
Precious way -Done is better than perfect-

Stardust Elegantly
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Don't seek perfection too much.

I interpreted it this way

I think this phrase is saying that it's better to finish things than to be stuck or unable to finish anything by seeking perfection too much.

The Drawbacks of Seeking Perfection

Not progressing

Never finishing

Especially for beginners, if you seek perfection too much or overthink, your hands can become immobilized.

It is better to finish quickly and review later than to spend a lot of time aiming for perfection.

Seeking perfection often results in something that is not actually perfect.

So, rather than striving for perfection over time, I think it's better to finish quickly and then consider "what went wrong" and "how to improve" afterwards. This approach can lead to faster growth, in my opinion.

Finishing quickly and then making corrections afterwards

I think this is a good approach.

However, I don't think it's good to do everything haphazardly and finish quickly.

So, as a guideline,

Giving about 70% effort

seems to be just right, I think.


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