander's philosophy contains insights pertinent to tackling climate change. While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is certainly crucial, that alone cannot fundamentally resolve the detrimental impacts on the natural environment and human societies. By integrating multifaceted approaches—such as preserving forests and wetlands, pursuing sustainable agriculture, and harnessing renewable energy sources—harmony between nature and human societies may be attainable. In essence, adopting a panoramic viewpoint that organically incorporates individual measures into a cohesive whole is indispensable.


In conclusion, Alexander's philosophy sheds a ray of light on our modern society afflicted by division and conflict. By valuing rationality and harmony, and viewing matters through the lens of wholeness, we may be able to construct a better society. To do so requires each individual to begin with the challenges close at hand, devising and implementing carefully designed solutions. Let us take Alexander's teachings to heart and start with small steps, weaving together rationality, harmony and purpose through prudent design to heal the world. Although our times are fraught, Alexander's ideas beckon us toward positive change - viewing our surroundings holistically, acting with reasoned intent, and creating coherent, integrated wholes. One concerted step at a time, we can make strides in alleviating the fragmentation that now pervades.

"We are searching for some kind of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet designed, and a context which we cannot properly describe."






  1. 哲学的基盤
    クリストファー・アレグザンダーの発言は、基本的な世界観を反映している。何かを創造するとき、それを周囲から切り離すことはできない。 その代わりに、私たちはより大きな文脈を考慮し、身近な環境とより広い世界の両方を修復しなければならない。 この視点は、古代ギリシャから現代に至る哲学的テーマと共鳴している。


アリストテレスの形而上学: アリストテレスは現実の本質を探究し、存在の統一性を強調した。 プラトンの形而上学的探究はアレグザンダーの全体観と一致し、個々の要素が首尾一貫した全体に寄与することを強調する。

  1. 啓蒙思想と合理性
    アレグザンダーの言葉は、理性、進歩、人間の主体性を強調する知的運動である啓蒙主義の精神と一致している。 以下のつながりを考えてみる:

デカルトの合理主義 ルネ・デカルトは知識への道として理性を唱えた。 体系的な疑念と明晰な思考を強調するカントは、思慮深いデザインを通じて世界を修復し改善しようというアレグザンダーの呼びかけと共鳴する。
カントの批判哲学: イマヌエル・カントの『純粋理性批判』は、現実を理解する上での理性の役割を強調した。 カントは、合理性が道徳的・美的調和につながると考えたが、これはアレグザンダーの世界観に似た感情である。

  1. 科学的探究と自然の秩序
    アレグザンダーの言葉は、自然界を理解し、首尾一貫したものを作り出そうとする科学的精神とも呼応している。 以下は、その関連性である:

ニュートン物理学: アイザック・ニュートン卿の運動と万有引力の法則は、物理世界の根底にある秩序を明らかにした。 アレグザンダーが一貫性を求めたように、ニュートンの法則は予測可能な相互作用を記述している。
ダーウィンの進化論: チャールズ・ダーウィンの進化論は、適応と相互関係を強調した。 アレグザンダーが言う自然の網は、ダーウィンが探求した複雑な生態学的関係を反映している。



全体性: 物事を孤立した存在としてではなく、より大きな全体の一部分として捉える。
理性: 周囲の環境を改善するための合理的な思考と計画的な行動。
秩序: 普遍的なパターンと自然法則を認識すること。

全体性、理性、秩序の重要性アレグザンダーはその重要性を強調している: 全体性:物事を孤立した存在としてではなく、より大きな全体の一部分として捉える。 理性:周囲の環境を改善するための合理的な思考と計画的な行動。 秩序:普遍的なパターンと自然法則を認識すること。


分断された世界において、アレグザンダーの言葉は希望を与えてくれる。 技術の進歩、環境危機、社会分裂など、社会が課題に直面している今、僕たちは彼の全体論的な視点からインスピレーションを得ることができる。 理性を受け入れ、相互のつながりを理解し、一貫性を育むことで、僕たちはより良い世界を築くことができる。







Pattern Language C.Alexander
The nature of order C.Alexander


『パタン・ランゲージ』(1977年)「パタン・ランゲージ 環境設計の手引 町・建物・施工」平田翰那訳、鹿島出版会、1984年

『ザ・ネイチャー・オブ・オーダー 建築の美学と世界の本質 生命の現象』中埜博監訳、鹿島出版会、2013年


