
I'm world news enthusiast, watching BBC News every day to learn English and the latest news from around the world.


I'm world news enthusiast, watching BBC News every day to learn English and the latest news from around the world.


BBC One minute World News 20 July, 2023

As the heat wave in Europe intensifies firefighters in Greece battle new wildfires. ヨーロッパの猛暑が強まるなか、ギリシャの消防士たちは新たな山火事と戦っています。 I'm Asda Machinery,  northwest of Athens where firefighters are appealing to residents for caution. Asda Machine

    • BBC One minute World News 19 July, 2023

      Unprecedented high temperatures are being reported across the world breaking records on multiple continents. 世界各地で前例のない高温が報告され、複数の大陸で記録が更新されています。 We'll be live in Greece and Italy as parts of Europe face their hottest ever day. ギリシャとイタリア

      • BBC One minute World News 18 July, 2023

        Extreme weather rewrites the record books, parts of China hit over 52 degrees Celsius.  Extreme weather too in Europe, this is the scene near Athens where tourists have been evacuated because of wildfires. 異常気象が記録を塗り替え、中国の一部は摂氏52度を超えました。ヨー

        • BBC One minute World News 17 July, 2023

          Sources in the Ukrainian Security Service tell the BBC that they are behind an attack on a vital bridge linking the Crimean Peninsula with Russia killing two people. ウクライナ安全保障局の情報筋がBBCに語ったところによると、クリミア半島とロシアを結ぶ重要な橋が攻撃され、2人が死亡しました。 Extreme

          BBC One minute World News 12 July, 2023

          Leaders of the G7 pledged security guarantees for Ukraine with President Biden stressing Ukraine's future lies within NATO.  G7首脳はウクライナの安全保障を約束し、バイデン大統領は、ウクライナの将来はNATOの中にあると強調しました。 Powerful statement of our commitment to Ukraine as it def

          BBC One minute World News 12 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 11 July, 2023

          Major developments in the allegations that a BBC presenter paid a teenager for explicit photos.  The corporation says just two attempts were made over several weeks to contact the family concerned. BBCの司会者がティーンエイジャーに露骨な写真に支払いをしたという疑惑に大きな進展

          BBC One minute World News 11 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 10 July, 2023

          The U.S President Biden is in the UK to meet Rishi Sunak and King Charles ahead of a crucial NATO Summit. バイデン米大統領は、重要なNATO首脳会議に先立ち、リシ・スナックとチャールズ国王に会うために英国を訪れています。 A second eight-year-old child has died after a car crashed into a school i

          BBC One minute World News 10 July, 2023

          BBC News 09 July, 2023

          Crisis that the corporation a male member of staff is suspended following claims a presenter paid a teenager for sexually explicit images.  It's understood the BBC has been in touch with the police in addition to their own inquiries. 司会者が1

          BBC News 09 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 07 July, 2023

          As Ukraine's counter-offensive faces fierce Russian resistance.  Reports say the U.S is about to send controversial cluster munitions to Kiev despite many countries banning the weapons. ウクライナの反攻はロシアの激しい抵抗に直面しています。 多くの国がこの兵器を禁止しているにもかかわらず、ア

          BBC One minute World News 07 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 06 July, 2023

          https://youtu.be/ItGR270kOG4 Yevgeny Prigozhin,  the founder of the Wagner mercenary group has left Belarus and is back in Russia, that's according to the Belarusian President. ベラルーシ大統領によると、傭兵グループ「ワグネル」の創設者エフゲニー・プリゴジンがベラルーシを去り、ロシアに戻っています。

          BBC One minute World News 06 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 05 July, 2023

          The UK Ministry of Defense confirms special forces are at the center of an inquiry into unlawful killings in Afghanistan, abandoning efforts to restrict mention of their involvement. 英国国防省は、アフガニスタンでの違法な殺害に関する調査の中心に特殊部隊があることを認め、その関与について言及を制

          BBC One minute World News 05 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 04 July, 2023

          Seven people are injured in a car ramming and knife attack in Tel Aviv. The attacker is shot dead by a passerby(通行人) テルアビブで車とナイフによる襲撃があり、7人が負傷しました。犯人は通行人に射殺されました。 Meanwhile Israeli troops continue their operation in the occupied West Bank

          BBC One minute World News 04 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 03 July, 2023

          The grandmother of the French teenager who's killing by police sparked five nights of riot in France has appealed for calm.  The call comes after  condemnation during an attempt to set fire to the home of a district mayor in Paris. 警察に殺害され

          BBC One minute World News 03 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 01 July, 2023

          Officials in France say nearly a thousand protesters have been arrested following a fourth night of violence.  The unrest comes after the shooting dead of a 17 year old boy by a police officer on Tuesday.  His funeral will be held later. フ

          BBC One minute World News 01 July, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 28 June, 2023

          BBC investigation uncovers the illegal trade and virtual child sexual abuse material. BBCの調査により、違法取引と仮想児童性的虐待資料が発見されました。 Canada is in the grips of an unprecedented wildfire season with almost 500 burning around the country.  カナダでは500件近い山

          BBC One minute World News 28 June, 2023

          BBC One minute World News 27 June, 2023

          President Putin thanks Russian troops for protecting the country after the aborted mutiny(反抗)by Wagner group mercenaries. プーチン大統領は、ワグネル・グループの傭兵による反乱が未遂に終わった後、国を守ってくれたロシア軍に感謝しました。 The Wagner founder and leader of that rebellion Yevgeny Pri

          BBC One minute World News 27 June, 2023