
【2分リスニング&クイズ】猫とキャットニップ BBC Earth


1. 猫は1時間にいくつの匂いを嗅ぎつけることができますか?
2. キャットニップの精油は何を模倣していますか?
3. 猫は生来どんな性質であると述べられていますか?

Cats are much more free to follow their noses and they've been shown to investigate several hundred odors each hour. And smells can sometimes take them to a drug-fueled gathering. You can detect the scent from catnip in just one part in a billion. Just a few bites of this mind-altering plant, 24 is under its alluring spell.  Its volatile oils imitate sexual hormone and cause a potent reaction in its brain. 8 out of 10 adult cats find it totally seductive and the strange response is inherited. Even big cats such as leopards and tigers react in the same intoxicated wave. For cats, catnip may be a recreational drug but it's totally harmless, although there are always some overindulge(nt). It's not all peace and love. Cats are solitary by nature and don't like shearing. After about 10 minutes, the cats come back down to earth.
mind-altering 精神の変化
alluring 心を奪う、魅力的な
spell まじない、魔法、魅力
volatile oil 精油
potent 効能のある、有力な
seductive 誘惑的な
inherit 受ける、遺伝する
leopard ヒョウ
intoxicated 酔った
wave 揺れ動き
overindulge 過度にふける 形容詞:overindulgent
solitary 孤独を好む
by nature 生来、本来


1. 数百もの匂い
2. 性ホルモン
3. 独りを好み、共有を嫌う
