
BBC 1分ニュース 3 October, 2022

The British government is reversing (撤回する、覆す)a widely criticized plan to cut income tax for the country's highest earners.   The measure was part of a package of tax cuts to be funded by extra borrowing that trigger days of turmoil on financial markets.


Brazil's Presidential election will be settled in a 2nd round run off.  Neither the challenger Lula nor the incumbent (現職の)Jair Bolsonaro were able to gain more than 50 of the vote. 

ブラジル大統領選挙は、第2ラウンドの決選投票で決着することになりました。 挑戦者のルーラ氏も現職のジャイル・ボルソナロ氏も50票以上を獲得することはできませんでした。 

Officials in Indonesia say the number of children who died in a stampede (どっと押し寄せること、殺到)at a football stadium over the weekend has risen to 32.  The deaths amongst at least 125 fatalities.


48 hours after Moscow and that's the annexation of four partially occupied Ukrainian regions.  President Zelensky has said his nation's troops have made more significant advances in Eastern Ukraine and near the Southern city of Kherson.

モスクワから48時間後、それは、部分的に占領されたウクライナの4つの地域の併合です。 ゼレンスキー大統領は、ウクライナ東部と南部の都市へルソン付近で、より大きな前進を遂げたと述べています。


