- 運営しているクリエイター
by the book
meaning: according to rules or laws
ex: Are you bad at FX trading? You go by the book. You have to learn the rule of game.
step up your game
Meaning: to improve in some way, usually so that one can perform as well as others
Ex: I really need to step up my game if I’m going to play soccer with all these young guys.
Something is a household name.
A: What are you drinking?
B: Starbucks coffice.
A: What's that?
B: Don't you know? Starbacks is a household name!
my brain's fried
meaning: my brain is drained, exhausted, empty.
ex: I feel like my brain's fried. There were a lot of problems to solve.
to throw a softball question
くだらない問題、簡単な問題とかを言うそうです。野球好きなアメリカ人だからかな。対義語はhardball questionみたい。
meaning: the question that is easy to answer
ex: He asked what movie she likes in the meeting. I guess he intend to icebreak but it
up to speed
進捗報告、Can you update?でもいけそうですね。
meaning: update some situation or contents
ex: What has been going on? Can you bring me up to speed?
hold someone at arm's length
meaning: To keep one at a certain distance away, either physical or figurative, in order to afford a level of safety or security or to prevent intimacy
ex: I always fe
Fair's fair.
meaning: used to say that something was done or should be done because it is fair
ex: I owed you yesterday, so I'd like you to pay this. Fais's fair.