
黒に見いだす京の美しさ。 Cool Modern Style

Cool Modernをテーマにシックなスタイルのコーディネイトです。テーマに沿って全体的に黒色のシンプルなアイテムを使用し、ストールをアクセントとして入れることでコーディネイトに締まりを持たせてくれています。また、靴と上着は和のスタイルを取りいれたことで京都らしさを魅せています。

Discover the beauty of Kyoto in black

This outfit’s theme is “cool modern.” It’s all about finding a new “Japaneseness” in a chic fashion style. We went for a unified look with simple black items—a distinctly Japanese accent with a modern haori top from Sou Sou, ankle boots from Kikkabou and a long skirt from Ianika. To that we added a red accent with a long scarf from Atelier Shimura dyed with natural sappan wood and onion.

This outfit is ideal for places with a solemn, serene or sacred feel, whether it be cobblestone streets, old townscapes or temples, so we’re sure you’ll find the perfect occasion for it in your country. May you enjoy this elegant, gothic style as an expression of your inner strength and confident femininity.

