

生地にたっぷりのバターを混ぜて、巻く前にさらにバターを塗ると、ふわふわのバターロールはおやつにも朝の食事にもぴったりです。                    With generous amounts of butter mixed in the dough and even more butter is applied before rolling these fluffy butter rolls are good both as a snack and as a part of a morning meal.

And another point to make bread more fluffy is to add milk instead of some of the water that will go into the dough.
(About half of the water replaced with milk is what I would recommend.)

そして、パンをよりふわふわにするもう一つのポイントは、生地に入る水の一部の代わりに牛乳を加えることです。 (水の約半分を牛乳に置き換えたものが私がお勧めします。)

With the same dough, I made a few chocolate butter rolls as well.          同じ生地で、チョコレートバターロールもいくつか作りました。

It might be also the type of chocolate, but I feel that the chocolate chars easily if it is not covered by the dough.
(At least when slightly baking for a longer time like when making bread.)
チョコレートの種類かもしれませんが、生地で覆わないとチョコレートが焦げやすい気がします。 (少なくとも、パンを作るときのように、少し長く焼くとき。)

In today's case, the chocolate can be seen, but since it is still covered by the dough it went without smoothly. Barely safe!

Until the next recipe


