
BBC 1分ニュース 30 September, 2022

The governor of the Southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia says 23 people have been killed after a Russian missile hit a civilian convoy(トラックなどの車列)Latest reports say the vehicles were preparing to carry people and supplies into Russian held territory. 

ウクライナ南部の都市ザポリージャの知事は、ロシアのミサイルが民間人の車列を攻撃した後、23人が死亡したと発表しました。 最新の報道では、車両はロシア領土に人や物資を運ぶ準備をしていたそうです。 

It comes on the day Russia's President Vladimir Putin is preparing to announce the annexation of four partially occupied regions of Ukraine including Zaporizhzhia at a ceremony in Moscow. 


Afghan police, at least 19 people have been killed in 27 others wounded in a suicide bombing at a tuition center.  The attack was in a neighborhood of the capital Kabul which is home to the minority Hazaras community.


A huge rescue effort taking place in Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian fears are growing about the death toll(死亡者数)The storm is now expected to hit South Carolina.



