

記事のタイトルは"How to Raise an Intuitive Eater"。直訳すると、「直感に従って食べる人を育てる方法」。


Want to say goodbye to coaxing, bargaining, and bribing? Letting go of the need to control can make mealtime a happier, healthier experience for everyone.


今回は、Intuitive Eating(直感に従って食べる)の実践方法を紹介します。

Explain the change.
Explain that you'll be giving them a variety of foods at meals and snacks, but it's up to them to eat what they want from what you serve--and that you trust them to listen to what their body tells them about which foods they want and whether they're hungry or full.



Memorize this motto.
You are in charge of which foods you serve and when,
Offer variety of foods and balanced meals and snacks, and feel good knowing you've done your part. The rest is up to them.


Provide structure.
Having a regular predictable schedule for meals and snacks gives your child plenty of opportunities to eat and time to build up an appetite in between.


Eat together when possible.
That way, you'll be able to model food choices and behaviors and expose your child to a greater variety of foods. But if nightly family dinner can't happen, that's okay. "Share breakfasts on weekdays or lunches on weekends,"


Stop the bites game.
In one study in The new England Journal of medicine, food intake among kids 3 to 5 years old varied widely from meal to meal, but their overall intake stayed relatively constant.
Accept that giving your child control ( or supporting their autonomy) means that there will be meals when your child barely nibbles her food or eats nothing but the dinner roll. Your goal is to raise confident eaters, not kids who eat "perfect" at every meal.


Make all food emotionally equal.
"When children aren't allowed cookies or candy, they may sneak food, consume them at parties and friends' homes, and about when and how to get them again,"
"Eating large amounts of any food, even sweets, is normal at times. How much isn't the issue--it's the child's sense of food security that feels threatened in these situations, even when other foods are available." You can help neutralize the power those foods have, Satter says, by serving everyone a single portion of dessert along with the meal, to be eaten whenever they like.
She also suggests occasionally allowing kids unlimited sweets at snacktime. They may overdo it at first, but knowing they can have those foods means they'll relax around them. And always use nonfood items as incentives or disincentives, such as offering an extra book at bedtime for the former or taking away screen time for the latter.


Avoid labeling food as "good" or "bad."
When we categorize foods like this, we can set a child up to feel they are 'bad' or 'unhealthy' for liking foods that don't fit into the 'good' or 'healthy' category,
It's okay to talk to kids about the benefits of foods--such as the protein in cheese making their snack more filling, or the fiber in pears making it easier to go to the bathroom,


Practice "gentle nutrition."
"Gentle nutrition" is one of the principles of intuitive eating, and it means making food choices that help you feel well, while still allowing for "play foods" that are simply eaten for pleasure. That might involve teaching kids to pick a protein and a starch for their lunch but letting them choose what and how much to pack.


Know when to seek help.
If your child isn't growing as expected or struggles with chewing or even touching food, consider seeking help from a feeding specialist like an occupational therapist or a speech-language pathologist who specializes in this area
Other red flags: acting overly anxious or nervous around food or gagging or throwing up at the table.


Believe It Can Be Done
what if you take away the rules and your child never eats anything green again?
They might boycott veggies completely for a while. But keep your eye on the long-term goals. And look for little signs that it's working: Is your child less fussy around food? Is your child less preoccupied with food? Are you more relaxed at mealtime?
"As we see it, family meals are aptly name. Family first, meals second."



Instead of saying, "Finish your vegetables…" Simply eat and enjoy your own, and continue to serve veggies to give your kids lots of chances to have them. And consider offering more than one at a time. In one study, 4-to6-year-olds who were offered a variety of veggies at meals ate more of them over time than those offered just one.

「野菜を食べなさい」とは言わず… 単純に自分の食事を楽しんでください。そして子どもには野菜を出してあげて、食べる機会を与えるようにしてください。4~6歳の子どもを対象にしたある研究では、食事のときにいろんな種類の野菜を出された子どもは、一種類しか出されなかった子どもよりも、長期にわたってより多くの野菜を食べたという結果が出ています。

Instead of saying, "No more noodle until you eat your chicken…" Offer a variety of foods at mealtime. When possible, serve family-style so your kids can choose the foods and amounts they want. Encourage everyone to take a little bit of everything, but remind them they have a choice about whether to eat it or not

「鶏肉を食べ終わってから麺を食べて」とは言わず… いろんな食べ物を出してあげてください。できれば大皿で出すようにして、何をどのくらい食べるのか子ども自身で選べるようにします。出されたものは少しずつでもいいから全部食べるように促しますが、食べるか食べないかは子どもに任せます。

Instead of saying, "No dessert until you've eaten your dinner…" Put a small portion of dessert at each place at the table, and let your child eat it when they choose even if that's before dinner. (Don't offer seconds on dessert, which can compete with other foods.)

「ご飯食べ終わるまでデザートはダメだよ」とは言わず… 食卓に少しずつデザートを置いてあげて、たとえ夕食を食べる前であっても自分の好きなタイミングで食べてもらうようにします。(ほかの食べ物が食べられなくなってしまうことがあるので、デザートのおかわりはさせないようにします)

Instead of saying, "But I thought you loved strawberries…" Stay neutral, don't comment, and serve strawberries again sometime soon.

「あれ?イチゴ、大好きなんじゃなかったけ?」とは言わず… 何もコメントせずに、また近いうちにイチゴを出してあげましょう。

Instead of saying, "Two more bites of oatmeal before you can leave the table…" Feel confident that your child knows how much they need to eat and that they'll get the nutrients they need over time. If they're hungry soon after, remind them that snacktime is coming up.

「ごちそうさまする前にあと2口だけ卵焼き食べようか」とは言わず… 子どもを信じてあげましょう。子どもは自分が食べるべき量をわかっていて、何回かの食事をとおして必要な栄養素を摂取できるんです。もし、すぐにお腹が空くような場合は、「もうすぐおやつの時間だよ」などと伝えてあげてください。





