[1]鈴村裕輔, 「ヤンキースタジアム始球式」騒動が示すトランプ大統領の焦りと嫉妬. 論座, 2020年8月4日, https://webronza.asahi.com/politics/articles/2020080300001.html.
<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: What Is a Meaning of President Trump's Appeal to Participate with a Ceremonial First Pitch at the Yankee Stadium? (Yusuke Suzumura)
My articles entitled with "What Is a Meaning of President Trump's Appeal to Participate with a Ceremonial First Pitch at the Yankee Stadium?" is run on the RONZA on 4th August 2020. In this articles I examine a meaning for President Trump to appeal to participate with a Ceremonial First Pitch at the Yankee Stadium based on four viewpoints: US President and a Ceremonial First Pitch, President Trump and the Ceremony, Impatience for the Presidential Election and Complicated Relationships against Dr. Fauci.