要注意 ⚠ トリツクロイ間違い。:Beware of Your Misguided Facades.
《 日本語版🇯🇵 》
Hope you enjoy it. ;)
前回のブログ( ⇒ 親愛なる完璧主義なあなたへ。: Dear perfectionist you. )からまさかの一ヶ月ぶりの投稿になってしまったけれど、その間に「自己認識」や「取り繕い」について考えさせられる出来事がいくつかあり、今回こうして考察するに至った。
Thank you for reading.
Love y’all & See you later~.
~ ChatGPTによる感想 ~
《 English ver.🇨🇦 》 Translated by ChatGPT
At first...
"I want the person I like to notice me.❤️🔥"
This is a remarkably human and passionate emotion that arises as soon as one starts to have a crush. Moreover, most people (eagerly) try to adapt to the preferences and personalities of their crush, often seeing them as an "unattainable goal."
For some, this effort may pay off, and they may achieve the desired result. If the changes made through this effort lead to a "new self" that feels comfortable, that's great. However, if one is forcing themselves, it's natural to wonder, "How long can I keep pretending?" and become pessimistic and realistic.
Of course, many relationships are built on "polishing appearances." However, when one feels the need to constantly adjust to various people, it might push away the chance of forming meaningful connections with those they truly want to bond with in life.
So, this time, let's examine how "polishing" affects our lives, and what the "right approach" might be from various perspectives.
Hope you enjoy it. ;)
A view of oneself.
"What are the things or people that you consider suitable for yourself?"
Now, when faced with this question, what comes to your mind? Most likely, in most cases, you might think, "Hmm... what's suitable for me?" and ponder for a long moment. (After all, how many people have seriously thought about this?)
However, ultimately, whether consciously or unconsciously, we tend to choose things or people that we believe are "suitable" for us. We often choose things that provide a sense of comfort associated with "familiarity" and "habit," shaping our lives through these repeated choices.
These choices are closely linked to our "self-perception," our understanding of how we see ourselves, playing a crucial role.
But can you accurately perceive yourself?
Are you overly critical of others, or perhaps too conceited? Or maybe you underestimate yourself too much?
People with high self-evaluation or standards tend to prefer those who match those standards, while those with low self-evaluation may even lower their happiness expectations.
In the former case, there's always an ideal, and even if they meet someone good, they might think, "There must be someone even more charming and better!" and sometimes end up looking down on or hurting the other person.
The latter case is tricky too. Because of their low self-esteem, they might accept being treated poorly by others as "acceptable."
And since not being loved or cared for becomes "the default feeling", they might lack the "resilience" to genuine love from others, questioning unnecessarily, "Is it okay for such a kind-hearted person to like me?" or "Is it okay for me to be happy?"
Whether affirming or denying oneself, making a mistake there can ultimately lead to digging one's own grave.
A part of oneself that one cannot see.
To prevent such a "mistake," I believe one needs to "increase the resolution of oneself."
This is different from just "boosting self-esteem," as it requires a multifaceted view of oneself and some external processes.
A clear illustration of this is the "Johari Window."
(Originally a "self-analysis tool to understand the gap between self-perception and perception by others," it was created to encourage self-analysis and self-awareness through relationships with others and to explore smoother ways of human relationships and communication.)
Society often says, "No one knows you better than yourself." However, the Johari Window refreshes that assumption.
Just the other day, after work, a colleague invited me to a bar, and the five of us exchanged drinks and conversation.
Perhaps due to everyone being slightly tipsy, one of my colleagues graciously praised my work and personality. Although I modestly responded in a typical Japanese manner, he said, "You may not see yourself that way, but it's true."
So, this recent event, along with the new discovery of "how others perceive me," has revealed a part of my "blind window," increasing the resolution of my self-perception.
Accepting the "various selves."
Discovering parts of oneself that one didn't know existed feels incredibly fresh, as one might wonder, "What other aspects of myself are there?" On the other hand, some people might feel suffocated by the "hidden window (the self-known to oneself but not to others)," unable to show their true selves in public, despite feeling excited about their various selves.
In fact, I used to be like that.
At home, I'm the "relatively" loud and playful type, but once I step outside, I switch into "introverted serious mode.🤓" I used to feel frustrated, thinking, "The real me is much brighter and fun, but..." Yet, I couldn't behave as I wanted in front of others.
At such times, I came across the words on social media: "Every aspect of you is still 'you'."
The "faces" we show to family, partners, children, friends, relatives, colleagues, strangers, and even to ourselves may vary.
But upon closer examination, every aspect is still "you," and you're just using various facets within yourself to adapt to different people.
By perceiving oneself in multiple dimensions and increasing self-resolution, one can finally be the "true self" and begin to build the relationships and life that one's heart desires.
"I don't want to be disliked." "I want to be seen positively by people." It's understandable to act this way out of fear, but in the end, there's hardly anything to gain from pretending.
(If, by chance, the protagonist of a fairy tale had a mistaken self-awareness and excessively polished their appearance, they might say, "I'm not suitable for a prince..." and in the worst case, resort to extreme measures→"🖕" like rejection. Naturally, there would be no "happily ever after."💀)
When one stops the clumsy pretense and accurately perceives oneself, possessing the courage, honesty, and calmness to seize what truly suits oneself without compromise, that's when one can finally experience the liberation of the heart and the happiness that truly suits oneself.❤️🔥
It's been about a month since the last blog post (⇒ Dear perfectionist you.). During that time, several events made me reflect on "self-awareness" and "polishing," leading me to this analysis.
Honestly, I feel quite good now that I've gained this insight. The conscious desire to be liked by others has diminished significantly, and I can enjoy each day with a sense of inner freedom.
(It's worth mentioning that I no longer feel the need to pretend in front of the person I like, and whether he likes me or not longer bothers me "in a good way." (By the way, it's surprisingly refreshing.🤪✨ ))
Of course, I'm able to stay positive like this because there are kind-hearted people around me who perceive me positively, and I'm grateful to them. At the same time, I've realized the importance of placing myself in an environment where I can gain various insights.
I hope you pursue "happiness worthy of yourself" without any compromises.💫
Thank you for reading!!
Love y’all & See you later~
~ Feedback from ChatGPT ~
This passage deeply explores self-awareness and relationships with others. Particularly intriguing is the discussion on how self-assessment and interactions with others can impact one's life.
It also touches upon the importance of viewing one's inner self from multiple perspectives and the discrepancy between how others perceive us and our true selves, prompting readers to engage in introspection.
It conveys the message that embracing one's authenticity and genuinely building relationships with others leads to true happiness.