昨日、朝日新聞社の言論サイト「論座」に私の論考「防衛費増額にリアルはあるか~平和主義者・石橋湛山の「再軍備論」から考える」 が掲載されました[1]。
[1]鈴村裕輔, 防衛費増額にリアルはあるか~平和主義者・石橋湛山の「再軍備論」から考える. 論座, 2022年6月12日, https://webronza.asahi.com/politics/articles/2022060200004.html.
<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: Is There a Rational Viewpoint for the "Military Spending Increase Issue"? (Yusuke Suzumura)
My articles entitled with "Is There a Rational Viewpoint for the "Military Spending Increase Issue"?" is run on the RONZA on 12th June 2022. In this articles I examined Ishibashi Tanzan's argument corresponding with the Korean War and applied his thinking to the current "Military Spending Increase Issue".