【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Book report and Translation edition@2023/12/24)
白鳥真太郎さん1998年撮影(岩波書店 広辞苑 ポスター)
ん~英文にした際に、お手本とした日本文のニュアンスと異なるなと感じた英文の箇所については、復習も兼ねて、適宜、修正していきたいと考えています( `ー´)ノ
The title:The Power of Words
「言葉を生きる 考えるってどういうこと?」(ちくまQブックス)池田晶子(著)
第4章 言葉の力
言語論的転回 ・ オ レ様化 ・ ナンデモアリ ・ 第三項一 池田晶子 「霄葉のカ」という試金石
In times of hardship, people always seek words.
Just as important as, or even more important than, the ability to listen is the power of words.
Putting one's suffering into words can, of course, calm one's mind, but when one is in distress or in pain, one always seeks words of some kind.
Words are sometimes more effective than medicine, as in "a prescription for words" or "more taste than the right balance.
The philosopher Akiko Ikeda emphasizes this point as follows.
[The Power of Words]
Without water, fish die.
Outside of water, fish cannot live.
For us, language is such an entity, without which we cannot live, and therefore it is "life" itself, but people do not think so.
They think that life is only this physical life, and therefore, they think naively that words are nothing more than words for the "reality" that sustains this physical life.
But then, imagine, for example, that this physical life is certain to be lost tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I will surely die.
What will you do when you realize this?
First of all, they will try in every way to find a way to survive.
They will try to survive.
But what do you do when you realize that it is impossible, that there is no longer any way?
You will surely seek "the word".
You will surely seek the words that speak the truth of life and death, the right words that speak the right thoughts.
You will try to find it in ancient and modern philosophical books, religious books, the Bible, and scriptures.
What people really need in times of hardship and crisis are always words, never money or material goods.
I am sorry to hear that you are going to die tomorrow, so I will give you 100 million yen.
Will this save that person?
Therefore, I say that it is words that can save people, and in that sense, words are life.
Some people may say that this is an extreme statement, and that in everyday life, the first priority is still to live.
But if we think about it, our daily life is nothing more than a series of today's life, which will die tomorrow.
So why do people seek money without seeking words?
Even the world is becoming suffocating, it is only because words are dirty and we can no longer live in dirty water.
I will continue to talk with many people, read many books, and search for words of truth for the sake of my patients, my loved ones, and myself.
Words have the power to create all things.
Akiko Ikeda, a writer who passed away at the young age of 46.
She devoted her life to thinking and verbal expression, and suggested that the world is shaped by words.
The power of words, which is featured in third grade junior high school Japanese language textbooks, stresses the importance of words to adolescents.
There are times when words are ineffable, times when words can be a deadly weapon, times when words can save us, times when words can support us.
In the world of Zen, words are not to be confined to letters or words, but considering that Zen monks have left behind so many Zen sayings, words are important as a means of communication.
But more than that, it is necessary to feel the thoughts and soul that are contained in those words.
Akiko Ikeda says.
To take care of your words is to take care of yourself.
You must speak with the awareness that every word you say creates your personality and your life.
Live your life in this way.
If the events that appear before one's eyes are of one's own creation, then this world could be said to be a metaphor for all the thousand and one different words that have been created by mankind.
If so, the power of words may extend to the power of God.
「14歳からの哲学 考えるための教科書」池田晶子(著)
「魂とは何か さて死んだのは誰なのか」池田晶子(著)わたくし、つまりNobody(編)
「不滅の哲学 池田晶子」若松英輔(著)
「考える教室 大人のための哲学入門 NHK出版 学びのきほん」若松英輔(著)
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【大晦日カウントダウン記事(8:00)】【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/31)